First Grow - Bag Seed
Post-grind survivor, Quarantine Edition
1500W ‘equivalent’ full spectrum LED, Coco/perlite hydro closet grow in a 2x3 tent.
Cookies Gelato
Day 119 (Week 17)
52 updates
73 photos
Day: 119

9 weeks from 12/12 flip, purple really coming in on the big gal. Decided to harvest a few of the most light-damaged colas and get more light to the lower buds. After trimming it became clear it was a bit too early but now there are a lot more green leaves exposed to the light so we’ll see how this plays out. It is my first grow experiment after all.
5 years ago
stalepeep Well done
Day: 100

Some challenges re balancing pH in the reservoir (no molasses!) and too-close lights combined with a day without watering resulted in some pretty bad light burn but she seems to be recovering now that these issues have been addressed.
5 years ago
Day: 86

I believe some early light and/or nute burn had begun earlier on in flower but I have corrected those issues I think. Smelling quite nice and getting frosty as you can see.
5 years ago
Day: 82

Coming along nicely.
5 years ago
Day: 74

Frost has begun. Loooooots of bud sites. This is getting even more fun. Automatic watering system active - plants will get up to 6 waterings per day during lights on.
5 years ago
Day: 65

There will be nearly 30 prime bud sites with some others that will get less light as I did not lollipop her.
5 years ago
Day: 64

Defoliated quite a bit. Limited pics as lights go off for flower early and I’m still not used to it apparently. She’s beefy.
5 years ago
Day: 63

Nearly 1/2 of the tent (on the left). One week since changing to 12/12. Buds just beginning to form. Let’s go!
5 years ago
Day: 55

Added a new light today. I hadn’t yet fed them for the night or changed the timer over and it was getting close to 12 hrs so I figured why not one last day of 18/6 with new light and 12/12 tomorrow. The new light is 5x COB LEDs and is almost exclusively over this plant. I will be able to raise it independently as I’m sure she will remain taller throughout flower.
5 years ago
Day: 54

Defoliated some and took 4 clones. Flip tomorrow.
5 years ago
BizzleMalaka That girl thicc 👀! Nice work with the training.
Day: 50

Basic veg nutes plus molasses. Hot and humid weather is here so AC is now on 24/7 and temps are way down with RH way up - no need for humidifiers. Plants are also transpiring less due to the high humidity so I’ve only had to water once a day for the last few. I ordered another LED light that should arrive in a few days will double the amount of light in my small tent.
5 years ago
Day: 48

Adjusted the ties to level it a bit more. She will get at least one last good defoliation before the flip one week from today. I didn’t think it was fair that only the Kush twins got Myke so I sprinkled some on top of the coco before watering a few days ago. It may not do anything but at least there’s now a chance.
5 years ago
Day: 44

Very bushy. Haven’t trimmed in a few days but have been making small adjustments and rotating. Fixed a few of the highest tops and plucked a few growth tips but the real haircut will probably be in the next few days. I finally have gathered all the supplies I need for flowering. I rearranged the tent out of necessity today to install the humongous 16” long 6” carbon filter, which also meant redoing the fan and ducting somewhat. Great airflow (better than beforehand with the charcoal sheet in front of the exhaust fan) and no smell of course. The plan is to flip the tent to 12/12 on June 1st.
5 years ago
Day: 41

Trying to create a nice, even canopy. Defoliating a bit each day. I am not switching to 12/12 for flower until the Kush twins are ready, so she will have extra time in veg and I will hopefully be able to train her to use the space optimally.
5 years ago
Day: 40

Continued LST. Adjusted the tie-down points of many of the branches. Also defoliated and removed some growth tips that I didn’t care for. Also added a current photo of the trunk. The right side in the photo is the damaged branch. Because of the damage I was unable to mainline this plant as I intended. I plan on mainlining the Kush twins however.
5 years ago
Day: 39

5 years ago
Day: 38

Tied down and defoliated some.
5 years ago
Day: 37

Topped to the 5th node on each side. Tied down the 4 lowest branches. Not exactly sure where this is going at the moment.
5 years ago
Day: 36

