Apple Fritter
Apple fritter bag seed
Tried to germinate 10 apple fritter seeds in distilled water. After some of them popped I went ahead and put 5 of them in Rockwell cubes. The other 5 I put in soil pods (the little disc things that you put in water and they expand). After 4 days I have 3 sprouts. 2 in the solid discs and 1 in the Rockwell cube. 
Apple Fritter
Day 12 (Week 2)
5 updates
6 photos
Day: 12
Transplanted one of my AF into a solo cup for a local challenge. We’ll see what happens , she wasn’t looking too hot in this pic but relaxed after a minute.
3 years ago
Day: 4
Really liking the little guy! Already puttting on the true leaves while the other 2 are stretching for the light.
3 years ago
Day: 1
Had 3 apple fritter sprouts. 2 in soil discs 1 in a Rockwell cube. Sprinkled some Extreme gardening beneficial bacteria in with some happy tree frog soil in 1 gallon containers. Watered 50 ml put on the heating pad and topped with baggies. Under 24 hr led light for now.
3 years ago
Day: 0
Apple fritter poppin off.
3 years ago