


BCN Critical XXL

I am currently waiting to buy a Mars Hydro TS600 but due to Covid-19 they’re currently out of stock and they said it could be up to 2 months, so in the meantime I still have to get some more equipment anyway and I’m going to buy a really cheap light and try growing some autos in some cups, I’m not aiming to get big plants or a high yield, this is just something to do while I wait until the mars hydro is back in stock, this will be my first grow so hopefully it’s goes well ✌🏽

Auto Feminized

Day 193 (Week 28)

56 updates

478 photos

Day: 420

First Grow Complete !

4 years ago

Day: 132


Day 7 from drying I cut the buds from the plants today as they dried very fast, trimmed them up and put them in a mason jar, pretty disappointing yield as all together from the 3 plants there’s a total of 10 grams, but it’s better than nothing and this was only a practice test run to get a feel of the whole thing, hopefully the next grow that I do in actual 3 gallon pots will yield a lot more

4 years ago


hashCompany Go for 7 or 10 gallon pots. I’m in 5’s now and they aren’t big enough


ZenMaster What size tent are you using ?


hashCompany I use a 4x4

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Day: 125


Day 121 - HARVEST cut the plants down today and they are now hanging in a drying tent for the next 7-14 days

4 years ago

Day: 123


Day 119 - Week 17 from soil Turned the lights off today and ready for their 48 hours off darkness and added ice to the top of each cup

4 years ago

Day: 116


Day 112 - Week 16 from soil

4 years ago

Day: 109


Day 105 - Week 15 from soil

4 years ago

Day: 102


Day 98 - Week 14 from soil

4 years ago

Day: 95

Day 91 - Week 13 from soil

4 years ago

Day: 88


Day 84 - Week 12 from soil

4 years ago

Day: 81


Day 77 - Week 11 from soil

4 years ago

Day: 74


Day 70 - Week 10 from soil

4 years ago

Day: 67


Day 63 - Week 9 from soil Pistils turning amber now Trichomes aren’t ready yet Mary and Reggie are doing well Keif isn’t doing great Honestly just ready for these to end so I can start my next set in some 3 gallon pots, I think these will fit the chop between day 75-85

5 years ago

Day: 60


Day 56 / Week 8 - from soil Trichomes are starting produce more, looking under a microscope they look cloudy and milky but the plant is still premature Amber pistils are starting to shoot out more Mary’s too cola is fattening up a lot Reggies leaves are turning very purple and purple branches, it must be super stressed unfortunately Keif is taking a bit longer for buds to fatten

5 years ago

Day: 53


Day 49 / Week 7 from soil Defoliated some dead leaves Mary’s too leaves look burnt out and I wonder if she’s too close to the light Not much has really changed for me to comment on Tinnnyyy little trichomes have appears in the flower though

5 years ago


hashCompany Those plants gonna die if you don’t transplant them lol I’m telling you bro root rot wipes out different branches at the same time. It’s not light burn.


Stratton1020 I agree it’s not light burn, but I don’t think it’s root rot either. RR usually shows at the bottom leaves first. It looks like your soil ph is way off. Flushing them should clear it up. It is likely root bound too though. Stab those cups with a skewer and let the girls roots breath, hopefully air pruning a little.


ZenMaster Thank you for your responses, it’s not to do with the roots, the cups have holes at the bottom and the roots are hanging down, I agree the size of the cup does cause stress to the branches but I knew that before starting a cup grow, the PH was off when feeding nutrients however I flushed with PH water and they’re doing better

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Day: 51


Day 47 from soil Mary’s top bud is getting fatter, there’s a couple of amber pistils in there which is strange and her top leaves are dying out and I’m not sure why Reggie the little bonsai is doing well and looking good Keif is chilling, defoliated some dead leaves

5 years ago


hashCompany The leaves are dying cause there’s no room for the roots. I just unfortunately had to transplant my best girl in mid flower from a 1 gallon to a 5 gallon cause her leaves were dying. Gonna see how much stress is actually caused


ZenMaster Thank you for your response, I chose to use cups for my first grow to experiment with growing, my next grow I’m going to use 2 x 3 gallon pots so hopefully I will see a much better change

