
First grow-harvested

Free seeds my friend mixed up

Ph6.4-temp 78-83 (hard to keep below 80—-humidity is around 40

4 random fems

Day 111 (Week 16)

56 updates

83 photos

Day: 111

6 years ago

Maxw What nutrients do you use?

Johnnyuausuud General organic go box

Day: 100

6 years ago

Day: 96


6 years ago

Day: 92

Looking good

6 years ago

msimonen Looks great! You did an impressive grow, I would love to get some pointers.?.?.

Day: 86


6 years ago

LiNoon Nice Grow!

Day: 82

6 years ago

Day: 81

6 years ago

BlackDynamite What kind of light are you using?

BlackDynamite Nice.... It's that an auto flower or photoperiod?

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Day: 80

She’s pretty but I didn’t feel like turning red light off time

6 years ago

Day: 77

6 years ago

Day: 74

6 years ago

Day: 69

6 years ago

Day: 68

6 years ago

Whitehorn_01 Damn bro looking awesome For your first grow im also on my first grow not going so well

Day: 66

6 years ago

Day: 63

6 years ago

Day: 60

6 years ago

Day: 59

6 years ago

Day: 54

Last plant left...all hermed but one and I didn’t want them to ruin my jack herers I also have growing in my flower room over these random seeds I know nothing about..

6 years ago

Johnnyuausuud Friend gave me seeds from hermed plant so I guess that’s why these hermed..

Day: 52

6 years ago

Day: 49


I’m pretty sure this is a male...any advice?

6 years ago

fortylix Yeah man looks like a male to me! If you got a girl there too you want to get him out ASAP.

Johnnyuausuud I have 7 girls in the same room

Johnnyuausuud Only 1 other is showing it’s sex and it looks nothing like this one..just has a couple white hairs..this one has these balls all males normally show sex before females if all flowered together?

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Day: 48

6 years ago

Day: 46

6 years ago

Day: 45

6 years ago

ClandestineWestOz They are looking great 👍

Day: 44


6 years ago

Day: 43

Last day of veg!

6 years ago

Day: 39

6 years ago

Cindy Looks good!! Some great training. Doing a net?

Hrose2383 I’m kind of new to this only second year by did those plants get so shorts and stalking like that?


Babywater1 Yo mine have been going about the same time and they are short and bushy. I thought something was wrong cause they weren’t growing up just out and bushy.

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Day: 36

6 years ago

Day: 36

6 years ago

Hrose2383 Do you top your plants? How do you get them to look so wide and bushy? I like it😁

Day: 35

6 years ago

Day: 34

6 years ago

Day: 33

Flushed one

6 years ago

Day: 31


6 years ago

Day: 30

6 years ago

ClandestineWestOz They are looking great, keep up the good work.

Day: 29


Watered today with cal mg

6 years ago

Johnnyuausuud One plant still looks very droopy and yellowing from where I topped it idk maybe it’s the strain or something

OregonWeezy Drooping and yellowing can be signs of over or under watering. Can try the finger test where you see if the soil feels dry or wet an inch or two down before watering and see if that helps.

OregonWeezy Looks like you are doing great though!

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Day: 27

6 years ago

Fancynancy Looks great

Day: 27

This guys looking rough compared to the others for some reason..any ideas?

6 years ago

Tugging What do you mean rough?

Johnnyuausuud Just doesn’t seem to be growing as well as the others

Tugging You always get the runts and the giants, especially with autos

Day: 26

6 years ago

Day: 24

6 years ago

Day: 23

I topped one of the four

6 years ago

Tugging Auto or photo?

Johnnyuausuud Photo...I hope lol someone gave me the seeds who got them alll mixed together. Don’t think he does autos

Day: 22

6 years ago

ClandestineWestOz Impossible to tell what strain they are. What are the choices?

ClandestineWestOz They look great at this stage though!

