Summer 2020 Outdoor Garden
4 strain grow.
Plants grown in hand blended soil amended with perlite, bat guano and compost tea. Contained in fabric pots (5 gallon and one 7 gallon). Using Fox Farms nutrients trio but started that on June 28th so they’ve only had a few feeds thus far. Not going crazy with the nutrients but wanted to try them out.
GMO Cookies (clone), Girl Scout Cookies, Peyote Wifi (Seedsman), Biggest Bud (Victory Seeds)
Day 115 (Week 17)
1 update
2 photos
Day: 115
Since I’ve been lazy and not posting, this first post is a catch-up of the plants thus far. The first photo in the set is what the plants looked like on May 11th: GMO Cookies (top left), Girl Scout Cookies (top right), Peyote WiFi (bottom left), Biggest Bud (bottom right).
5 years ago