Juicy pussy & Ice Eyes
2 autos in Coco
It's do it
Juicypussy Ice eyes auto
Day 62 (Week 9)
13 updates
30 photos
Day: 62
These autos growing CRAZY!!! I had to net up ,, no space left#
3 years ago
HammertimeAZ Never grown juicy pussy, what bank?
bjbetty HYPNO SEED
Day: 48
Into week 2 of flower, should I put SCROG net?
3 years ago
Day: 41
2 auto in 80x80, i should get bigger home TT
3 years ago
Day: 30
Should i remove little nodes down their now?
3 years ago
@eaegifts I’d trim it if I wasn’t gonna lst to get more direct light or if lots of pistils were showing.
@eaegifts I’m not super into autos but most mine seem to slow Veg growth around days 40-45
ozzy_gunja Possibly the undeveloped growth on the main stem/trunk I'd only remove the underdeveloped growth, attached to the trunk, that's sapping strength away from the Colas... Touching only the bottom leaves & nodes that wannabe branches, leaving everything else that has formed or developed untouched. Don't lollipop your branches, not even the lowest of the nodes. Autoflower have a very fine line when it comes to pruning etc... Before you know it, your removing parts of the plant that are quite capable of producing quality medicine, if lighting etc is available, it'll grow... Even the lowest branches, if developed can produce good quality buds!... Personally I don't generally believe in tipping or lollipping Autoflower However Autoflower respond extremely well to the gentler LST & Supercropping methods of plant manipulation...
Day: 29
4 week and still no sign of flowering
3 years ago
Day: 20
20 day how does it look?
3 years ago
Day: 16
Juciy pussy grow much faster
3 years ago
Day: 10
She is growing fast
3 years ago
Day: 6
Move light closer and fill some coco in
3 years ago
Day: 5
Day5 foliar her
3 years ago
Day: 3
Popped out
3 years ago
Day: 2
Little girl
3 years ago