Magic Melons
Spring 2021 - COVID
Magic Melons by Humbolt Seed Company. Fem Autofowers. Hybrid Indica-dominant.
Day 7 (Week 1)
5 updates
19 photos
Day: 7

Day 7. Weather: 22 Degrees - Sunny/Little Cloudy. One week growth today since germ. Looking good so far. Mutant has a bit of stretch going. Gave them a splash of RO water this morning. Trying to learn when to water. Other two girls looking good. Maybe a bit of burn or bite mark on the one. Gonna keep an eye but looks good so far.
4 years ago
Day: 6

One of the girls turned out to be a tri-leaf mutant. Idk what to expect but I’m gonna see if it is a sign of any problems that I should be aware of. Doesn’t seem to be a bother yet.
4 years ago
Day: 5

Put the seedlings in their pots, added in just a bit of fert, since the soil didn’t have much nutrients in it. Named them too.
4 years ago
Day: 3

Starting to poke out and get some light. They have been under the fish light for some help.
4 years ago
Day: 1

Seeds just started to poke through after germination. Still waiting for one to pop up. Going to replant into their perm medium tonight as it’s warming up this week.
4 years ago