

Zkittlez OG

Spring harvest

Two Zkittlez in 5 gal fabric pots.

Zkittlez Og auto

Day 14 (Week 2)

3 updates

6 photos

Day: 14

Looking good

4 years ago

infinityGrowerr I would LST the bigger plant during this time, maybe top once and remove both first set of leaves but any grower to his liking, plants looking happy keep doing good job

infinityGrowerr Maybe a bit early for top might want to get the lower nodes a bit bigger so would recover faster, but definitely LST main stem would let light be more beneficial for the plant

Day: 5

The 2nd image the plant is stunted, I’m guessing because when she sprouted, the (seed shell?) was still on the cotyledon, I had to peel it off.

4 years ago

Day: 4

Light schedule is 24hr.

4 years ago