


First time plants

First time mothers. Blue Dream CBD, Strawberry Amnesia, Northern Lights, Sour Diesel, Purple Kush

5 strains

Day 219 (Week 32)

69 updates

345 photos

Day: 219

Clones coming along, almost ready for the next grow. New light being delivered tomorrow and it is quite the upgrade šŸ”„$$$$šŸ”„šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚

6 years ago

ClandestineWestOz Are you building this light or is it already built? I can get the same light board locally but would have to source the drivers etc to finish off the project.


Ryikk It comes as a kit and takes about 20 min to assemble (few how-To videos on YouTube). They have a finished version that has a frame etc and is several hundred dollars more. Thatā€™s why everyone wants the kit.

AlohaHaze Itā€™ll rock youā€™re grow Iā€™m sure. When is youā€™re planned move to the grow tent and on to veg?

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Day: 211


Recloned mothers, and then grabbed more clones for the next grow and 1 mother. @widdows420 below is the auto topoff I use and how I have it setup. I ran the power cords through pvc in the barrel, only to add weight to keep the pump where I wanted it and I had a piece playing around and the pvc attaches to the res is to keep the tube higher than the topoff water so no siphon happens (yes I found out the hard way)

6 years ago

AlohaHaze Keeping them alive. Youā€™re skills are paying off. Nothing new with mine. The second set of true leaves are starting to form and I bumped the TDS up to 50, very light, mix of the base nutes. Now on LED full time. Sorry I said nothing new then I hijack your post.


Ryikk Hahaha its all good. Yeah the pics for the ATO were to a reply on Widdowā€™s post. Since I canā€™t add pics to my replies šŸ˜‚

Widdows420 I donā€™t have good service at work. Pictures arenā€™t loading. Iā€™ll check it out at the house. Looking forward to it.

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Day: 205

Recloned my mothers. Had them in the cloner too long so they are in a touch of shock being added to dirt with 12ā€ roots.

6 years ago

Widdows420 I need to get a separate mother tent for me too. Save me a lot of money on seeds


Ryikk Yeah, thatā€™s true. It does come with itā€™s fair share of issues though. If you run dirt for your mothers and you go on vacation, finding ways to consistently water dirt unattended is less than fun šŸ˜‚

AlohaHaze Nice restart. Iā€™ve posted my seed germ for you to see. Iā€™m still at odds of tracking this grow on this platform. Posting everyday will be a challenge like you did. Iā€™ll mull it over. Maybe a weekly update along with exceptions that have developed if any, (I hope not though) šŸ§

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Day: 171


Watered the mothers today, although they have about reached their time to pull them. I think this go around Iā€™m gonna replant in soil and come up with my long term next round. The northern Lights plant is growing crazy good. I chopped her way back today.

6 years ago

Day: 168

While we are focused on the clones right now I have to say the Northern Lights is quite lively!

6 years ago

Day: 167

Roots are good, clones are healthy, just buying time while I sort out next steps.

6 years ago

Day: 161


Well the clones are THRIVING! The root growth is awesome on all the plants! Guess I really need to decide what Iā€™m doing. As much as it would be nice to do away with the mothers and use the mother tent for veg for perpetual flower cycles, I donā€™t have a surplus of these expensive seeds and I still havenā€™t decided how much of each strain I need. I actually picked these strains specifically for their effects. Some are for night time, some are for my wifeā€™s anxiety and depression, so I actually purposefully chose these strains (except for the sour diesel, that was a freebie and the one I never tried to grow because itā€™s a cheese strain). Regardless I need to figure out if Iā€™m swapping from soil (although I have soil to use for this). Hmm guess I better decide fast! Look at these roots!

