


All plants growing in the same condition. LST and two NL were cut, one top and one fim

3Northen light, 2diesel, 2critical++, 1 criticon.

Day 58 (Week 9)

18 updates

52 photos

Day: 58

Advice please, Should I cut all those small grows?maybe I over training the plants?✌️🤦‍♂️ They are in week two of 12/12 Just starting to show some sign of bug

5 years ago

Day: 49

Just switch to 12/12. Hoping for the best. Humidity but too high but the dehumidifier is in the way😁✌️.

5 years ago

Dukeshaba Hey bro all of my new growth has a yellowish look like yours is that ok or does it need something?

Day: 37


After bending for a while. They have already 9 more “future bud places” (colas I guess if the name) in every plant. They look healthy and good until now. I also took off some bad leaves and hoping for everything to go well. The topped plant is with the two new grows already and the fimmed one not really sure but I think I did it wrong.

5 years ago

Day: 29


Finally the pipe cleaner arrive and I could do this. They look little messy but they are doing good, growing all the small branches without all the big leaves on the way off the light

5 years ago

Day: 27


Waiting to see results on those two after the cuts

5 years ago

Day: 26


Today I bend them all and TOP and FIM two NL.

5 years ago

Day: 25

Tomorrow big day 😆

5 years ago

Day: 24


All the plants have the 5th node growing already and there are 2CBD seeds growing, #34 and #41 auto

5 years ago

Day: 21


Still waiting a bit more to bend and cut

5 years ago

Day: 20

Waiting a bit not for the lst and hst

5 years ago

Day: 18


Changed the pots today

5 years ago

Day: 16



5 years ago

Day: 14


3 day with the light and they start to grow much faster

5 years ago

Day: 12

Second day of light

5 years ago

Day: 11

Finally the new sun 😝

5 years ago

Day: 6

Still waiting for the light but still stretching

5 years ago

Day: 4



5 years ago

Day: 0


5 years ago