
Picked up clones

August 22nd 2021

One clone of birthday cake indica dominant hybrid. Planted with bigrootz soil into 15g pot.

Birthday cake

Day 92 (Week 14)

26 updates

74 photos

Day: 92


Chopping it today

3 years ago

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Day: 82

6 weeks 5 days into flowering. Started first day of flush. I think it’s getting 2 weeks out from harvest?

3 years ago

Day: 78

Getting these weird light spots on the leaves. Not sure what it is, the plant seems to be progressing fine.

3 years ago

Day: 57


Watered again with full nutes.

3 years ago

Day: 55


Watered full nutes. About 78 degrees and 39% humidity.

3 years ago

Day: 50

Did another round of defoliation. A lot of growth was coming back from the areas I had previously clipped. Also the plant was getting way too bushy with leaves laying on top of each other. Clipped a lot of the fan leaves to open it up and allow more air flow. Although humidity is mid 30s I saw one leaf with a small amount of wpm. I won’t want to lose this plant!

3 years ago

E-Lee-Te Kush & Co.

E-Lee-Te Kush & Co. Thick With Two C’s She’s Gorgeous

jtravis Thanks! First grow so hopefully I can nail a great harvest.

E-Lee-Te Kush & Co.

E-Lee-Te Kush & Co. Maintain Course

Day: 46


Raised light a bit to compensate for more stretching. Put small dehumidifier inside and watered yesterday.

3 years ago

Day: 41


Did some more defoliation most of the lower growth has been stripped off. Watered with bloom formula.

3 years ago


combatmedic81 Good job on stripping that lower shit, you will see positive growth now

jtravis Thank you for commenting on my previous photo, excited to post updates.

Day: 37

Day 3 of flower? Letting soil dry a bit longer noticed some gnats buzzing around under the canopy.

3 years ago


combatmedic81 Are you going to strip any of that lower stuff ?

jtravis I’m still super new to this. I’ve done 2 rounds of light defoliation but I was just hoping to get through a grow. When you say strip lower stuff do you mean just the fan leaves?


combatmedic81 Yes, the fan leaves at the bottom. When I strip and flip I cut almost all the way to the end of the branch

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Day: 35

Moving over to 12/12. Do y’all think it’s a good time to move to flower?

3 years ago


cali916treez Flower whenever you think it’s the right time 💪🏼🧬

jtravis Thank you!


cali916treez Yep! Always follow ur own feelings .. and experiment with crops till you get a feel for it 👍🏼👍🏼

Day: 33


Defoliation. Cut off some of the stretching branches that weren’t quite making it to the canopy. Took some clones but they don’t look too happy. Thinking I’m going to start flowering next week.

3 years ago


Mystrain420-@eaegifts Clip the clone leafs to help them transpire better also make sure to cut the stem on an angle. Another tip for keeping them perky is to keep a cup of water to drop them into immediately after cutting, if u check them 2mw they’ll probably be good. Hopefully this helps 👍🏾

jtravis Appreciate the tips! First timer here.

Day: 31

Watered today with full nutes.

3 years ago

Day: 28


A little more cropping and training. Plan is hearty.

3 years ago

Day: 27

Realized the timer was set wrong and was only getting 16 hours. Adjusted to be 18. Did some light defoliation of largest fan leaves and some that were laying on top of one another. Will do another one soon.

3 years ago

cakeboyz What’s the main reason why you do 18 on and 6 off ? Am I right is that schedule?

jtravis Yes 18 hours on 6 off is a very common light schedule. Some folks do 20/4 and 24/0. 18/6 works well for me I haven’t experimented much with other schedules. I’m also very new to this lol.

Day: 25


Ac has been turned off. Temps gown down to 68 during off period and 78 during on.

3 years ago

Day: 22


Dehumidifier set to timer to run during off period. I noticed humidity gets to 70% with 76 degrees temp. During light on temperatures have been getting warmer around 83 degrees and 40% humidity. My ph tester came today and noticed my tap water runs 8-9 when we need ph to be around 6-7. I have ph down which I will add tomorrow.

3 years ago


NopeQQ Mhh the Humidity is okay. Its just veg and no flower stage. Dont worry. But your little plant is very young. Dont overfed her.

jtravis Thanks for the tips! This is my first grow.

Day: 22

Added scrog. Humidifier stayed on took dehu off of the timer. Watered them with full nutes.

3 years ago

Day: 20

This was temps around 5pm before the lights are scheduled to go on at 8Pm. They’re currently on a 18/6 which I just switched to. It is getting slightly warmer in the grow temp adjusting ac from 68 to 66. Oscillating and exhaust fan stay on 24.

3 years ago

Day: 19


Just got the Mars hydro tsw2000 and switched it over. Temperature immediately went down. Hung about 20” above canopy and turned ac down to 70. Watered today with full strength nutes.

3 years ago

Day: 18

Training working well. Nodes that were exposed to light have grown significantly. Have a Mars hydro tsw2000 coming to replace the 150watt hps I currently have. Soil is still moist, will look to water tomorrow. Heat has increased a little due to turning the ac down. I hope this isn’t too much heat as 81 degrees used to stress the clone.

3 years ago

Day: 17

Lowered light. Moved leaves out of way to expose growth nodes

3 years ago

Day: 17

Moving leaves out of the way for node growth.

3 years ago

Day: 17

More plant training done to help expose some of the shaded nodes

3 years ago

Day: 16

Trained the far right node to be same level as all growth nodes. Right now we are looking at 6 different nodes forming. However, one is forming on the underside of the branch. Will most likely use this is a cutting to clone.

3 years ago

Day: 15


Moved into designated grow room. Included AC for the room and venting hot air from the tent directly outside. Temperature is now around 77 degrees and 55% humidity. Before the plant looked a little heat stressed and the temp was hovering around 82 degrees during the day. The humidifier has trouble pushing the humidity up. Growth has already increased.

3 years ago

Day: 1


Bought clone of wedding cake.

3 years ago

Peng 😂

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