6 years ago

AlohaHaze Those roots are amazing they will support strong plants. I hear you, you have a decision that will bring the life to an end for your mothers. Sad but they provided what you needed. Maybe Iā€™m missing something arenā€™t the clones from your mothers? If so theyā€™ll live on just look at those rootsšŸ¤™


Ryikk Presna suggested instead of having mothers, switching the mother tent into a Veg tent. That way I could have constant flowering. If I went that route I wouldnā€™t have a tent for motherā€™s (canā€™t expand my grow area or the wife may kill me šŸ˜‚)

PresaCanario Wow. They are looking great!!! Good jobšŸ‘šŸ‘

Day: 157


Had to chop a ton off these ladies to keep them out of the light. Just keeping them alive until I have my clones growing. Clones are coming along nicely as well. Starting to think through if I ditched my mothers and just started using this tent for veg. And then take clones before I transplanted. šŸ§

6 years ago

AlohaHaze If you donā€™t want to have the same strains going then you could always start the seed or clones in the first week of flower (for me that would be week 5-6 of veg. Thatā€™s when I flip. So that frees up your tent when you move them into the bloom tent. But for you you canā€™t move them cuz of the system. So maybe you just swap the purpose of each side of the tent, get it? Donā€™t know for sure but Iā€™m sure youā€™ll work it out. The question you have to ask yourself is: do I want to have the same strains or do you want to experiment until you find your nirvana strains.

PresaCanario Transferring from veg tent to bloom tent can work if the same size net pot/tote lid is used. Just take the netpot with lid and no roots should get hurt.


Ryikk Yeah the setup was what I am milling over in my head because I donā€™t want to try to go from coco to that and hurt the roots and shock them trying to clean them or trying to transfer pots. The only issue is I have more strains then I envision growing out at any 1 time. So I have to either pick a set and run with it or figure out a plan B.

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Day: 150

Found a couple (literally 2) little gnats in the Mother tent. Kind of doubt they are causing the issues, but added some fly tape just in case. More reason to move away from soil for these mothers. Now to research coco to make sure I am prepared for that when the clones are done.

6 years ago

PresaCanario I had the worst gnats problems when using coco as my medium, having the coco always wet was perfect condition for gnats. But fungus gnats could be controlled easily and they donā€™t really hurt established plants.

AlohaHaze Decided to check out your mother grow. I use expanded clay pebbles for my medium. The only issue Iā€™ve ever had with clay: Clay not covered and the light when plants are young and not shading the clay, youā€™ll get slime so cover it. You are doing that already so shouldnā€™t be an issue. Salt build up from evaporation. Once again if the plant isnā€™t large enough to shade the medium then evaporate will happen and buildup will happen. For you not such a big deal but me with a waterfarm and drip ring constantly dripping causes my ring holes to clog. No biggie I clean them every wc so it really isnā€™t a issue. I hope this works for you. Now that your using a method Iā€™m familiar with Iā€™ll pay closer attention to this op. I may be able to offer some advice whereas I didnā€™t have soil knowledge so I know what I donā€™t know. Iā€™m assuming these are clones from the mothers?


Ryikk Correct, clones from the mothers (the healthiest tops were used). I have TONS of hydroton so I can use that as easily as I can use coco. Do they function in the same way as it relates to keeping Motherā€™s? Need to determine what method Iā€™ll use for watering, can I still use fabric pots, or if I need to look into a more complicated setup for mothers. This go around I plan to keep them short and bushy and when they get out of hand just restart them so I donā€™t get in these weird states

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Day: 149

Took my 3 clones of Northern Lights. All the clones are looking healthy.

6 years ago

Day: 145

**Restarting Mothers Today** Took new clones today. The issues I have been having with the mothers, coupled with them outgrowing their tent, so I have decided to clone and reset them. Pulled enough to restart them as well as the clones I will need for the next grow in the main tent. Would like to start with slightly larger plants this time and do a much better job scrogging them. The last 3 open spot will be for the Northern Lights clones but that plant isnā€™t quite ready for cuttings yet. Layout... SA | SA | SA | SA PH | PH | SD | SD BD | BD | BD | BD NL | NL | NL | BD SA - Strawberry Amnesia BD - Blue Dream (CBD) SD - Sour Diesel PH - Purple Haze NL - Northern Lights

6 years ago

Hardd How much did you spend on your tents?


