1st Coco Grow
Jack Herer Feminized provided by BLG. Growing in 3 gallon cloth pot. Trying out coco for the first time. Using Maxi series veg and flower nutes with CalMag. 4-6 week veg, 8-9 weeks flower. She will be all alone in a 2’ x 3’ x 5’ grow box, scrogged up to negate her height.
Jack Herer Feminized
Day 117 (Week 17)
39 updates
111 photos
Day: 117
Disappointment :(. Looks like a decent haul but got very little additional weight off the second harvest. Just 28.4g. Total dried weight was 106.1g/3.74oz. Top buds had decent density but the under buds were definitely fluffy. Pretty sure my light height was to blame for the fluffiness. I think I’ll run the next batch closer and see how it goes. Also will work on defoliation so there’s a bit more light penetration. All my woes aside, I’ve got dried curing product that smokes like a dream, so a definite success in my book. Obvious room for improvement but a win nonetheless :)
6 years ago
Day: 111
Flower Day : 73 Done!! She curled up like crazy! She was one strong lady. Got the last bits off, trimmed, and bagged. Tomorrow I will get the first harvest all jarred up and it’ll about a week til the rest is ready for jarring. Stuff on the left is second harvest and the stuff on the right has been drying for a week. Cleared out space in the flower box will be filled with my DWC grow and a few plants in small pots. This is the first time my drying cycle has gone a full 7 days. I’m usually in the 4-5 day range. Keeping the finished buds in the flower box with correct RH and temp seems to be a difference maker. Really enjoy doing ScrOG method but takes up too much space. Running a modified SOG now. Much more flexible. It’ll be a while before I ScrOG again.
6 years ago
Day: 111
The first harvest has dried. 8 days in a brown paper bag in the flower box. Tops for this grow weigh in at 77.7g or 2.74oz dried. Very nice. Looking forward to weighing the second harvest so we will see in about a week.
6 years ago
Day: 104
Flower Day : 66 Half harvest day! Took all the tops and trimmed them up. Took a while. Lots of tops and I trimmed alone. Nice looking buds with a bit of purpling going on As I cut the screen she popped up a bit. Pretty surprised there was still so much tension on the screen. She’s s fighter. I’ll be leaving the remaining buds on for a week or two. Cleared enough that I can move more plants into the flower box. I’ll also be able to get the growing clones into their final pot sizes I’ve got the product spread throughout 3 paper bags for drying. Jarred for curing in about 5 or six days. Buds are in bags in the flower box to keep temp, humidity, and smell consistent.
6 years ago
SinCitySmoke Hey. Loved your grow. Care to share email. Have some questions on LST and HsT. BUNKERbudsp@gmail.com
gabedn Wow that’s a perfect little tabletop-bush. Great job wiff, love your growing style. Wish I had space again to grow indoors.
wiffybead Thanks Gabe! Space!! More space!! I think that’s the dream of every grower both large and small. :)
Day: 99
Flower Day : 61/? She is close. So close. Buds are still fluffier than I would like but the trichomes are on the verge of greatness. She is on day to day watch at this point. I’m basically going to get antsy and suddenly chop her. I’m very proud of myself for not cutting her down yet! I admit it, I’m an early chopper :( Got her first taste of the flush today. Ran Clearex in PH’d water. Considering this is my first grow with this strain, I figured it would be better to give her a shorter flush than flushing too early. Getting some leaf discoloration. Hoping it’s just end of flower degradation and not something malignant that has been chillin for a while and hurting this lovely lady. More updates as she updates more!
6 years ago
Day: 92
Flower Day : 54/~60 Pretty sure she has at least a week left, probably closer to 2. Trichomes are still not ready, and there are still plenty of white pistils poking about. Slowly swelling and slowly increasing trichome production. Her next watering will be with Clearex as her first watering of the flush. I am noticing a bit of tip burn (gave her 1.5x the normal dose for nutes and she’s letting me know it’s not cool) but as I’m flushing next I’m not too concerned.