Day: 48


Day 44 from soil So 2 days ago I figured out the PH of the nutes was too low so I’m sticking to just water for the remainder of this grow, I gave them a full watering and flushed out the low PH nutes I gave them Today the leaves aren’t looking good and defoliated the dead ones, I think my plants are in need of nutes but I will note that down for my next grow and get some CalMag Mary’s top cola has got fatter Some of the pistils have already turned a bit orange but only a very few amount I’m not sure really what’s happening

5 years ago

Day: 46


Day 42 - Week 6 FOUND OUT SOME ISSUES My PH pen finally came and my water is fine at PH around 6.3, however the banana/egg fertiliser I made has a super low PH around 4.2 ish so I believe that when I have given them this mix that could be part of the issue, so I have gave them plenty of 6.3 water to flush out the low PH nutes, I will just stick to water now for this grow, my next grow I will buy some calmag and ph up and down Mary and Keif stretches quite a lot, I raised them towards the light to help, they’re now in flower, obviously hoping they fatten up a lot, I never expected a great yield from this grow, this is just an experiment for a first time grower so I can learn more for my next grow Reggie is doing pretty well with the LST, I do believe Reggie will be the best yielder

5 years ago

Day: 44

Day 40 from soil They look beautiful, Mary and Keif are quite thin and Mary has yellow tips on her new growth which is concerning but let’s hope all is ok Re tied Reggie down, I predict Reggie will yield the most and if so I will be doing LST on my next grow

5 years ago

Day: 43

Day 39 from soil Thing are going slow now really not much change, stretching, budding and looking lovely

5 years ago

Day: 41


Day 37 from soil Thank you for all your comments they do really help Took some advice from Dizz , and added another cup to all 3 to increase height as they’re all stretching and I think will be good to give them more light Mary has started her top cola and started shooting pistols from her bud, I tied down 2 of her lower branches to get some light and they’ve grown up which is good Reggie I think is doing the best and responding to the LST really well, so if Reggie has the largest yield I will do LST on my next grow Keif is starting it’s top cola, I defoliated all the dead leaves and removed them so hopefully it focuses that energy into the new growth and it gives light to lower bud sites

5 years ago


ZenMaster Didn’t mean to upload last pic twice, this app is super glitchy when uploading photos

Day: 40


Day 36 from soil Not a great day, leaves aren’t looking healthy, I’m not sure if it nutrient deficiency or a PH problem with the nutrients, so I mixed the nutrients with more 6.2 PH water to hopefully bring down the PH level and gave them all a watering of the nutrients, hopefully they look better in a few days Also noticed that I’m pretty sure Mary’s too cola bud is starting which seems a bit early but I could be mistaken

5 years ago

Day: 39

Day 35 from soil - Week 5 Mary has stretched quite tall, I have done a tiny little bit of LST on her bottom branches as the bud sites aren’t getting any light I have just pulled them down a little, other than that Mary is chilling tall Reggie hasn’t changed much, the top main cola has stretched up again from the last LST, I think Reggie will do very well fingers crossed Keif was struggling with leaves turning yellow and black spots, I’m not sure what that is maybe a PH problem with my nutrients, maybe nutrient deficiency maybe too many nutrients, I really don’t know, so I have defoliated the lower dead leaves and the large fan leaf that turned to crisp so hopefully Keif will focus its energy into the new growth hopefully I haven’t watered them as I think I over watered them the other day, I’m going to leave it until later or tomorrow before next watering, and I am going to hold off on the nutrient mix Incase it is a PH problem, I want to see how the current healthy leaves workout I have also noticed a lot of the fan leaves branches are very purple and I heard this is from stress, I’m not sure if it is something I have done or haven’t done (lack of nutrients?) or just the cup size is stressful to them I’m not sure, I hope the end yield is okay, I’m not expecting a lot at all as this is my first ever grow and just practice and experience

5 years ago


Dizz Cool concept growing in a stacked cups that’s why I clicked on your picture. Looks like the yellowing is from lack of nutrients and or overwatering. I’d chill back they’ll talk to you when they are hungry and thirsty rule of thumb don’t over water it will kill your plants. They look stretched too if place the light a little closer. Check your roots for browning or root bound which is the roots growing into themselves. I’d score the roots if your daring and train them so they grow down into your cup instead of bunch up. Oh imbalance could throw it off the leaves you cut off could be fungus, lack of magnesium, calcium, yellowing could be caused by low nitrogen. It wouldn’t hurt to strengthen with cal mag with next feeding. For sure they are stretching. Happy grow man I love the idea its unique great luck don’t be discouraged. :)


