Part 2 of practice run
Lil Mama
Testing my skills and the equipment I have while impatiently waiting on my goods. Using 32x32x64 grow tent 1000w led and 300w led growing in roots organic. She is 2 wks behind her sister so has her own journal.
Bag seed-seems to be indica dominant
Day 82 (Week 12)
11 updates
30 photos
Day: 82
Flipped her to flower 2 wks ago and she certainly had a stretch. Showing flowers now and doing good! I had to LST her down some she was starting to hot my lights.
5 years ago
Day: 43
Haven’t updated in a while but she’s still growing good. LST light defoil and some topping done. Plan on switching her to flower with her sisters in 2 wks or less.
5 years ago
Day: 26
She’s been doing great especially after my new light. So topped, LSTed, and gave her first nute feeding. I noticed while doing her LST her cotyledons had begun to shrivel so I knew it was time for a feeding. I think this has been key to my girls doing good, the soil I used had enough nutes for the first few weeks. If I had followed the nute schedule starting at week 1 there would’ve been problems. I gave her nutes at week 1 strength to see how she responds I plan on upping them based on her response. I use the GHE go box. I plan on lightly defoliating her later on tonight.
5 years ago
Panna24 What kind of light u get?
Day: 16
Lil mama looks to have bounced back pretty good from her transfer, I did use myco during her transfer so hopefully this helped. Decided to LST her today I feel like I waited wayyyy to long with my other two babies but this is why it’s practice. I rlyyyyy hope I’m LSTing correctly any tips welcome.
5 years ago
Day: 15
I didn’t get any pics yesterday of lil mama, yesterday was a bad day. As I suspected when I got off of work she was all droopy because I should’ve transplanted her the night before. Well when I did her transplant to her 1 gal fabric pot I was distracted and messed it completely up her poor little stem was just hanging. This is about 24 hours after her transplant all day yesterday she was pretty sad looking but is looking better this morning in her new home.
5 years ago
KC40 I don’t think you need to worry about potting up as much as you are, urgency-wise. She was probably droopy because of over/under-watering. That pot size looks to be comparable to a solo cup which can house a plant easily to 3+ weeks without worrying about it being rootbound or slowing the growth. All that being said, it sounds like she is doing well in her new home and there is absolutely nothing wrong with transplanting at this stage, just that it probably wasn’t a do or die thing. Happy growing!
Day: 13
Still growing like a weed 😁 she’s already touching the rim of her starter pot and isn’t 2 wks yet. Undecided on when I should transplant her I had rly wanted her to be taller before the transplant. With her older sister I let her leaves touch the rim of her pot thinking I had time to transplant and came back the next morning and she was extremely droopy trying to stay inside her pot. Moving her to the 1 g fixed it so I may move lil mama before the drooping even starts. I added 2 sticks for support her. Her stem wasn’t super weak but I added an oscillating fan for a better breeze and wanted a better support. Already see a difference the fan made her branches are beginning to thicker better!
5 years ago
Day: 11
She’s growing very good! Especially since I lowered the light. I love how she looks when I come in from work in the morning after a full night under the lights it looks like she’s praying to the gods. She seems very healthy and I have not used ANY nutrients supplements or anything. I read somewhere not to start until the cotyledons begin to die. I think hers may just begin to start to fade so I may give her her first feeding at exactly 2 weeks on Sunday. I am going to use the FF trio on her. I also did a soil slurry test before planting her seed and the soil ppm with distilled water was around 500 (I may be wrong) so it seemed pretty good for a seedling. (Excuse all the toys I’m a mommy grower lol)
5 years ago
witchcat Looks great!
Grogirlgro Thank you!
Day: 9
She’s filling out almost touching rim of starter pot. Not much height still tho but def some growth in height. At least since I know there is no crazy stretching my 2 blurples seem to be working well for this stage.
5 years ago
Day: 7
1 week today, lowered her a little from light 2 days ago and she got more of a stretch to her and def got some width on her. Looks like she may be an Indica or mainly Indica. Fingers crossed.
5 years ago
Day: 5
Getting a little height lowered her a little from light because she wasn’t rly growing upwards to me just wider. On 18/6 schedule.
5 years ago
Day: 1
Finally popped her head out. Bag seed growing in roots organic in starter part. Germinated in water until tap root showed then placed it directly into pot and dirt. Seedling sprouted 3 days later.
5 years ago