


Summer 2019

Random seed I planted popped a couple days ago, not really sure what my plans are for this seedling as of now but is is currently outside in some FFOF. I don’t think I am going to leave it outside much longer because it’s only getting about 9 hours of direct light.


Day 17 (Week 3)

6 updates

9 photos

Day: 17

(6/18/19) going to transplant soon. Probably around Friday or Saturday.

6 years ago

Cøby I have the same looking plant that is actually now a good size looking good keep it up

Day: 14


(6/15/19) Watered yesterday. Update* Third photo was on 6-16-19 just wanted to show you how happy she has been looking

6 years ago

Day: 11

Haven’t watered in a while. Still been raining about every other day.

6 years ago

Day: 8

Second set of leafs are now visible.

6 years ago

Day: 5

(6/6/19) watered this evening.

6 years ago

Superman3383 Do what I did and just get a cheap $30/$50 54W sunblaster and grow until about a foot high maybe a bit less. Gives u about 30 days or so to get a better light set up

Day: 3

Currently about an inch tall, I only watered once when I planted a non germinated seed. It has been raining often so I am not going to water unless the top starts getting dry.

6 years ago