6 years ago
ProjectDreamland 👌🏽 Looking good.
wiffybead Thanks PD! Looking forward to the next episode of your sitcoms :)
Day: 85
Flower Day : 47/~60 Top buds have under half the pistils turning amber. Unfortunately the bottom buds are all white still. Was hoping the vaunted penetrative capabilities of LED’s would help to fill those out but alas, I fear I will be forced to chop the tops and then let the rest finish. Thus limiting my access to the flower box for further plants. Trichomes are partly cloudy with an equal amount of clear still. Buds are definitely filling out and finally starting to firm up.
7 years ago
ProjectDreamland Wow she looks super healthy and happy. You know a lot of outdoor growers will harvest the top layer when they feel their ready and let the bottoms have another week. Some cheap cfls or the corn lights that have the right leds in them could float the corners or up light from the bottom. I’d say either way you did a great job on her
wiffybead Thanks PD!! I’m just a whiny lil bitch. I was hoping that the light penetration would be better, but I guess the canopy is a bit dense for that. She has been a lot of fun to grow.
Day: 80
Flower Day : 42/~60 Little pointy headed beauties! Buds are starting to get the nice pointed tops going, and they are stacking up admirably. Trichome production is in full tilt and there are still weeks to go. Did a little underbelly defoliation. Plucked most of the larger leaves off the bottom of the plant just above the screen. I have been finding a few dead leaves each day and decided to get rid of them before she has to. Pretty happy with the LED light but really have no idea if it’s doing well or the plant just has strong genetics. Contemplating throwing a less than stellar bag seed in a pot and running it after this girl finishes, just to see how poor genetics grow with the light. Trunk (yes this one has a trunk not a stalk) is phat! I love it! I’m drunk on quality genetics here people, and it’s dope! Thanks BLG!! Won this seed from his YouTube channel and now he’s back after YouTube’s crazy kill all cannabis grow channels fit. Check out his channel - Cannabis Grow Guide. Lots of useful info and diy stuff. He’s also giving away a quantum board and heat sink so get your entries in!
7 years ago
Day: 73
Flower Day : 35/60~ Steady measured swelling is occurring. Each bud site is gaining size and connections are being made down the branches as little colas are forming. Added 11 1/2 inch top onto my existing box, giving me the room to move the light up. I have it at 18 inches above the tops. It looks like a good height so far but I’ll keep an eye on it and lower it if necessary. Center buds have begun to catch up and their leaves are not pointing down anymore. Very nice crystal production. Just about 3 to 3 1/2 weeks to go hopefully. I’ll start flushing at the start of week 8.
7 years ago
Day: 67
Flower Day : 29 She’s filling out, but slowly. I noticed the buds along the perimeter were bigger than those directly under the light. The light was at around 13-14 inches above the tops. Not knowing any better I assume the light is too low causing underdevelopment of the center buds due to excessive light intensity. If anyone has more knowledge in LEDs please let me know if I’m off base. Was able to squeeze the light up a bit higher and the tops are 16 plus inches from the light now. Full nutrient watering. Will be flushing and drying again on the next watering.
7 years ago
Sticky_Icky_BC I know nothing about leds but wow b-e-a-utiful! Nice work! 🍁✌🏽
wiffybead Thanks Sticky! She’s a very forgiving plant, and the Seedsman genetics are the best I have worked with. I can’t wait to see how she finishes.
wiffybead And 2 big 👍👍 for the Truman reference. Nice
Day: 61
Flower Day : 24 Development continues. 1st bud looking bud has formed. Just a lil stack but firsts are fun! Finally watered her 6 days after the flush. Plucked a few dead and shriveled leaves and a few bottom ones that were droopy and dying.
7 years ago
Day: 59
Flower Day : 21 Stretch has possibly stopped. Definitely slowed. Buds are forming quite nicely and the first wee lil trichomes are popping their tiny heads up. She’s still nice and moist from the last watering and I will let her dry more than normal before feeding again. About 5ish weeks to go!
