Freak Show
Mutant seed from my first grow
This is one of the few seeds that I got from my first grow. It had a lot of trouble growing and at times I didn’t even take photos of it out of shame. But then out of nowhere it too off and may be my best producer and will certainly out produce all of last years growth by itself.
Bag seed (unknown)
Day 129 (Week 19)
7 updates
7 photos
Day: 129

About 3 weeks into flower on August 18th and she thicker than a snicker! Have battled a lot of PM and minimal bud due to the help of Dr. Zymes but all in all a very healthy girl! Look how far we’ve come my little freak!
4 years ago
Prodigy She looks great, looks very healthy! You could probably use that Pallet to LST her more, tie right around the boards. Should be a big girl though.
GingerBud87 Yea man, I’ve tried a lot of fun things to help growth, next year I will get more aggressive with my outdoor grow and start them inside around January and then put them into the ground when the weather permits. Haven’t gotten my indoor setup yet but that’s the next plan.
Prodigy Yeah next year I think I'll do a green house/tent too. The yield it looks like I'm going to pull from my 1 outside could possibly be enough bud for me individually for the year🤞I could only imagine 5-10 outside
Day: 115

Little LST and lots of topping and fimming later and we’re a few days into flower as of August 4th.
4 years ago
Day: 106

Just before pre flower and super healthy and very bushy, looking very much like it’ll trend towards an indica dominant girl.
4 years ago
Day: 83

These three weeks are where it started to explode. Worth the save for sure.
4 years ago
Day: 56

Now we’re talking!
4 years ago
Day: 43

Starting to look a little more normal but still so far behind.
4 years ago
ogeast Hey brother, there are way too many good cannabis seed breeders to grow a bag-seed. Throw that bag seed away in the garbage where it belongs. They have the potential to grow these deformation that you see now, plus they are extremely unreliable. My advise is to cut your loses and grow a bomb stain from a reputable breeder. Look into 👍🏼 you won’t be disappointed.
GingerBud87 It’s a slow upload my guy and this plant will be a star (the point of me uploading to begin with) I have seeds from several reputable breeders but I’m also experimenting with a lot of techniques and this one was a testament to said techniques. Appreciate the advice but this plant is very special to me in general.
ogeast Ah ok. If this seed is special to you , then by all means, HAPPY GROWING BROTHER! My advise ALWAYS comes from a positive place. Thanks for not taking bad. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
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Day: 28

So far behind the others on May 9 but we don’t give up.
4 years ago