Let’s Hope I Don’t Eff This Up

Two different strains, two different ages

RH - 48% PAR - 1000-1500 Watering Schedule (alternate w/ water every other): Rain Water - 6.2 (PH) Big Bloom - 15ML Grow Big - 10ML Tiger Bloom - 10ML Cal Mag - 5 ML

Skunk OG / Lemon Cherry Gelato

Day 79 (Week 12)


15 updates

59 photos

Day: 79


Harvested the LGC, it felt a little dryer then I wanted, so I immediately jar’d them up and tossed in a 62% humidity pack, Hoping it softens up a bit. Ended up yielding 3.3 ounces so a combined total 4.8 ounces with the Skunk OG. Final thoughts: yielded decent amounts, but both were not perfect, but are they ever? Both were a little overdone, as if I should have harvested a few days earlier, the Skunk OG just looks wierd af with more red hairs then a kid named Chad, and low vibrant colors. Wasn’t browning or anything, but just not as vibrant as prior grows. The LCG had promise but was a little dryer then I hoped, all though it looked pretty good, it is a bit crunchy. All in all, it will be smoked, tinctures will be produced, and desserts will be made all for the cost of 6 months of my life at a few min a day, not a bad trade off.

2 years ago

Day: 73


Here’s the finally groomed OG Skunk which has more red hair then your step child. Sort of an ugly strain. I thought I killed it to be honest but after finding pix online of this strain, everyone’s seems to look like this. I yielded 1.5 ounces, and currently having it curing in mason jars for 3-4 weeks with a 62% humidity pack in the jar for freshness. The LCG is still drying (65 degrees / 60% humidity controlled dark room) so will update here with photos once it’s done.

2 years ago

Day: 71

Harvest day for the LCG. Time to start all over with a 30:1 CBD grow, and a clone of this LCG. See you on the next one!

2 years ago

Day: 66

Just harvested my Skunk OG, not a very big plant, but super dense with nugs everywhere. I chose to harvest now because the trichomes profile was sorta looking like shit. The trichomes we’re looking pretty dark amber and just didn’t give off that “good quality” look. Daily I would check and they would become darker and more heavily covered and I quickly realized it was maturing pretty effen quick. Decided to salvage her and cut her down before she entirely wilts away. I feel like I could have chopped her a few days ago, but also know that if I would have waited a week, I would have compromised her. I’m going to wait on the LCG another week or two, she still looks really healthy and I need it to die off a bit before I harvest.

2 years ago

Day: 66


Then there was one. She’s looking great, still pretty green, I normally prefer my plants to look like they’re on the verge of death before harvest so as I flush her, I’m gonna keep an eye on the trichomes to make sure they’re not being compromised.

2 years ago

Day: 60


Day 1 of the flush process. The trichomes are looking about 20-30% Amber, with some milky bulbs on both plants. The OG Skunk looks a bit readier with some yellowing leaves, the LCG looks like she can go another 5 years but I gotta draw the line somewhere so I can transfer my clones into my tent. This is my first time flushing, so I’m guessing I’ll do a 10 day flush. Using straight non ph’d rainwater.

2 years ago

hyerr Sick

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Day: 49


Feeding schedule flip: Up till this point of flower, I was doing a full nute dose, skip, 1/3 nutes-2/3 water, skip, 100% water. I just switched to 100% nutes, skip, 100% water. I’ll remain on this until a week before harvest in which I’ll do 100% water flush for their last 3-4 feedings.

2 years ago

Day: 39


Raised the trellis 6” to help support the LCG, OG Skunk is flowering like crazy and stable. OG’s growth is really interesting, very small fan leaves with aggressive flowering. I wonder if I caused this with the LST early on, or maybe over aggressive with defoliation, not sure but the flowering is looking really good. Watering every other day, might need to rotate to daily as they’re drying extremely quick.

2 years ago

Day: 21


Did some minimal defoliating, and some LST on the Skunk OG. Was facing a lot of shade on the lower branch’s and had minimal options to defoliate without overly stressing her out, so threw a stress ball to create some separation, and tied down some of the branches. Definitely looks like everyone will have a fair amount of light vs before. The LCG is just amazing, definitely the child I love more right now.

2 years ago

Day: 11


Watered with mostly nutes but had to give about 30% rainwater because I’m using the remaining nutes from a prior watering. Little plant looks sorta sad, hoping this watering helps him not look like such a crackhead.

2 years ago

Day: 9


Watered with just PH’d rain water. They’re looking nice and healthy.

2 years ago


GanjaGoblin420 No way shape or form is that only day 9 of growth lol.


B00GI3M0NST3R LMAO, ya I harvest every 15 days. No its day 9 of flower I just fat fingered it. These plants are a few months old. Lol


GanjaGoblin420 Okay I thought you meant day 9 total. Day 9 of flower it should say lmao. I was going to say dude I need your exact method down to the trellis net haha

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Day: 4


As luck would have it, I randomly got an email from Mars Hydro giving the specs of the PPFD for my lighting. So I followed their advice with hopes that it doesn’t barbecue these fuckers.

2 years ago


qeez If you just flipped you’re definitely gonna have to raise that light


B00GI3M0NST3R Ya for sure, I had it around 800-1000 PPFD but they recommended stronger so I just went with it. Appreciate the feedback!


qeez How are you measuring ppfd?

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Day: 3


I couldn’t take how strange this plant looked. She looked like a pineapple top or something. I’ve never LST’d a plant until now with her and she ended up being super short and hedgy. I defoliated in her early stages of veg and just left her as is, but today I had to trim her ass up to make her look more like a plant and less like Sonic the Hedgehog. My LCG is looking sexy as usual with her long legs and balanced leaves.

2 years ago

Day: 2


Scary moment, these guys dried out in just 2 days and became super droopy. Had to give them a heavy watering with nutes for their first flowering mix. They recovered in a few hours and are perky and looking solid again.

2 years ago

Day: 1


Skunk OG (left) - Germinated 12/27, she’s been in Ocean Forest soil on a steady diet of PH rain water, Fox Farms nutes and Cal Mag. She was originally LST with light defoliation throughout. Lemon Cherry Gelato (right) - She was given to me by a friend who runs a large scale grow operation. She’s been in rockwool and had high-end nutes. I believe she germinated around 12/1/22 making her about 3 mo old give or take. Gave her a good flush yesterday with just rain water (PH - 6.2) and will transition her to Fox Farms / Cal Mag diet. I also inoculated her roots before placing in soil. Flipped lights from 18/6 to 12/12. Increased PAR from 600 to 950 at the center of the net, decreased RH from 58% to 48%. Temperature sits right around 81-85 degrees. Yesterday I flushed these ladies with PH’d (6.2) rain water to get them ready for their flower mix.

2 years ago