Ryikk Sm - 24x24x49 - $50 Med - 36x20x62 - $70 Lg - 48x48x80 - $110

Hardd May I ask where you go them?

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Day: 143


Happy Friday Everyone! Well I have been trying to get these mothers back on track and itā€™s just not working. Part of me wonders if they are root bound because I didnā€™t keep them short. Iā€™ll be cloning them soon to restart them. The good news...the Northern Lights plant is really looking strong! I topped her so I have my dual mains now.

6 years ago

Day: 136


Well I believe I have stopped the flowering of the mothers plants. Still feel I need to reclone them just to allow them more room to grow. Iā€™ll give them another week and start them on their way with clones.

6 years ago

Day: 134

Mid week update After removing the entire branch that was in flower, changing them to 24/7 light, flushing with just water, and returning them to every other day watering things are looking better. There are still some bad leaves but they are less frequent. Figure several more days and things may be back to normal. The Northern Lights is doing GREAT!

6 years ago

Day: 130

So Iā€™m flushing and adjusting but then I find this... Is this mother flipping to flower? Could that stress have made it flip?

6 years ago

AlohaHaze Yes I believe so but keeping them on a 18/6 sched should help. You can either get rid of the plant or I would cut the branch off and see if she revegā€™s.


Ryikk They have been on 18/6, gonna leave them at 24h light for a few days and Iā€™ll cut that one line off. Looks like I need to prepare to restart these mothers. We will know Iā€™m a couple days.

Day: 129


Still dealing with the discoloration . Not sure what the issue is. They have water, have light, have nutrients, but I canā€™t seem to get them corrected. On a good note....I AM SUPER EXCITED TO FINALLY HAVE MY NORTHERN LIGHTS GROWING! Those that have followed this grow know what a challenge that damn Northern Lights has been

6 years ago

AlohaHaze Wow bro. Didnā€™t know youā€™re having issues with the mothers. Is anyone helping you?


Ryikk Nope, I have just been trying to figure things out. I figured at first that it was lack of nutrients but I have been feeding them and no change


Ryikk Iā€™ve actually been considering restarting them from clones

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Day: 127

Midweek update. Something is off, being dirt itā€™s hard to tell. I have added some nutrients to the water dripping in. This yellow has me a tad concerned. I am leaning toward taking double the clones and starting my mothers over again in a bubleponics setup. Decisions decisions...feel free to offer your thoughts on their condition.

6 years ago

ClandestineWestOz Just looking like fresh growth to me bro. But stating new mothers isnā€™t a bad idea, youā€™ve got the material there plus some!


Ryikk Itā€™s the yellowing with colored spots that is worrying me. Unlike my RDWC where I know exactly whatā€™s in the water, adding to active soil messes with that.

Day: 122


Time for the Friday Mother Tent Update So they were a bit nutrient deficient. Just mixed them a batch of food yesterday so they are on the mend. On a brighter note...the Northern Lights is coming right along! Will be topping her soon

6 years ago


Ryikk Just a thought. Iā€™m thinking of restarting my mothers with clones. The space I have for them doesnā€™t really allow for them to be grown out. Iā€™m thinking if I restart them after I take clones for the next batch then I can keep them smaller. If anyone has thoughts on doing this please let me know.

Day: 116


Back from vacation. Chopped these ladies a lot before I left and they sprouted up hard in 8 days! Had some small issues with the watering system while I was away but my MIL did some small adjustments so it wouldnā€™t drown them.

6 years ago

Day: 101

Had to give these ladies another haircut this week. They are growing soooo fast. I wish I had more room to let them spread out more. I added in a BluMat drip watering system. Trying to find the right setting to keep them alive without flooding the tent.

