
Blue Cheese Autoflower

19 September 2021

1 Blue Cheese Autoflower along with 1 Blue Dream Autoflower, 1 Northern Lights Feminized and 2 White Widow Feminized that were started one week later.

Blue Cheese Autoflower

Day 25 (Week 4)

1 update

3 photos

Day: 25


Currently on 18/6 Rotation

3 years ago

285Grows What's up man quick question I know it's not good at all to 24/24 light routines so what's the best times to start the 18/6 flip talking ab times wise ? I heard sumthint about 11-5 or sum but what time do yu go by on your timer outlets?

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz I run autos on 20-4 light cycle and 18-6 for the last couple weeks seems to work out pretty decent.