Og Kush - SCROG 3x3
April 2020
Two OG Kush plants under mars Hydro 2000 W LED using Foxfarm ocean forest soil
Og Kush
Day 103 (Week 15)
53 updates
126 photos
Day: 103
Looks really good
5 years ago
Day: 100
Buds are looking incredible. I just watered the second or third watering clean water pH the next watering will be ice cold to see if I get any purple out of these genetics. I’m hoping to pull the plants in a week
5 years ago
Day: 97
Getting ready to pull it. I’d say a week or two.
5 years ago
Day: 91
After close examination of the trichomes, I would say we are about 2 weeks out.
5 years ago
Day: 89
Light burn continues.
5 years ago
Day: 85
Getting some light burn. Raised the lights by a few inches.
5 years ago
Day: 80
Getting fat
5 years ago
Day: 77
Some leaves turning red. Get some nutrients and calmag but it’s still persisting.
5 years ago
Day: 74
Watered nuts and molasses.
5 years ago
Day: 71
Watered nuts a defoliated a little.
5 years ago
Day: 69
Getting frosty
5 years ago
Day: 65
Flowering nicely. Defoliated a little on right plant. Buds are getting sticky
5 years ago
Day: 61
Watered plain water. Growing good.
5 years ago
Day: 58
Looks good.
5 years ago
Novicetopper Did you go all organic on this grow. Or combination of the two.
Day: 56
Watered plants. Perky and looking good.
5 years ago
Day: 55
Perky and good
5 years ago
Day: 53
Defoliated the plant on the left and fed a little water.
5 years ago
Day: 52
Defoliated the plant on the right. Will defoliate the plant on the left tomorrow when I water them. Plants seem to be doing good.
5 years ago
Day: 50
Removed all the bag seed plants. Transplanted to 5 gallon air pots. Watered them in with neem oil and soft soap. Lowered scrog in and spread out the branches. Looks good
5 years ago
Day: 49
Plants are growing new leaves and getting darker green. Recovering from the fungus gnats.
5 years ago
Day: 48
Watered plants with Half strength nutrients. Removed two more hermaphrodite plants.
5 years ago
Day: 45
First day of flower!
5 years ago
Mystrain420 U going with s.o.g (sea of green) instead of scrog?
Day: 43
Sprayed all plants down with neem oil solution and watered top couple of inches with remaining neem oil solution to kill any fungus gnat larvae in soil. Then watered plants with nutrients 2/3 strength. Trying to initiate flower in the next few days.
5 years ago
Day: 41
Isolated 2 more males. I believe the plants have leaf septoria.
5 years ago
Day: 39
Finally isolated the Grow Tent with its own ventilation coming in and out to the outdoors. It’s consistently 72-75 degrees when sealed. Excellent.
5 years ago
Day: 37
Pruned and tied down the two main plants. Removed a lot of the underbrush.
5 years ago
Day: 36
Created a stand for the plants so they can be directly watered in tent. Also raises the height of the plants allowing the heat produced from the light fixture to escape more easily.
5 years ago
Day: 35
Good temps
5 years ago
Day: 34
New thermostats. Taking temps at different points in the tent. The sides are a bit warmer. Some of the small plants in the front are displaying brown crispiness on the leaf edges.
5 years ago
Day: 33
Removed 2 males. The plant in the close right corner has been displaying signs of overwatering but none of the others.
5 years ago
Day: 32
Found a thrip. Sprayed the crap out of all of them with neem oil. Found two males that I will remove today. I’m setting up another tent in the garage. The two main plants are filling out a lot and I’ve had to tie them down daily. I can’t wait to get the scrog in. Since topping a few days ago a lot of the lower branches on the seedlings are stretching out.
5 years ago
Day: 31
Plants are filling the tent up nicely.
5 years ago
Day: 29
Transplanted all remaining seedlings to 1 gallon nursery pots. I topped all plants including the two Main Center plants again. Rearranged the plants to maximize lighting to the two main plants in the center. Fed plants calmag. Also retied down branches on main plants.
5 years ago
Day: 28
5 years ago
Day: 27
Growth. Plants fed water and nuts
5 years ago
Day: 26
The center plant closest to me has some spiraling new growth as if it was reverting to veg. It might be a symptom to the lights going out for 2 hours a couple of days ago. I hope it doesn’t set me back too much. Seedlings on the left have stop stressing from transplant.
5 years ago
Day: 25
Transplanted the 4 seedlings on the left. They are still in shock after transplant. Temps are good. I’m gonna too all the seedlings in a few days when they have established their 5th or 6th nodes. I found a ladybug on my leg coming home. I put in the tent to see if it finds any bugs to eat and clean up.
5 years ago
Day: 24
Plants are filling out the tent nicely.
5 years ago
Day: 23
Plants good. Trimmed a little of the center out on the main plant closest to me.
5 years ago
Day: 22
All seedlings are coming back and turning green. Temps are good. Center plants are growing well. Starting building the scrog. I’ll install it when the carbon filter arrives and I am almost ready to flip to flower. Hopefully in 2-3 weeks.
5 years ago
Day: 21
Side seedlings are turning more green and the leaves are getting bigger. Seedlings on the left are beasting. Temps have been great the past few days.
5 years ago
Day: 20
Seedlings are coming back and starting to turn green.
5 years ago
Day: 19
Transplanted two main plants into 3 gallon air-pots. Raised the side seedlings up to match height of the main plants. Seedlings on the left are doing really well. I retied down branches on main plants to continue creating canopy.
5 years ago
Day: 18
Temps are good today. Was going to retie down new branches but I lifted up the pots the roots are already coming out the bottom. Looks like I gotta transplant tomorrow.
5 years ago
Day: 17
Upgraded to a gorilla Grow Tent 3x3. Zero light leaks, finally. Spent most of the day switching tents. Watered all plants with general hydroponics grow and micro 1/2 strength nutrients and some cal-mag and rhizotonic. I re transplanted all the seedlings in terra-cotta pots into plastic containers. They aren’t doing well. I also applied azos mycorrhizae fungus to all the roots during transplanting. The 4 latest seedlings are doing really well. The two main plants are getting healthier and stronger.
5 years ago
Day: 15
Added 3 new seedlings. Seedlings aren’t doing too good in the back. They need better soil.
5 years ago
Day: 14
Got my oscillating fans today and they sure do help keep the temps down from the light. Two main plants are doing well and are almost displaying no more new nutrient burn at the tips of the leaf.
5 years ago
Day: 13
It’s a windy and cool day and I have my window wide open. It’s keeping the temps down.
5 years ago
Day: 12
New light in the tent has got the temperature up and humidity down. Trying to bring it down with passive imitates but it’s not cutting it. Hopefully will be rectified when the clip on fans arrive. 2 main plants are growing good and more sprouts have popped up. I threw an apple seed in there to see what happens.
5 years ago
Day: 10
New grow light in. Plants love it and stopped stretching. Continuing to tie plants down. Temps are high and I need solve that.
5 years ago
Day: 8
Bag seed germinating. Feeding ph 6.5 water with 1/2 strength nuts cal mag, gh micro and grow. Seems even half strength burned plants a little. Will be feeding plain water next.
5 years ago
Day: 6
Plants transplanted to larger container and put into 3x3 tent under 100w led of my own construction. Fox farm soil for everything. Plain water was given before un-ph’ed but I am giving it proper water now 6.5.
5 years ago
Day: 3
Plants topped and treated for bugs using neem oil. Plants under 24 hour CFL lights @ 46 watts
5 years ago