Dizz I noticed they look like they’re budding I’d light cycle 18-6 to reveg if you do continue to bud them out keep nitrogen on the low side potassium and higher it’s worth a shot


ZenMaster Thanks bro, doing stacked cups as a trial run to experiment and moving on to some 3 gallons next, Ive ruled the yellowing down to either nute deficiency or a PH problem with the nutes, I’m using a homemade banana peel and egg shell mix for potassium and calcium, I fed them yesterday but mixed more PH 6.2 water to dilute it and hopefully lower the PH as I don’t have a ph pen I can’t check unfortunately, they have stretched quite a bit but they are pretty close to the light, I do have an extra cup stacked so if it gets to close to the light I can remove a cup to lower it down, and as for the roots they are looking really white and healthy and growing down through the holes I made at the bottom of the cup, I do think they are stressed tho because of the cup size, so hopefully my next run in the 3 gallons will be better as I’m using the same strain just with larger amount of soil, they could have a nitrogen deficiency as the banana/egg mix I made has 0 nitrogen, I don’t have calmag at the moment that’s why I made my own mix for calcium, so they could be just lacking in magnesium and nitrogen

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Day: 38


Day 34 from soil Mary has white pistols shooting out at the top, Mary also has a lot of bud sites but they’re not getting light because of higher leaves Reggie has stretched up from the LST Keifs leaf with black spots got worse dried up, I think this may be a PH issue with the nutrients I made as I don’t have a PH pen I can’t tell

5 years ago

Plug405 If you lollipop and do a good defoliation it would help get light. Leaves look sad and over watered and stressed. Could also have root lockout due to roots wanting to expand but can’t because they are suppressed in foam cups, which is really going to put a ringer on your yield and quality.


ZenMaster Thanks for the response, I have done some defoliation now on the dead leaves, and I agree I think they are stressed due to the cup size, this grow was meant to be a trial experiment, so I can learn for my next grow which will be in 3 gallon fabric pots

Day: 37


Day 33 from soil NEED ADVICE ! I gave them a watering and a mist of banana peel and egg shell fertilizer yesterday and Keif has black spots on the leaves does anyone know what this is ?? If so please comment thanks Mary is looking ok but drooping is gonna let her dry out no more water till then Reggie is reacting great to LST and creating lots of stems outwards

5 years ago


ZenMaster Update it also looks like Mary has pistols but it seems a bit early ? And she seems a bit short for a top cola ?

Day: 36


Day 32 from soil Not much new Mary is pretty much the same Just done some more LST on Reggie so the little branches get some light, hopefully the top grows up towards the light and I get the branches under Keif is just towering tall

5 years ago

Day: 34

Day 30 from soil Not much of an update really, not really much new growth, this stage feels kind of slow, they was super dry so I just gave them some water for now, not quite sure how much to water these 24oz cups, if anyone has a suggestion on how much I should water each one please leave a comment thanks ✌🏽

5 years ago

Day: 33


Day 29 from soil Not much new Fed them all some nutrients misted on top Mary drooping a tad but she droops then springs up so should be fine Reggie is cute, looks like a cannabonsai Keif is standing tall, I stretched it over just a tiny bit to get some light to a lower branch

5 years ago

Jenz Looking good! Are you planning to transplant them when they get bigger or keep them in the cups?


ZenMaster Thanks ! For this grow I’m keeping them in the cups for their entire life, after this grow I’m going to do 2 x 3 gallon pots of the same strain and will plant them straight into their final homes as they’re autos don’t want to stunt them ✌🏽🌱

Day: 32


Day 28 from soil 1 Month today ! Mary was drooping a bit yesterday which worries me but she was just hungry, after feeding her nutrients she has perked up fully today and looking so beautiful (no smell) Reggie looking great, I have tied down the other branch and re adjusted the one that was already down Keif is doing amazing, Keif was the smallest and stayed the smallest for 3+ weeks and now has just taken over and Keif is the only one with roots coming all the way out of the cup ! I have misted the top of the soil and put the humidifier on again

5 years ago

Day: 31


Day 27 from soil Lots of growth ! So I have been away for 5 days, I gave them all a good watering before I left, the soil was bone dry when I came back so I have just gave them all a full watering of that nutrient solution I made Mary has lots of new leaves but is dropping like crazy which is worrying, it looks like overwatering but it can’t be as they haven’t been watered so maybe underwatering ? Either way I have fed her nutrients so hopefully tomorrow she perks up, the top of her also looks like she has pistols but it’s way to early for that so I’m hoping that’s just new leaves coming through, any advice or comments on Mary would be appreciated thank you Reggie is reacting very well to the LST and I’m going to tie the next branch down tomorrow Keif has shot up massively, Keif is now standing the tallest amongst the three and looking healthy