Still healing.
5 years ago
Day: 34

5 years ago
Day: 33

Removed some of the lower fan leaves that weren’t getting much light or had been damaged. Had a light fall and nearly split her in half 2 days ago but the sling has held tight and she is doing remarkably well, you can barely tell from above. I plan on topping her again soon and then starting training again but definitely don’t want to rush things as the repair needs to be nice and strong. Latest nute mix pH of 5.7
5 years ago
Mystrain420 They’re surprisingly strong plants. I have two going now with split stems 1 is flowering n 1 is in veg. It’s actually some high stress training techniques that require snapping and breaking of parts of the plant like super cropping so don’t worry too much.
Mystrain420 Take a look at my bd bag seed grow u can see the split and how it heals. I actually split it while she’s flowering
Day: 32

SuperThrive added to nute mix.
5 years ago
Mystrain420 You sound consider making a foliar spray with the super thrive
KC40 I actually also made up a foliar spray with ST. There was a very stressful incident that I was/am waiting to post about but I was glad to have it on hand for sure as everything seems just fine.
Day: 31

Light fell on the plant on this day and nearly split it in half. Almost immediately slung it back up with Velcro ties.
5 years ago
Day: 29

She has made herself known! Yesterday I noticed what I thought was a miniature calyx with a tiny white pistil tip. Today I can see several of these all over the plant. I defoliated the lower fan leaves and will attempt further training tomorrow. Fed some leftover molasses nutes from the seedlings in the morning and in the evening mixed a batch to 5.7 pH. Fed 1/2 gallon to minimal runoff. I will feed properly tomorrow and test runoff. She has been smelling for a while, had to put a folded carbon sheet in front of the exhaust, which is working okay for now. I will need a carbon filter or better solution soon though.
5 years ago
Day: 28

I don’t have a USB microscope but I think I see one or two immature calyx with the very start of a white pistil emerging. I tucked fan leaves out of the way in an effort to get light on the bud sites to hopefully speed up the identification process. I also want the nodes to grow as much as possible over the next few days or so for more viable clones.
5 years ago
Day: 27

Feeding and stressing. Defoliated the oldest two fan leaves that were left over after topping.
5 years ago
Day: 26

Trying more LST but still waiting on the proper soft ties. The velcro ties are okay for now but the regular twist ties are not strong enough for the beefy main branches. I may experiment a bit with this plant instead of following strict mainline / manifold due to the leaf damage.
5 years ago
Day: 25

Side with missing fan leaf is growing a little slower so I have left it alone while training the other side with the aim of balancing them once / if it evens out. The branches have beefed up immensely since topping. I am floating the idea of defoliating the fan leaf diagonal to the one that was lost with the hopes of restoring symmetry as it seems that the intact side is getting thicker than the other. We’ll see what another day or two of being the dominant branch does.
5 years ago
Day: 24

Had a leaf accident yesterday and despite my efforts it was not able to be saved. Not too worried about it other than how it is going to affect growth symmetry. At the next topping I am to remove growth from several lower nodes, so this can be one of those.
5 years ago
Day: 23

Raining today, RH up over 60%. Seedlings have sprouted, will have to make a new journal for them. Clones seem to be doing fine, I will check them for roots tomorrow. Mixed up new batch of nutes, 6.0 pH this time. Watered about 1/2 gallon to runoff.
5 years ago
Day: 22

Feeding at lights on or when I wake up. Again 10-12 hours later. Seeds have yet to sprout in the prop dome but humidity is being maintained > 85 RH and none of the “clones” have yellowed or wilted much yet. Fingers crossed!
5 years ago
Day: 21

Continuing with twice daily feeding. Working on getting the humidity right, currently 52 RH @ 81 F.
5 years ago
Day: 20

Couldn’t resist yesterday, topped to 3rd node and removed all other growth. Those two little growth tips are to become the new main branches, and at some point I’ll remove the remaining two fan leaves as well. 2nd humidifier arrived today so we will be in a better humidity range from here on out. Also set up the propagation dome inside the tent with the top and a few other clippings in jiffy pellets attempting to root as clones. Planted 2 OG Kush seeds in jiffy pellets as well, we will see how that progresses and I will likely have another journal in the coming days.
5 years ago
Day: 19

Plant is approx 5 inches tall, currently 18 inches from light. Will probably move the light back up to 20 later today. Stem starting to look thick, working on 6th node. Will mix some more nutes today and feed once, probably. Started some minimal LST yesterday to get some more light on the inner growth. I can see why new growers are hesitant to top their plants, because she is growing so well and quickly. That being said I am pretty eager to top and attempt to clone. This is technically a practice run after all. EDIT: I did top her today after all, down to the 3rd node and removed all other growth
5 years ago
Day: 18