7 years ago
Day: 55
Flower Day : 18 Very nice growth over the last few days. She’s filling in the screen on her own. Tiny lil button buds have formed and it looks like she’s got just over 50 tops. I like it. Canopy is still nice and even and I’ve only had to keep up on tucking leaves to keep the tops clear. I found out my light was slightly tilted and the right side of the box started growing taller than the left. Went through a tie down session on the right and placed the temp/humidity sensor on the light to balance it. Seems to be working for now. Light is around 14 inches above the plant. I’ll be doing a flush using Botanicare Clearex today.
7 years ago
Rinfante93 Wow Bro, she’s a Beaut. I’m still on my 1st plants. But that’s some awesome training you’ve done here. How did you get the base/stem so thick? Wow. At first I thought you had a few plants hadn’t realized only 1. My Goodness
wiffybead Thanks Rin! I’ve spent much of my growing time in cramped conditions so training is a necessity for me. Lucky for me it’s also one of my favorite things to do! 👍. I don’t think I can take credit for the stalk. Pretty sure it’s pure genetics. I’m growing in coco for the first time so that may have something to do with it, but I hadn’t heard of that being the case. Just rad genetics. This is a Seedsman feminized Herer. They apparently know what they are doing. 😁. Good luck on your plants! Remember that mistakes and fuck ups are awesome! I’ve made a ton and learned from each one. I’m no master grower, I’m early in my second year, but I’ve learned a ton! Happy growing and happy learning!
Rinfante93 Thanks man ‘ppreciate it
Day: 52
Flower Day : 14 2 weeks into flower and she’s looking nice. Fed her a full dose of Maxi Bloom and a full dose of CalMag. It doesn’t look like she did much but bush out a little bit, but if you look at the temp/humidity gauge on the right you can see she put on a good chunk of growth in just two days. Side shot shows nice vertical growth, and the canopy is pretty even. I untied the corner tops so they could sneak some angled light at least.
7 years ago
TahoeRosinCompany Beautiful job
wiffybead Thanks. Just hoping there’s enough vertical space after this
Day: 50
Flower Day : 12 Well I think I’ve found the light limit at this height. All the tops on the left and right sides are slower and angling back towards the center. I’m laying off the tying down for now. I want to leave a little open space to tie down into if the stretch gets too bad. Temp is a glorious 73 degrees consistent. Humidity is too high now. Popping between 50 and 60% RH. Will try some of the DIY dehumidification techniques.
7 years ago
Day: 47
Flower Day : 10 I don’t know if it was moving the light down or her stretch started, but growth has been dramatic the last few days. The screen is really filling in. I’m afraid I’ll have to add onto my grow box for this plant. Don’t have a lot of height to move the light upwards but I’m thinking a foot tall addition to the box and more training will allow her to finish how she wants. Saw the first white hairs a few days ago. Her maturation rate is impressive. Last shot is under the screen. Pretty much all the plant material is above the screen. Nice to know I won’t have wasted branches stretched out under the net getting no light
7 years ago
LouDawg If the height is a concern trying adding the extra foot but keep lights as close as possible without burning only moving up a bit at a t time that will help control the stretch if not just keep pulling her down with ties after two weeks she’ll be where she needs to be but that’s a small box make sure you get lots of air exchange
wiffybead Thanks for the advice. New to this LED thing. Having a light 17 inches over the plant is odd coming from the cfl world where 5 inches is too far away :). Tying down will be the theme for this grow I think. Luckily I still have screen to fill. It’s after that I’m concerned about. Having trouble finding info on when the stretch is supposed to end for Herer.
Day: 45
Flower Day : 7 She is definitely filling out under the new LED, but for the first time in this grow she seems slow. I had the light around 20 inches from the top of the canopy. I’ve since moved it down to around 17 inches. I’m letting some of the tops elongate a bit as they near the corners because I’m going to basically be having them make u-turns to head back and help fill in the holes in the canopy. Watered today and decided to go with a full dose of flower nutes instead of finishing her first week with 50/50 veg and flower nutes. She gets 1tsp Maxi Bloom and 5 ml CalMag per gallon of water. She’s drinking around a gallon each watering (minus runoff). Took the tape off the severe bend of the branch. She’s a twisted gnarly thing, but she’s strong!
