

First grow

Big league / pound cake

Running 7 plants , under 18 /6 light cycle until flip

Big league “brisker og x grape rock candy x banana butter cups”… pound cake

Day 40 (Week 6)



15 updates

15 photos

Day: 40


Humboldt seed co .. pound cake looking like a Christmas 🎄 tree ….

a year ago


ig:@eaegifts Looking great

Day: 39

Pound cake by Humboldt seeds starting to stack up nicely haven’t fed them in about 2 weeks. Will have to top dress a light feeding with some roots organic next watering. And some cal mag 💯

a year ago

Day: 39

Big league by square one genetics these plants are real low and bushy filling out nice tho , the pound cakes have been a lot easier to grow in my opinion these are more sensitive plants but so far so good will do a feed next watering with roots organic and some cal mag .. 💯

a year ago

Day: 30

Pound cake by Humboldt seeds , topped about 5 days ago and pruned new growth is coming in nice , monster fan leaves on this one

2 years ago


Endoara Nice 👍 , got that pound cake to. Aww daddy gardener. We’re these your phono hunt seeds ?


bolierroom420 Aha Thank you Yea the pound cake is nice .. no I will not be doing any breeding or cloning on this run maybe on the next …still getting the whole growing thing down Better .. did you grow any of the pound cake yet ?


Endoara No, trying to plan out what I need to do first. Got mountain top mint I think will be kind as far as bugs go.

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Day: 30

Big league by square one genetics , also topped 5 days ago and pruned these are much shorter and bushy plants compared to the pound cake , gave them some elemental from roots organic and also up rising grow and foundation by roots organic all top dressed …

2 years ago

Day: 23


Flower 💯 💥

a year ago


organic_grower Looks awesome!


bolierroom420 @organic_grower ..thanks 🙏 Ran it with all roots organic dry nutrients and terp teas 🍵

Day: 23


Big league 🥶 🥶

a year ago

Day: 19

Been noticing this on plant “big league “ has some curled leaves on new growth any suggestions ? On what might be the cause ? all other plants in the garden aren’t showing signs like that looks like a pretty healthy plant I was thinking maybe to much light or over watering thanks for any input …

2 years ago

Day: 19

Pound cake 🥮.. been loving my first grow plants all are coming along nicely

2 years ago

Day: 19

Plants all looking pretty healthy 💯

2 years ago

Day: 19

Another big league

2 years ago

Day: 13


Day 13 of flower , grow tent looks like a jungle lol bud sites everywhere and the white pistils are coming in beautifully .. topped dressed about a week ago and also gave them some seabird guano tea with some black strap molasses two days ago …💯💥💣

a year ago

Day: 13

One of the big leagues by square one 🧬

a year ago

Day: 13


The jungle 🌴🌴🌴

a year ago

Day: 6


Plants starting to get white pistils everything is coming along nicely except for one of the fans falling this morning breaking one of the stems to the bud site put some raw honey on it and made a splint hopefully that Recovers Sucks it happened in flower but things happen other then that everything dialed in 💯

a year ago