5 years ago

Day: 27


Day 23 from soil Mary still doing well, leaves are dropping a tad but I’m sure she’ll spring back up Reggie reacting well to the LST hoping the little branch comes through more Keif getting some nice leaves coming on Now I have to say goodbye to them for the next 4 days, let’s just pray they stay healthy for when I’m back

5 years ago

Day: 26


Day 22 from soil I am going away for 4 days so I hope my girls are okay until then as it’s my first time leaving them Mary is looking beautiful as always Reggie has been tied down a little bit more as already reaching up towards the light Keif has finally got some decent 5 point leaves !

5 years ago

Day: 25


BIG UPDATE !! Day 21 from soil - WEEK 3 So today my humidifier finally arrive and I have set that up so hopefully that helps increase the rents humidity as it was only between 20-30% I added more soil to all 3 of them and topped the soil to the top of each cup to help support growth and the stems I misted the top of all 3 of them with my homemade organic fertilizer, if you’re interested in how I make it I will be posting a video to weedtube later today my account is ZenMaster and if you go on my page on here and look at SET UP I have posted a step by step guide on how I made it Hopefully I gave them enough of it as I used about 1/4 of the bottle spread between the 3 of them and hopefully it helps give them all a boost Mary is looking extremely healthy, she has 4 large 5 point leaves and working on her next set, also giving off very tiny hints of smell every now and then Reggie is doing okay, I have tied Reggie down with some plant wire, todays the first day trying LST on Reggie, I am only doing LST on Reggie because I’m not sure how beneficial it will be and I want to see the difference in the end yeild Keif is looking even smaller now I have added soil to the top of the cup but hopefully we see more growth spring out now that I have fed the nutrients

5 years ago

Day: 24


Day 20 from soil Mary is really branching out and looking so healthy ! Reggies 5 point leaf is looking nice, branching very strange though Keif has a 4 point leaf but next leaves coming through might be the 5’s ?

5 years ago

Day: 23


Day 19 from soil Mary has a very minor weedy smell, getting big ! Reggies branches are going off in all directions, reggies leaves are very yellow on the edges and spotting, hopefully the nutrients I give it in a few days will help Keif .. not much to say really still small

5 years ago

Day: 22


Day 18 from soil Mary’s 5 points are getting nice and big and new leaves coming through Reggie has a strange deformed leaf which is interesting but reggies 5 point leaf is coming through strong now, Reggie has a lot of yellow marks, either nute deficiency which I’ll be fixing soon or humidity is too low which I’m waiting on my humidifier to arrive Keif is just slacking behind the most lol

5 years ago

Day: 21


Day 17 from soil If anyone has any advice when is a good time to start LST please comment thank you Mary: looking beautiful, big 5 point leaves starting to come on, getting really tall, thinking LST on her around day 21 from soil ? Reggie: leaves getting bigger but noticed a lot of yellow spots on the leaves and I’m wondering if that’s nutrient deficiency? If so I am going to be making my own organic fertiliser soon with egg shells, bananas and possibly coffee grounds, will post about that in the SET UP on my page and will also make a video of that for weed tube Keif: finally getting some height haha

5 years ago

Day: 20


Day 16 from soil All 3 are doing well and all high in the air Mary’s 5 pointers are beautiful Reggies 4 point leaf is unusual and cool, I have had to take the humidity cup of Reggie as it’s getting to big, got the fan on in the tent now, my humidity is low around 25% so I hope they don’t dry out, I’ve misted the tent but it doesn’t do anything for humidity but hopefully my humidifier will arrive either tomorrow or hopefully sometime this week Keif still small but catching up

5 years ago

Day: 19


Day 15 from soil Things are looking good ! Mary has her first 5 pointer leaves and getting too big for her cup so I had to alter it until my humidifier arrives, you can see how I altered it in the photo at the bottom Reggie has also started working on its 5 point leaf, currently 4 large leaves and a tiny little fifth one Keifs leaves are getting big but Keif still hasn’t stretched taller, but I’m thinking Keif might be a short and bushy one Also scraped all the algae off gently with a tissue and left plants to dry and they’re doing much better