Waiting for some more growth before topping, more so for the clone’s sake but the plant will be stronger and likely bounce back easier as well. Fed around midday, roughly 1/4 gallon. Experimented with a few more thermometers to try and get an idea of the accuracy / actual temp. I still don’t know which I can trust but I at least know the average is lower than I thought and that the thermom/hygrometer convo I have been using since the beginning reads higher than the rest. I also used the meat probe from my smoker thermometer to take root zone temp. Currently 71 F an hour or two after watering.
5 years ago
Day: 17

Supplies are here, and my first batch of seeds! Will probably hold off for the 2nd shipment to arrive and then start either 2 white widow or 4 OG Kush plants. I think I’m going to train this one (assuming female) while waiting for the others to catch up and then flip them all to flower at the same time. Another batch of nutes, 5.8 pH and 1480 EC, with starting EC of just under 300 due to city tap water. Fed around midday, took prob 1/3 of a gallon to get runoff. Runoff EC 1083. EDIT: Midnight snack of 1/2 gallon to runoff. I said I was following the Ironhead recipe earlier but that wasn’t completely true. As of this feeding though Drip-Clean has been added so we are fully compliant. I also picked up Cannazym and KoolBloom for flower. I also got some prolongation supplies so I can attempt to clone the top of the plant when cut. For this reason I’m going to wait a little longer to top.
5 years ago
Day: 16

I think the new nutrient recipe, pH’d with accuracy, will do just fine. Still researching boosters or additional supplements for flowering. Haven’t yet been able to water to runoff but will mix a larger amount of nutes today and water until I get some to test. At this point I am operating under the belief that I cannot overwater this plant in coco/perlite in its fabric pot and that frequent watering with nutrients will continually wash away any extra salt building up and ensure nutrients are always available. There is plenty of light for her to take advantage of this as well as a great deal of airflow. Still on the low end humidity-wise but the replacement humidifier should arrive soon. Temps between 79-82 on average. A few more days in her new home to grow accustomed to it as well as the nutrients and barring any unexpected issues, she will be getting topped. EDIT: Had to feed the entire 1+ gallon of nutes to get adequate runoff, but pH testing found 5.6 and EC was a bit over 900. Seems like all is well in the pot! Hopefully tomorrow’s first feeding doesn’t take nearly as much and I can get in twice daily feedings from now on. We will see in the morning...
5 years ago
Day: 15

All good today, you can’t even tell she was transplanted less than 24h ago. pH pen arrived and I mixed a batch of “Ironhead’s” nutrient recipe totaling ~1500 EC and pH’d down to 5.6-5.8. Fed mid day. This will mark the beginning of close control over the pH, though not strictly keeping it to that range as I want to ensure even nutrient absorption.
5 years ago
Day: 14

Looking good to me! Itching to transplant and it doesn’t seem like she should spend almost another week in the solo cup. I can just see tips of roots through the bottom holes - good enough for me. In another 5 gallon pot I buffered a more appropriate amount of coco and added in more perlite - maybe 40% or so now. This was a much looser, airy mix than before as it was not packed down and wet. Canna Coco claims their bricks are already rinsed and buffered but doing another run can’t hurt. I cut the solo cup off and observed a decent root structure with some fungus (which is interesting as I didn’t add any myco, but not complaining EDIT- could have just been root hairs) - no pic as I decided the safety of the plant was more important than trying to one hand a pic. Transplant went off without a hitch and fed a small amount around in the centre. We will see how the next 12 hours goes before next steps but I am planning on at least once per day waterings as I am treating this as more of a hydro grow. Let’s hope she isn’t affected by this too much and we can get to training shortly.
5 years ago
Day: 13

4/20/20 update! I was mistaken, no supplies until next Monday except for pH pen later this week. Fed twice and lowered the light to about 20 inches away as it was still at seedling distance. This should mean 3-4 times more light than before! She will only get about 4 hrs with the new intensity until tomorrow, but it will be exciting to see a full days worth of growth with proper light. Lost a humidifier yesterday so we’re dealing with low RH right now but I’m experimenting and may just order another.
5 years ago
Day: 12

Looking good. Additional supplies should be arriving this week, so a 1 gallon pot is in the near future for this one. I’m also trying to keep the colour of the photos standard from now on so it should be easier to compare. First feed was about 950 EC, next will be over 1000, maybe 1050 as the full strength came out to around 1350 and I want to get there by tomorrow. An accurate pH meter should be here Thursday so that will help with dialing everything in. Then there comes the issue of training...
5 years ago
Day: 11