Johnnyuausuud No idea just wondering if it was possible to tell the strain..this is my first real grow

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Day: 21


I wonder what strain these are..seeds were a gift from a friend who got all his seeds mixed up

6 years ago

Johnnyuausuud These are 2 out of the 4 I have..

Day: 20


6 years ago

ClandestineWestOz They are coming along beautifully.

Day: 19

Looking good... Gave em some nutes yesterday

6 years ago

ClandestineWestOz They are looking great for their age mate. Keep up the good work 👍

Day: 17


..watered yesterday

6 years ago

ClandestineWestOz Nice and healthy girl you have here. Will you be training at all or letting her do her thing? Plenty of time to decide yet.

Johnnyuausuud Probably some lst I’m still trying to learn when to start doing it... these are kinda my practice plants someone gave me so I have no idea what strain they are. I have some autos going and about to start some jack herar and Bruce bangers

Day: 16


Looking good.. transplanted 3 yesterday

6 years ago

ClandestineWestOz Looking nice and healthy. Keep it up.

Day: 15

Pretty sure my plants are overwatereddddd

6 years ago

Day: 13



6 years ago

Day: 13

Nutes! The small one with the stick was mutated since it popped but it’s finally starting to grow

6 years ago

Day: 12

When to transplant?

6 years ago


Greenhouseguy95 Take a peak at my grow brother. I updated root pics of veeeery healthy roots under and over your days of growth. They’re a good examples of when to transplant there for optimum results. Your doing great though man. I’d keep em in there for another full 7 days with rooting hormone before transplant.


Greenhouseguy95 There are **

Johnnyuausuud Yeah once they get like 2-3 nodes I’ve heard

Day: 10

Nutes 1/4

6 years ago

Cindy This website explains temperature and humidity importance in each stage. Hope it helps! :)

Day: 9

Temp 80 Humidity 60 Watered 6am this morning

6 years ago

Cindy Good to see you brought your humidity up! Young seedlings/clones prefer warmer temps and higher humidity (to collect what they need via the air because their root systems aren’t established)

Johnnyuausuud Yeah I got my hands on a humidifier and a dehumidifier now

Day: 7

Bigger everyday

6 years ago

Caretaker Your soil is looking pretty wet, at such a young age u want the plants roots to expand bigger roots bigger plants less water make the roots search for the water and try maintaining the temperature no higher then 78 maybe add a fan circulation will drop the temp. Good luck !

Johnnyuausuud Yeah I think I overwatered a bit my first couple days but I’m learning fast, thanks for the advice, I only water about every other day now sometimes a bit longer

Day: 6

Temp 80 Humidity 40 Ph 6.4

6 years ago

Day: 5

6 years ago

Johnnyuausuud April 21st

Day: 3

Humidity 50 temp 80

6 years ago


Greenhouseguy95 Try to do all your watering with a spray bottle in this stage. Keeping her to wet will stunt her dramatically. 10-12 good sprays with a spray bottle in the morning for the first 5 days or so is right about what you want till they start growing a root system big enough to use a totally drenched cups worth of nutrients. Take a peak at my grow. I have uploaded pics of they’re roots throughout they’re lives the past 20 days. Gotta let her dry up a bit. You don’t quite want the top of your soil getting dry and crusty but just before the soil starts drying up when it has a small amount of moisture left in it and can still clump together if pressed between your fingers! Really think my grow will help you take a lot into consideration. Happy growing brother! By next week you should have some nice looking baby’s if all goes well!


Greenhouseguy95 Really like the fact that you have that 600 watt led going. You will thank yourself later for that one! Try to keep your temps on point aswell. The fluctuation. Even a few degrees at a time. Will slow down your growth. If everything is as controlled as possible. You end up with really nice baby’s, really fast !


Greenhouseguy95 Your temps sound nice though. If you have a controller or thermostat in there you can afford to go up a degree or to for a few days till the root systems really start growing

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Day: 2

Starting to poke it’s way out..temp is hard to keep below 80..humidity around 40..any advice?

6 years ago

Day: 0


Seedlings April 16th

6 years ago