6 years ago

Day: 94


Itā€™s time for the weekly Motherā€™s update. I had to trim them WAY back as they hit the lights this week. I also have to admit I damn near killed them all. Yup I got sidetracked while watering and forgot to go back and never watered them and checked on them and all of them were wilted pretty bad. Quickly mixed up a batch of light nutes and some RO water and by the next day they were back to their normal selves. Just goes to show when running dirt in felt pots, more than 2-3 days without watering and bam almost dead. On a positive note, the Northern Lights is coming along nicely. Wish more light got down to it, but seeing I donā€™t need it for a few months itā€™s ok itā€™s growing slow right now.

6 years ago

AlohaHaze Nice cycle youā€™re developing. Stay focused and have a checklist youā€™re doing great.

Day: 87

These ladies are out of control! They definitely need to be trimmed way back again. They are encroaching on the light! And great news, my Northern Lights is finally growing! What a pain it has been getting that one started.

6 years ago

ClandestineWestOz Cut more clones and sell them.


Ryikk Those clones from these really had huge deep root systems (over 12ā€ long) when I dropped them in. Solid genetics.

Day: 80


Once again itā€™s time for the Friday update. These ladies are getting out of control! I cut them back and they are now twice as thick and taller! Gave them a little fertilizer tonight with their water. Only watering every 2-3 days really has proved to jump start these plants. Going to have to trim them back a tad when I move the Northern Lights back in.

6 years ago

ClandestineWestOz Theyā€™re cranking! Good job

Day: 73


Time for our weekly Motherā€™s update and I have a surprise. So if you have been following this grow you know I have had the absolute WORST luck getting a Northern Lights mother up and running. Well I decided I would try 1 last time. I floated the seeding in a mix of H2O2 and Distilled water for 24 hours and then put it directly into the dirt. Well to my surprise a few days later the seedling broke the surface and started to grow! It still has a ways to go for it to be stable but this attempt is already 1000 times better. On another note I trimmed the hell out of these girls the other day and they seem to have loved it because they are super full, super lush, and thriving. Iā€™m only watering them every 2-3 days (they will dry the soil out in a day) and that seems to have sparked their growth.

6 years ago

Day: 66


These were from last night, the Friday weekly update. They are really filling back in. Honestly I think they are even better after the clones were taken.

6 years ago

LuckyLeftT Itā€™s like a haircut. Your hair grows faster when you trim it

Day: 59


Thirsty girls are filing in nicely. Moving to once a week updates on this tent. Tune in next Friday. Same bat time, same bat channel.

6 years ago

Day: 58


Mothers seem to have recovered nicely from pulling clones and additional trimming.

6 years ago

Day: 57



6 years ago

Day: 56


Mothers are recovering post clone and trim.

6 years ago

Day: 55


Today was clone and trim day. First group photo was before and second was after. About 2 weeks till they start veg. There will be a separate grow for those. Once the mothers have stabilized post clone and the clones are ready for Veg, this grow will only see updates once a week unless something major happens. Make sure to follow the new grow that starts later today with the clones.

6 years ago

Dab710247 Do you use any topping or hat techniques?


Ryikk Yeah I topped them

Day: 54


Well today was supposed to be clone day. Well I had everything setup and ready to go, only to realize I bought the wrong Clonex product. I bought the nutrients not the rooting gelšŸ¤¬. Iā€™ll stop and get that tomorrow. I did however get the new exhaust fan and filter for the mother tent. Exhaust has been redone and is much better now!

6 years ago

Day: 53


All is looking good to pull clones tomorrow. Exciting next next step in my first grow. Even found a solid candidate on the Strawberry Amnesia...definitely trying to root that one!

6 years ago

Day: 52


Clones should be happening this weekend. Started shopping for a replacement for Northern Lights since that batch of seeds refuses to take hold. May look for Granddaddy Purple hmmm. More Hydro buildout for grow room this weekend as well.

