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Smoke dat shit
All clones off current grow. Day 1 in dirt.
Mai tai / Purple Runtz / Purple Crunch
Day 144 (Week 21)
25 updates
110 photos
Day: 144
Trimming and jarring today
a year ago
MidWestHigh Looks fire🔥
combatmedic81 Thanks Mid West , it’s good smoke
Caliban Looking dank!
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Day: 138
Day 68 flower. Harvest day
a year ago
lolaperez Congrats man, another fire grow! Do you count flower days starting from flip or when you see bud sites ?
combatmedic81 I start flower days when I switch to 12/12
lolaperez Good to know, thanks ! Good luck with the trim ✌️
Day: 135
Day 65 flower. Last flush, lights on straight till the chop on Thursday
a year ago
SinSemillaWhisperer420 Awesome! Congratulations 🎊🎉 ! Looking frosty 🥶!
Day: 130
Chop in 9 days. Couple more flushes left
a year ago
Caliban Looking fat!
combatmedic81 Thanks caliban . They are thickening up
Caliban I personally would let them run and not flush. Why not let the girls eat until slaughter? 😆
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Day: 127
Day 57 flower, pushing them to 70. Currently flushing
a year ago
combatmedic81 Thanks BT
Caliban Solid. Love seeing your crops. You are usually a few weeks ahead of me each season.
combatmedic81 Thanks Caliban. Your plants are always healthy and have a solid green color.
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Day: 118
Day 48 flower. One more week of feed, then flush for 14 days or so
a year ago
SinSemillaWhisperer420 Damn bro ur killing it!
combatmedic81 Thanks SSW420
Day: 113
Day 43 flower, pushing to at least 66
a year ago
Day: 108
Day 38 flower , little more than a month to go.
a year ago
organic_grower You got alot going on combat! Nice work bro!
IG @stick_e_fingerz Beautiful 🤩
combatmedic81 Thanks guys. Best part is I’m expanding and will have a new tent up and running in a few days
Day: 104
Day 34 flower, starting to bulk up
a year ago
Day: 98
Day 28 flower
a year ago
Day: 92
Day 22 flower. Defoliating where needed
a year ago
Caliban Hey Doc. Why train outdoors if the sunlight is maximum?
combatmedic81 Plants were on their way to getting higher than the fence. Have to keep it low key
Day: 84
Last day of week 2 flower. Buds should really develop in the next two weeks.
a year ago
Day: 81
Day 11 flower, ladies looking pretty
a year ago
BoofingIt Love keeping up with your posts! I aspire to grow ganja as good as you do some day. Your plants never fail at looking amazing and healthy.
combatmedic81 Thanks , I appreciate that compliment.
Day: 78
Super cropped
2 years ago
Day: 77
Each tent got a guardian
2 years ago
organic_grower Looking proper and busy combat! Nice work🤙
combatmedic81 Thanks OG
Day: 72
Trellis engaged
2 years ago
Day: 70
Stripped and flipped . Day 0 of flower
2 years ago
ig:@eaegifts Damn bro they’re gonna be huge in a few weeks, great job
Day: 67
Training. Flipping in a week.
2 years ago
2BirdsStonedAtOnce The plants look awesome! Are they in coco or soil?
combatmedic81 Loaded soil that has about 2-3 weeks worth of nutes. I have tweek and add nutes after a while .
combatmedic81 Last pic added is purple runtz from last harvest
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Day: 61
Everyone settled in and hooked up to auto feed
2 years ago
IG @stick_e_fingerz Yooo my guy where you been
Day: 57
Installing feeding rings / training - veggin . Will get them in their final tents once the last batch is done drying .
2 years ago
organic_grower Nice work combat! No pics of the last grow?
combatmedic81 Thanks, OG. No, got lazy and didn’t journal. Figures , it was fire .
Day: 20
Transplant day
2 years ago
Day: 8
Roots searching for aqua . Topping where needed. Jamming to anything from Bob Marley to 2pac
2 years ago
combatmedic81 Thanks BT . They still have some growing to go before transplant , but so far so good
Drizz Nice
whall Looking good. They look ready to transplant to me. The sooner the less stress in the roots.
Day: 3
Looking better everyday. Doubled up with clear cups to watch root growth .
2 years ago
organic_grower 💡 That's a cool idea combat! Looking good man!
Drizz That’s a great idea for cloning nice 👍
HeritageSecretGarden Looking good Doc
Day: 1
Day 1 in dirt
2 years ago