5 years ago

Day: 18


Day 14 - 2nd Week from soil I left them without the humidity cups for about 12 ish hours with the fan on to dry the soil out a little and wiped the green algae away with a tissue and got most but not all of it and then put the cups back on after.. They all look a lot better today Mary her leaves are getting big ! And I think her 5 pointers are starting to come through ! Hopefully we will see either tomorrow or the day after Reggies leaves are also getting nice and big Keifs leaves are coming on but just wish I could get some height growth so I can add more soil to the cups

5 years ago


ZenMaster Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has commented on previous with advice and tips ✌🏽 also I have an account on the weedtube with the same username ZenMaster ... I am currently recording weekly video updates on this grow and will post a full seed to harvest video after I finish, so if that’s of any interest feel free to subscribe on there ready for that post (obviously won’t be for a while lol) Peace and High Vybez Happy growing ✌🏽🌱

Day: 17


Day 13 from soil Today’s Topic: ALGAE So I was worried that my perlite was turning green, today the soil was green too, I heard this can be from dampness and read that it’s good to wipe it off the top with a tissue which I have done and to air it out, so I have taken humidity cups off and put the fan on to let the soil dry up a little, I heard it is good to add cinnamon so I might to that alongside adding egg shells in the soil Mary: her leaves are drooping which could be the over dampness but her edges on her leaves have gone very light and I’m not sure if it’s nutrient deficiency because I’m not feeding her nutrients or if it’s nutrient burn as maybe the soil is too hot for them Reggie: the new leaves are coming through a lot bigger which is nice to see although only on one side the other side leaves are tiny and underdeveloped Keif: still tiny and no height growth but new leaves have got bigger so that’s positive Hopefully the fan will help the girls out but if they curl up again like they did yesterday I’ll just put the humidity cups back on and turn the fan off

5 years ago

Day: 16


Day 12 from soil Mary: her new leaves are coming on strong although I took her humidity dimes off to take photos and left her under the light without the fan for about 30 minutes and her leaf dried and curled up as you can see in the third pic down, I have fed her some water and now her leaves are drooping a little from potential overwatering but her leaf looks better now (Also the perlite has turned green ? Not sure what that is I hope it isn’t mould because that could mean root rot and explain the deformed leaves but hopefully it’s nothing) Reggie: coming on better but has a couple of rounded edge leaves instead of iconic saturated but this could just be a plant deformity and hopefully won’t affect the yield Keif: new leaves still pretty small and still NO HEIGHT GROWTH this is a stubborn little one, I hope I didn’t stunt it’s growth

5 years ago


Mystrain420 The light is too far away or too weak, it’s causing them to stretch the wrong way which will make them weak and they’ll fall over when taller. Also you are definitely overwatering or overdoing the humidity, the green on the perlite is algae cause from light on water. Good luck 👍🏾


ZenMaster You could try sitting your plants on something to raise it closer to the light but be careful of light burn, if you have room in the pot/cup add more soil and that will support the stem but if you can’t do that then use a tooth pick or bamboo stick and put it next to the stem and wrap some plant wire around it gently to give it some support


ZenMaster And yes I think it was because I was misting inside the humidity cups and it caused it to be damp therefor creating the algae, I have left them out to dry and removed most of the algae now, thank you for your feedback ✌🏽

Day: 15


Day 11 from soil Mary is showing signs of her five point leaves, her leaf with the yellow mark and broken edges I’m thinking it’s either nutrient deficiency as I’m not feeding nutes or nute burn from the soil maybe being to hot for her starting out ? Using CANNA Terra Professional, not sure what it is but she’s looking healthy now Reggie’s new leaves coming through more now, one of them isn’t saturated tho it’s rounded which is strange but not sure, first leaves looking pretty dead but new growth looking good Keif still hasn’t stretched which is annoying because I want to add more soil to the cup but can’t until it stretches higher but Keif is showing signs of the next set of leaves, still slacking behind the most All plants are currently chilling under plastic cups until my humidifier arrives and they get a bit bigger