6 years ago

Day: 51


Getting closer. Even included a measurement pic for scale.

6 years ago

Day: 50


That Blue Dream...makes you want to flower that one, all that new growth every day!

6 years ago

Day: 49


Just found the Northern Lights seedling in the dirt not looking so good. Repositioned it in the dirt to give it sunlight. Iā€™m very close to giving up on this batch of Northern Lights seeds. Time to browse the seed banks

6 years ago

Day: 48


Trimmed quite a few fan leaves tonight. Saw some good candidates for clones. Couple more days to see if I can grab more than 1 strain. Still no sign of Northern Lights. I am quickly losing hope for that strain. May just have to go another route. The Blue Dream (CBD) riots are poking through the pot, guess the roots are solid! Buildout of the hydro setup begins tomorrow! Clones this week!

6 years ago

Day: 47


Come on mothers, daddy needs a new set of clones!

6 years ago

Day: 46


Another day closer to clone day. No sign of Northern Lights yet. Added a 2nd fan to aid with air flow.

6 years ago

Day: 45


Nothing new, just waiting to be able to pull clones soon

6 years ago

Day: 44


Plants are drinking almost a gallon a day now. The Northern Lights is now in the soil (fingers crossed). The Purple Kush, Sour Diesel, and Strawberry Amnesia have now begun to really take off. Good things to come!

6 years ago

Day: 43


The smaller plants seem to have liked the lots of water I gave them last night. They grew significantly over night. Northern Lights is sooo close to going into the dirt.

6 years ago

Day: 42


Thirsty, Thirsty, Damn this Blue Dream is thirsty. Need to figure out a better way to keep her full of water. On the other hand the Northern Lights seedling is coming along. The tail is growing and a little bit of green is noticeable today. Should be ready for dirt in a day or 3.

6 years ago

Day: 41


This Blue Dream girl is thirsty! Drank the soil dry again! Starting to think she is gonna need a gallon a day very soon.

6 years ago

Day: 40


Soon to clone....

6 years ago

Day: 38


Thirsty girls needed lots of water today. The Blue Dream is now in full ā€œGIVE ME ALL THE WATERā€ mode. The Northern Lights seedling is almost ready to join the tent.

7 years ago

Day: 37


Ventilation is really helping to lower temps and humidity. About ready to pull clones šŸ‘šŸ¼

7 years ago

Day: 36


Coming along nicely and got my exhaust setup to vent some of the heat and humidity. New Northern Lights seed is developing much quicker this time around.

7 years ago

Day: 35


Everything is moved back to its original home. The Northern Lights seed is starting to crack so fingers crossed.

7 years ago

Day: 34


Trimmed a few fan leaves on the Blue Dream and the others are moving right along. Work continues on the Grow Out Tent.

7 years ago

Day: 33


While everything else is great I have all but given up on the northern lights. I am germinating a new seed now. Letā€™s hope that one works. This is attempt #3 on this strain! I have also changed lighting to a 20/4 rotation.

7 years ago

Day: 32


Plants are doing good in their temp location. Will be moving them back tomorrow. Managed to get the 4x4x80 stood up today and will have that ready to move clones into in the coming weeks.

7 years ago

LuckyLeftT Whatā€™s the Blue thing hanging down?


Ryikk Itā€™s a wireless temp and humidity sensor that pushes the info to my phone

Day: 31


Almost convinced that the Northern Lights plant may not survive. Itā€™s literally doing nothing... But I topped the Blue Dream in the meantime and removed some lower fan leaves while I wait for the other strains to mature so I can grab a clone or 2 off them. Got my electrical work done so now I can setup the 4ā€™x4ā€™ that will be run Undercurrent DWC. Building that out this weekend I hope.

7 years ago

Day: 30


Blue Dream is moving along! Still waiting on Northern Lights...ā˜¹ļø Had to move the tent for a couple days to make room for work being done so got a couple daylight shots while moving.

