

Some random seed I found in my bud

Spring 2023

I found this seed in my bud and decided why not grow it even if it’s not true to the parents. I’m not actually sure how old it is.


Day 42 (Week 6)


11 updates

34 photos

Day: 42


The sun’s going down so she’s going to bed but she still look fabulous

a year ago


SaviiBuds Goodnight little girl! I have one who has the most dramatic leaf droop right before lights out growing rn haha.

Day: 41


Looking good 👍 still recovering from the fall and a little stunted but otherwise ok. I took off the bottom leaves and added some dirt. 1/2 potting soil 1/4 peat moss 1/4 manure

a year ago

Day: 39

Would this be good for my plant

a year ago




SaviiBuds No. Never use Miracle-Gro on cannabis plants.

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Day: 37


She’s suffered some damage. Her pot got knocked over and broke! I’m genuinely surprised she made it but I’m glad she did. I’m expecting her to be stunted but hopefully she’ll continue to grow back fine.

a year ago

Day: 36


Moving along. If anyone knows why my bottom leaves are yellowing please lmk.

a year ago


SaviiBuds Nitrogen deficiency from the looks of it. Has she had any nutrients?

fozzybear99 It is hungry. Time to feed


cannababy420 Ok!! I have some old chicken compost that should be perfect 👍

Day: 35


I was gone yesterday but she’s looking pretty good. If I didn’t post this on day 33 I added 1/3 peat moss 1/3 potting mix and 1/3 of manure on the top and made extra so I can transplant her into a larger pot with that mix when she’s a bit bigger.

a year ago

Day: 33

Sheaths are starting to grow hopefully I’ll be able to tell if she’s a girl soon!

a year ago


GSD-CHAPO Do u use regular water form the hose?


cannababy420 I do but I’m on a well and the waters amazing


GSD-CHAPO Damn ur lucky 😂

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Day: 32

Watered today

a year ago


GSD-CHAPO How often are you watering at this stage?


cannababy420 Just whenever she’s dry


GSD-CHAPO I have a plant this size but the top leaf goes from drooping to back to normal idk what I’m doing wrong

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Day: 31

Nothing new. Hoping she’s a girl

a year ago

fozzybear99 Put the plant in a spot that gets the longest time in the sun


cannababy420 Ok thank you!

Day: 30

When should I top this baby? I think it needs a few more sets of leaves first but any tips are helpful as I am a first time grower.

a year ago


SaviiBuds Waiting until the 5th node is a good rule of thumb.


cannababy420 Ok great thank you for the tip😁👍

Day: 29

If you know any tips to improve growth please let me know

a year ago

fozzybear99 So what kind of soil are you using? Are you familiar with any kind of gardening?


cannababy420 Yea I’m just using regular potting soil

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