5 years ago

Day: 14


Day 10 ! From soil Mary.. she has a yellow spot on her leaves, this could be a few things either heat burn which I don’t think as I have a cheap light, nute burn which it isn’t as I’m not feeding nutes or nute deficiency which it might be, if anyone knows what this yellow spot is or if it’s serious please comment, other than that though her 3 point leaves have come through and her next set which I believe will be the 5 pointers are starting to come through Reggie.. leaves are cracking and have a tiny yellow outline around the crack but next set of leaves are on the way Keif.. still tiny and hasn’t stretched yet which is annoying because I want to top the cup with more soil but it’s just not tall enough yet, but showing signs of next leaves When I do top with soil I’m going to mix some broken egg shells into it to add calcium to the plants

5 years ago

Kilgore Looks like the water spots on the leaves, acts like a magnifying glass with the light. No biggie , just try to avoid getting the leaves wet when you water 🙂


ZenMaster That makes sense as yeah the humidity cups keep getting water droplets on them but I’ll try to avoid that as much as possible, thank you for the tip ✌🏽

Day: 13


Day 9 from soil Mary is showing next set of leaves and they’re looking like 3 tip leaves which is good, her first set of saturated leaves have started to droop a lot and crack which is worrying but hopefully since it’s just the first leaves it’s nothing to worry about Reggies first leaves aren’t looking great but showing sign of next leaves coming through so hopefully we still have healthy growth And Keif still no height growth which is really annoying but I think it’s showing signs of the next leaves but very very small I have taken the humidity cups off the top for a little and put the inside fan on to air them out for a bit and will put the domes back on in a few hours

5 years ago


Stratton1020 You’re girls are overwatered, and your medium is saturated. Make sure there are drainage holes at the bottom of the cups. Might want to poke some holes in the sides too for airflow. Let them dry out for a bit before you water again. Minimum 3 days. Probably more.


ZenMaster Yeah I found out they was to wet a little too late and got algae on top, they already have holes at the bottom but I could add some in the sides, I have let them dry out with the fan and taken off the humidity cups, they are looking better now but soil is still saturated so I’m holding off on watering them for a bit

Day: 12


Day 8 from soil Mary: seems to be doing well, her next set of leaves are coming through, although her first saturated leaves are drooping down and I’m not sure why, soil is still moist so it’s not from under watering, I occasionally mist but haven’t fully watered since soil as it’s still wet, no nutrients added either Reggie: I’m a little worried as this plants leaves are super thin, not fully saturated and have little cracks in the leaves and I’m not sure why, Reggie was looking super healthy yesterday and nothing changed so not sure what’s going on with the leaves but hopefully it’s nothing Keif: still small and not much growth, I hope this one hasn’t been stressed out therefor stunting its growth, I’m hoping because it had the smallest taproot it’s just taking a while

5 years ago

Day: 11


Day 7 - First Week from soil Today I added bamboo sticks through the cups so once they are ready I’ll be able to tie them down to do some LST Mary: more height growth, next set of leaves showing but only small Reggie: first leaves are getting a lot bigger Keif: slight bend in the stem but now resting on the bamboo, leaves are a little bigger but still pretty small in comparison to the others

5 years ago

Day: 10


Day 6 from soil Mary is getting taller and I think showing signs of next leaves, her current leaves are a little bright and I hope that’s not due to lack of nutrient or light burn, hopefully it’s nothing as she’s showing best life amongst the 3 Reggie is coming along great and looking healthy And Keif is trying, not sure what’s happening with this one, the leaves look stuck maybe ? I’m hoping with time it’ll come through better

5 years ago

Day: 9


Day 5 from soil, Mary is still doing the best and showing a lot of growth Reggie is coming along nicely as well Keif is coming but struggling compared to Mary and Reggie, not fully standing up and first leaves seem to droop while second leaves are taking a lot longer to grow, I think this is due to having the shortest taproot and is just behind on growth compared to the others, hopefully Keif catches up quickly though

5 years ago

Day: 8


Day 4 from being in soil All 3 are coming along well Mary first, she is the healthiest so far, she was standing tall and showing best leaves out of of the 3 Reggie next, also showing good signs of life and standing tall And finally Keif, coming on but leaves are drooping and the shortest of the 3, Keif did have the shortes taproot as well I have added more soil around all 3 of them and watered the soil with a spray mist bottle

5 years ago

Day: 7


FIRST SIGN OF LIFE ! Roughly 48 hours ish, Mary has come through the strongest, she did have the longest taproot as well as she popped through a little yesterday as well, she has now shown her starter leaves and her first 2 mini saturated leaves Reggie is also looking healthy and showing good signs of life Keif is taking its time to stand up but still showing a promising sign of life

