Beautiful Female
Grow start January 28th
She smells of sweet lemon 🍋
Indica Kush
Day 106 (Week 16)
15 updates
20 photos
Day: 106

She is getting blue hues wow she’s fabulous
5 years ago
Day: 92

This wild child of mine has been quite the excitement, I think I’ll keep her around! She is from bagseed and let me tell you WOW... she smells of Lemone’ and pine with a sugary hint to follow... almost as if.. ahhh a sweet and sour diesel was possibly created!! I am in love 😍
5 years ago
BustaScruggs I know you really want to look at her Beautiful Flowers but take a look at those fab leaves... look real close.. is it nitrogen burn??? Or ... is it that I planted her way early just in time to catch the very first outdoor grow season for my location... is my she maturing and loosing those leaves or is she burning her self up with fert???? I think I know the answer let’s see if you do!!
Day: 79

Eat your heart out!!! She’s just lovely 😊
5 years ago
Day: 74

Man at the trichomes 😯 it smells like a sweet lemon!! 🍋
5 years ago
Day: 74

Lemonade Shade 🍋 🕶
5 years ago
Day: 71

Look at that flower grow! 👀
5 years ago
Day: 71

A true sight to behold!
5 years ago
Day: 66

Female Baby! I’m not sure why she is Flowering outdoors in April but hey whatever, I’m going to see where she goes!!
5 years ago
turtle7266 WOW! Gorgeous, work. If I can ask, would mind sharing your soil media? Looking for best dry media due to indoors in progress. Thanks for any help. Respect to ya.
Day: 66

Look at her early bus development!! I’m over here melting like butter!
5 years ago
Day: 66

Wow... she’s absolutely stunning and I’m going to call her Pocahontas 😊 Ive removed the bottom leaves for better Bud development!
5 years ago
Day: 37

Has one leaf petal missing on both leafs opposite sides symmetrical! Wow worth keeping lol
5 years ago
Day: 37

The plants are at least 8 inches tall and one looks very promising... he’ll they all look promising, but there is only one with no defects. Minute deformities concern me with finished quality abilities, is it worth the risk? Of course all plant lives matter!
5 years ago
Day: 37

Tallest one of the bunch! Note the leafs starting to curl upwards on the sides? I caught it early, my humidity I know is good so I’m banking that it is because of over watering, I’ll cut back and see how it does then!
5 years ago
Day: 7

Day 7 I’ve got 2 inch tall plants, gender unknown. Total of 4 plants with 2 being twins!
5 years ago
Day: 7

We have twins y’all! Two plants from one seed! Not sure how I’m going to separate them. Perhaps take the strongest of the two, or root for the underdawg lol
5 years ago
turtle7266 Wow! Be tough choice for me. Can you grow them together and count as a plus?
Carreography Same thing just recently happened to me .. is this uncommon ?