7 years ago
Day: 43
Flower Day - 5 New light!! With the old cfl setup I was dealing with heat issues. 115 degrees if the box was sealed. Moved frozen jugs in and out and could get down to the mid 90s. But not on days I work. Ended up leaving the box open all day which got it down to the mid 80s and the smell went through the roof. Picked up the King Plus 600w and so far temps are high 70s with the doors closed. Fingers crossed. Plant is doing well. Tying down again today. Will shut off the light while I work tho because man that fucks with your eyes. Gotta get some of those goggles I guess.
7 years ago
Day: 39
Flower Day - 1 She isn’t taking her foot off the gas. Explosion of growth along the stalks. Tied the branches down again. I’ve got a few branch buds that are almost ready to be tied down and begin filling in the gaps. Just look at that stalk! Damned thick for a small indoor grow. She was Suuuuuuper dry. I’m dealing with a heat issue right now and she is drinking a ton. Luckily I got to her before the leaves started sagging. She got her first taste of flower nutes. Half and half veg and flower nutes with CalMag.
7 years ago
Day: 37
She is taking no time off for her pains. I decided to do some selective pruning. Took out all old guard leaves that were covering nodes or multiple other leaves. Tied her down again. She’s almost hitting the corners and the stretch is yet to come. I hope I’m not too late already. She’s going to keep me hopping tying down all her branches. I’m a little scared. This is a 2’ x 3’ x 5’ cabinet. CFL lights (24@23w). Growing in coco coir in a 3 gallon cloth pot. Using Maxi series nutrients and CalMag.
7 years ago
Day: 36
All the heads have turned up and the little branches in the center really jumped. Some definite signs of stress on some of the leaves and two small branches shriveled up and were super crispy only a few hours after the training. Due to how big she is already I’m flipping her to flower tomorrow. Next watering will be half and half flower and veg nutes. Trying to figure out if I want to do a large leaf defoliation or see how she stretches. Things are a bit crowded at the top nodes.
7 years ago
Day: 34
Whew. That was some work. All branches came up through the center then supercropped. Split most of the branches unfortunately. Taped them up and tied her down. I’ll give her a few days for recovery time then I am flipping her to flower.
7 years ago
Cindy I have to make a Scrog net.... but new to it. How high above if your net above soil? How big per plant did you make it? I loved going back and looking at your growth! Ty for sharing!
wiffybead Thanks Cindy! She was a lot of fun to grow. So vigorous! I kept the screen low (5 or six inches I think) due to training her above the net. If you were going to lollipop or tabletop your girls then you want the net higher so you get the support to the buds. That box was 3x2 so I could have run a few plants in there but I wanted to put her crazy growth to the test :). And I’ll be honest, I go back through and “watch” her grow too :)
Day: 33
Last picture of the free range Herer. She’s going into her screen tomorrow. I’m going to try an experiment with her. I lost a lot of weight on my last scrog due to branches being under the screen too far. So I’m going to feed all the branches up through the center hole in the screen then supercrop all the branches into a wagon wheel pattern and tie to the top of the screen. No branches below the screen should mean the entire plant gets nice even light on all branches. The branches are very thick and hollow so it’s going to be a true test of my training skills. Wish me luck
7 years ago
Day: 31
She is finally in the flower box. I’ve switched the lights to 18/6 but due to her size I’m pretty sure that once I get her tied to the screen she will get flipped to flower. She is 17” tall from the top of the coco to the top node and she is supposed to stretch 2 to 3 times her size. That’s friggin crazy. If I can get her supercropped down to the screen without breaking any branches I will count it a massive success.
7 years ago
Day: 28
She is a beast. I really need to get her into the larger box but the girl in there will just not finish. She is crowded as hell in the veg box, but it’s waiting time I suppose :(
7 years ago
Day: 25
A few days have passed and she got over the shock of having her head cut off. She’s got a nice even canopy and will be easy to slip into a scrog. A week or a few days prior the flower box will be open for her to get into her net. I’ll run her 18/6 til she fills half to 3/4 of the screen. Following the GH Maxi Series drain to waste nutrient schedule.