5 years ago

Day: 6

Was a little worried my babies didn’t sprout but I can see the first sign of life in Mary, I had to gently brush some soil aside to see her, hope that doesn’t stress or stunt her, she had the longest taproot out of the 3 though Reggie and Kief have not shown any sign of life just yet, although they had shorter taproots Hopefully I will see some life tomorrow

5 years ago

Day: 5


My seeds have now popped and I was correct in thinking that they didn’t pop because the temperature was too low, I put them back in the dark and put a heater next to them to raise the temperature, they was germinating in the paper towel for a total of approximately 74 (+/-) hours. I have mixed up some CANNA Terra Professional soil in each cup and soaked them down with 250ml of water. I have planted all 3 seeds inch (first knuckle deep) into the soil, I did struggle doing this with very shaky hands and I did drop the seed the wrong way round and struggled to get it right, I did it as gently as I could and eventually got all taproot facing down, hopefully that hasn’t stressed them out and they have a healthy grow. The soil was really clumpy after I watered it down so hopefully the seedling will still pop through, after I placed it I put some over the wet soil gently over the top and the put a light layer of dry soil on top and misted it down with a water spray. The current temp: 74’F The current humidity: 48% I also made a holo cup with some Mylar on the front to stop light from leaking and placed this inside to allow air to escape as the fan is bring in new air. Finally I placed some plastic cups on top to increase humidity for the seedlings, and put my Lego Cheech and Chong alongside my lucky jade Buddha to bring the plants goodluck, this is my first ever grow, fingers crossed these babies sprout some life soon, I will post the next update soon hopefully

5 years ago

Day: 4


I have had the seeds germinating in the wet paper tissue inside a ziplock bag for 50 hours, when I checked on them they had cracked but only the tip of the taproot was shown, I think they hadn’t fully came out because I might have over wet the tissue and I think the temperature was too cold for them, so I have put them in a dry zip lock bag and a black shirt over them to hide light and put a plug in heater next to them to raise the temperature, the temperature is currently at 74’F - 23’C ... I will leave them until midnight until I check on them so that will have given them roughly 58 hours germinating and hopefully the taproots will be about an inch long, if not I guess I’ll have to give them a bit more time

5 years ago


TnA_Homegrown I use a heat mat for all my germination and it is such a big help


zenmaster I’ve been meaning to get one for sure !

Day: 2


It has been 21 hours that the seeds have been sat in the water and stored in the dark, they have now sank to the bottom of the glass. I have used a tissue and sprayed it down with water, placed the 3 seeds on the tissue and spread them apart from each other, then closed the tissue over. I sprayed the tissue down again and placed it inside a ziplock bag, I sprayed some water inside the bag and blew some air into the bag to increase the humidity inside. I will let them sit for 24-48 hours and check on them in the meantime to make sure they don’t dry.

5 years ago

Day: 1

GERMINATION I got some BCN critical XXL Autoflower Feminized seeds from seed stockers, I have placed 3 of them in a glass with some store bought water with a PH of 6.2, I have put them inside the grow tent in darkness and will check back in around 18-24 hours to see if the seeds have dropped to the bottom of the glass.

5 years ago

Day: 0

I’m going to use 3 x 24oz cups which will hold just under 1 litre of soil (estimating), I have cut and shaped the bottom of the cups to mimic plant pots to allow drainage and then placed them in a second cup which will collect leakage and finally placed into a third and forth cup to hold it in place and also give it height to get more light, i then created a little stand for them to all sit in, I have ordered 5 x BCN Critical XXL Auto Seeds (saving 2 for bigger grows), I will be ordering some CANNA Terra Professional soil and a really cheap light, not looking for massive plants just something to do while I wait to get a real light, I will post more updates soon on how it goes, also if you want to see how I made the set up I will be posting it on TheWeedTube app and my username is ZenMaster so feel free to subscribe over there for video updates, peace and high vybez ✌🏽

5 years ago

Burkeftw I’m digging the setup so far! What kind of light are you using


ZenMaster Thank you, I got a cheap 5”x11” LED light, apparently the actual power draw is 100w but i got it from someone who makes their own lights, so far so good but once MarsHydro puts their prices back to normal I might get a TS600


TnA_Homegrown Just found this cup grow and I’m stoked. Odd grows like this are super interesting to me 🙏🏼🪴

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