Purple kush
My favourite
This is my purple kush plant tried to even out the canopy by cropping the top.
Purple kush
Day 77 (Week 11)
13 updates
15 photos
Day: 77
Another good crop 34.60 grams
4 years ago
Day: 70
I can chop this any day now
4 years ago
Day: 68
Flushed this lady , she is almost ready to chop.
4 years ago
Day: 67
All is well getting very close. Watching tricomes daily
4 years ago
Day: 64
Fed bloom and boost. Could be one of her last feeding before the flush.
4 years ago
Day: 63
Keep it coming
4 years ago
Day: 59
Looking good! Stacking nicely
4 years ago
Day: 57
Fed bloom and boost. Soils ph 6.8
4 years ago
Day: 55
Plant is rebounding great , the buds are getting fatter by the day.
4 years ago
Day: 53
Fed bloom and bud booster.
4 years ago
Day: 52
Fattening up nice
4 years ago
Day: 50
Even canopy
4 years ago
Day: 50
4 years ago
twoXfour Need to get some nutes to this girl, she’s way under fed
Bonsorelli Looks that way doesn’t it. I just pulled her out of a ph battle , Almost lost her. The new growth is nice and green and my ph and ppm are where they need to be. I actually over fed them and almost fried them
Bonsorelli Gave them bud booster in week 4 and almost killed them.