Spring 5
2023 plant 5
2 lights 3x ac infinity clips, 230cfm iPower inline fan, 8ft 4inch duct, carbon filter, humidifier
Day 55 (Week 8)
15 updates
17 photos
Day: 55
Repotted into happy frog hoping it helps
2 years ago
mr_big_budz_uk You have a lot more patience than me I would of given up on this 1 long time ago no offence bro, what’s the genetics of this?
lancers223 No idea on genes just a little weird slow bag seed
Day: 51
Any advice
2 years ago
adders Still looking very small for day 51 bro, might it be worth starting some more seeds ?
lancers223 Yea makes no sense to me
lancers223 Yea I’m starting some this week but I’m almost out of my bag seeds been tight on money with being hurt fighting for comp
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Day: 46
2 years ago
Day: 42
Second day of sunlight
2 years ago
Caliban Nice. Are you growing multiple plants in same cup?
lancers223 All different cups that stick doesn’t help much in picture makes it look like stem
Caliban Ah! Got it
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Day: 41
New growth starting finally idk why it took so long put her In regular sunlight today at 75 outside
2 years ago
Tallboy2023 How often do you water her? She looks over or under watered.
lancers223 Barelt water every few days so I don’t over water
lancers223 But new growth looks good
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Day: 37
Slow but better
2 years ago
Day: 33
2 years ago
Day: 31
Very small
2 years ago
Day: 13
Bad idea for picture after water
2 years ago
Tallboy2023 What medium are you using? Straight water? Where is the water coming from?
lancers223 Promix and perlite and tap water from well good ph
Day: 12
Any idea why it’s yellow they just opened
2 years ago
Tallboy2023 Is there a light on it? Is it really close?
adders If you look at mine, it did similar but on the first proper leaves. The night that happened I was testing some new lights out but I did also over water it the day or two before so I went back to the original light and I’m still letting the soil dry
lancers223 There’s a light it’s about 12 inches away
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Day: 11
Any advice
2 years ago
theestallion may be lighting issues as in to much or overwatering
lancers223 Thank you
lancers223 How far should I move it
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Day: 7
Any idea why it is that color
2 years ago
420countryboy1980 You may need to change your pot them peet pots is not good for your plants cause they don’t drain out the water
adders Too wet maybe ? Soil looks quite dark and saturated, I think I made the same mistake with mine a couple days ago but she’s bounced back now
organic_grower Get rid of those bags. Let some air get to the soil.
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Day: 3
Germination day 3 about 12 hrs after last picture she’s ready to be planted
2 years ago
Day: 2
Germination day 2 about 6 more hours is my guess
2 years ago
Day: 1
Germination 25 hours later so far so good
2 years ago