Proceeded with twice daily feeding today as she (hopefully!) seems to be reacting well to it. A bit more gradual than I thought, I only hit a little over 900 EC at the last feed of the day. Tomorrow should be around 950 & 1000, working up to full strength (I’ll have to recheck the EC but I believe it is 1100-1300 due to some pH up & down - I’m ordering a reliable pH meter this evening). If we were on a normal schedule, the plant would be about ready for it’s next pot, but due to the few speed bumps (and not yet having the 1 gallon pot) I will give her some more time to grow roots; I also am only using base nutrients so they don’t have any extra help. Lights on RH now between 50-60, temp 78-80F
5 years ago
Day: 10

Last night I mixed up some seedling strength nutrients pH’d to 5.8-6. Also mixed some CalMag water in the spray bottle (5mg / gal) for foliar feeding as the plant is likely deficient in Cal, Mag, or both as I did not properly buffer the coco. The idea is to get on track with regular feedings now that I have it in a proper sized container with the appropriate growth medium. The plant is still droopy today but growing. The coco is moist but I will feed soon with nutrients diluted to around 800 EC, increasing daily or each feed if twice daily. However, for today’s first feed I used CalMag water to runoff. Tested pH and EC of runoff: around 6 pH and EC just under 900. I feel better now that I have an idea of what’s going on in the pot. I will foliar feed CalMag once more today and feed diluted nutrients later on, at least a few hours before lights off.
5 years ago
Day: 9

Coco still wet, pot heavy and the plant is drooping more. Various attempts at speeding up the drying process throughout the day were unsuccessful so I potted down into a plastic beer cup with drainage holes cut into the bottom. There was a decent sized root poking out of the bottom when transplanting so hopefully this will resolve quickly. I am also concerned that the sitting water is starting to burn the plant and perhaps I should water to runoff with either pH water or nutes. CalMag in the water? What to do...
5 years ago
Carreography I would take the less is more approach at the moment ... I am a beginner, but if I read correctly, you transplanted twice in a day and it never really even recovered from the first one.
Day: 8

Coco is still pretty wet. Haven’t watered since the transplant. As the day progresses the plant is growing but slowly drooping. Probably overwater-related. Hopefully it will dry out enough overnight to start resolving tomorrow.
5 years ago
Day: 7

Day 1 in its new home. Much nicer colour already and some more growth. Coco is drying out and RH has lowered, but the area in the centre where the plant is watered is still nice and moist. Will hold off until before bed or not at all depending on how it holds up.
5 years ago
Day: 6

Supplies have arrived! Snapped a pic before the transplant and then got to rehydrating the coco and mixing with perlite into a 5 gallon pot. The “soil” I chose was basically just dirt so it should do a lot better in its new home. Fed with some more of the nute mix. The RH shot up like crazy after introducing the new pot and temp seems to be more stable and manageable, around 78-79F.
5 years ago
Day: 5

Watered with nutrients this morning again, may water only again before bed. The coco and the rest of the supplies are supposed to arrive tomorrow so I’l should have a much better idea of what’s going on in the pot once I have pH testing and the plant is transplanted into the 5 Gal pot.
5 years ago
Day: 4

2nd set of leaves starting to come in. Mixed small batch of seedling strength nutes and watered lightly. Will probably hold off on any more for at least a day using water only if needed until I see how she reacts. Picked up a 2nd warm mist humidifier to place in front of the intake, now hitting around 40 RH @ 80-81 F with lights on. I’m still trying to dial in the fans to try and get the temp down while not extracting all the humidity with it.
5 years ago
Day: 3

First leaves coming in nicely, 2nd set possibly starting too. Moved plant onto a riser and with 36-38 inches of the light. Moved the fans to blow a light breeze on the seedling. Saw what appeared to be a spindly white root poking up through the soil so I watered again despite watering before bed.
5 years ago
Day: 2

First true leaves have emerged this morning. Seed husk still attached. Doing my best to avoid under watering while attempting to let the soil dry out first.
5 years ago
Day: 1

Planted in garden soil (due to impatience and a delayed shipment) after germination. Poked through in the early evening after noticing a crack in the soil in the morning and a bent stem peeking out in the afternoon.
5 years ago