7 years ago

Day: 29


All is well except for Northern Lights. That little guy is the little engine that could. I hope to see some positive signs soon from that one.

7 years ago

Day: 28

Did a little trimming on the BD of some of the lower fan leaves that arenā€™t getting much light. Trying to decide if I want to do any topping or training of any kind given itā€™s just a mother. Thinking of letting it go up marrow for space sake.

7 years ago

Day: 27


Northern Lights is ALIVE! The final seedling has broken the surface and I can see a green leaf (all be it a weirdly shaped one that is to that seed shell).

7 years ago

Day: 26

Everything is progressing nicely. Canā€™t believe that Northern Lights seed casing wonā€™t fall off. The stem is growing so thatā€™s good. Did a little cutting on lower leaves that were being damaged by touching the walls of the pot on the Blue Dream. Past weekā€™s temp and humidity levels added. Will be adding exhaust fan and carbon filter soon as the scent is starting to come up in the tent (although canā€™t smell it outside yet). Temp: 84.5 Humidity: 87.6

7 years ago

Day: 25

Good news, the Strawberry Amnesia has survived! Yesterday I uncovered it and gently pulled the seedling up near the surface and put a thin layer of dirt on it and today we have nice green leaves on it. So glad that worked. Now only have to wait for the Northern Lights plant to crack the surface. I planted it quite shallow to avoid the issues I just had with SA.

7 years ago

Day: 24


Watering day 2 smaller sprouts are coming along Northern Lights is in the dirt now Strawberry Amnesia I kind of uncovered it a bit. Not sure it is gonna make it. We will see in the next 2 days. Even took a shot through my UV glasses that finally arrived.

7 years ago

Day: 23


Blue Dream (CBD) - Kicking Ass Purple Kush - Sprouted Sour Diesel - Sprouted Strawberry Amnesia - Nothing Yet Northern Lights - Seed Cracked should be good to plant tomorrow. All in all things are on the right track. GoPro still shooting that time lapse and got lucky enough to capture those 2 breaking the surface (kinda wish it was a close up of that...maybe next time)

7 years ago

TayTay Looking awesome


Ryikk Thanks! First grow. 2nd tent to follow once these are clone ready. Going DWC in that one.

Day: 22


No sign of the 3 sprouts I planted yesterday. But the Blue Dream CBD is coming along nicely!

7 years ago


Ryikk Hooked up the GoPro to do a little time lapse on this tent. Let it run a few days and see what it looks like.

Day: 21


Coming along nicely. 3 of the 4 seeds germinating have opened but that damn Northern Lights is being a total prick just like last time.

7 years ago


Ryikk Did a little cord management today. Added a power strip in and cable tied it all nice and neat

LuckyLeftT Stealing the power cord idea. Merci

Day: 20

Germination under way for the other 4 pots. Decided to at least get the mothers going so as I choose strains to flower I have clone ready plants to do that. Blue Dream (CBD) making progress. After 20 hours of sitting in water in the grow tent some seeds are already opening and have plant material exposed. High hopes this time.

7 years ago

Day: 19

Back from a weeks vacation and my Blumat system seems to have had a runaway and drained all 5g in the first 12 hours (based on my humidity sensor data) soaking the seedlings and leaving a 5g puddle on the bottom that the soil just reabsorbed over the next week. The only one to survive was the Blue Dream (CBD) as it was dead center and close to the light allowing it to dry out faster than the others and so the seedling survived. Time to germinate another batch of the other ones. May only do 3 others as my plans for the 4x4 have changed.

7 years ago

Day: 8

Seeds have been placed in dirt

7 years ago

CesiuM What size smart pots 5gal or 7?


Ryikk Those are 3g fabric pots

Day: 7

Northern Lights has barely opened.

7 years ago

Day: 5

All plants are coming along except for Northern Lights

7 years ago

Day: 1

Germination begins

7 years ago