7 years ago
Day: 21
She’s really stacking up and her trunk is fat! She’s in her final home (3 gal cloth pot) and I decided to top her. I need to slow her down a bit and get her ready for the scrog. She just hit 6 nodes so I topped her down to the fourth node. I tucked her biggest fan leaves under the lower branches and now we wait. Took the top as a clone and she will be part of the next round of the Herer.
7 years ago
Day: 19
A few days have passed and she keeps surprising me. Her fingers are so fat! Her trunk is thicker than any other plant I’ve grown at this stage. I’ll be transplanting her into her final home (a 3 gallon smart pot) this weekend. Once the girl in the flower box finishes (about a week) I’m moving this girl in and setting the lights to 18/6 so she can grow into her screen.
7 years ago
Day: 15
I can’t help but marvel at the perfection of this plant (none of my doing). I love when they are symmetrical and stacked like this. No real grow update, just wanted to share what a pretty plant she is. 🤙
7 years ago
Z34K Beautiful plant
Day: 13
Growing nicely! 3rd set of leaves are out and have good growth on them. She will get a little over a months worth of veg time and then onto flower. Will take clones about a week before flipping to flower. Clones will be for breeding and the next flower round.
7 years ago
Day: 9
Second set of leaves has popped. I continue to water in small amounts around the pod. Once she has a better root system I can begin full waterings. She is starting her second week of life so I will be kicking the nutes up slightly above 1/4 dose for the next few waterings.
7 years ago
GrowOZ Hi mate, word of advice for coco, try not to let it get too dry or the roots will dry out and you’ll be out of luck then, but looking awesome otherwise!
Day: 7
Incredible shrinking cotyledon leaves! She’s adapting well to her new environment. Added a little water around the pod. 1/4 strength mixture
7 years ago
Day: 6
New leaves have unfolded and have gotten a nice bit of growth. No new height 👍 so the lights are a good distance now. No need to water yet probably tomorrow. She’s in her own box with a gentle fan and a fixture with 4 - 23 watt cfl’s about 3 inches away from her top.
7 years ago
Day: 5
Apparently one workday is enough to stretch like crazy. Had the light a bit too far away and she went bananas. Amazing seeing the first true set of leaves already. She’s going to be moving into her own box soon. I think I’m gonna have to give this one plenty of space.
7 years ago
Day: 4
Root out of the bottom of the pod and she’s stretched completely out of her hole. She has not opened her leaves yet but I expect her to be drinking up the light by tomorrow. Wet the coco with 1/4 strength Maxi Grow and a 1/4 dose of CalMag. Buried the pod and used a dropper to drizzle some nutrient laden water onto her pod and the immediate area around the pod.
7 years ago
Day: 3
I am absolutely flabbergasted by the speed of her progress. Already pushing the bit o’ plug out of the hole and popping her pretty little head up. If she continues at this rate I’m going to have a monster on my hands. Good thing I decided to go with the 3 gallon pot instead of the 5. Thoroughly rinsed the coco coir and am allowing it to dry a bit before planting the pod.
7 years ago
Day: 2
First off a shout out to growweedeasy.com. She has provided a ton of info over the last year and she’s done it again. An ingenious way to use starter plugs. Cut it open like a clamshell and place your seed/clone in and close it!! No more pushing things down inside, just set it where you want and close. Beautiful! Nice tap root formed since she cracked yesterday. Into the plug she goes (picked up a plug tray) and a tiny piece of the plug is used to cover the hole to keep light out. Not too big to hamper growth. Once she gets roots out she will go into the coco.
7 years ago
Day: 1
Wow! Seed has cracked already. Almost 24 hours on the nose. I’ll let her stretch that tap root out a bit before popping her in a dark hole. She’s in a wet paper towel in a zipper sandwich bag under a towel on top of my flower box. Doesn’t get as warm as a heating pad but gets warm enough.
7 years ago
Day: 0
Starting one of two seeds won from BLG. Jack Herer! Very excited! Will be growing her in coco. Starting her in a wet paper towel in a plastic bag in a warm dark place.
7 years ago