Cindy99 clones
Next batch of Cindy99
Moved into flower 12/17
Day 64 (Week 10)
11 updates
30 photos
Day: 64
Day after harvest. I’ve decided to let the lowers go another week to see if they will grow more.
5 years ago
Andymac Waited another week and harvested the rest. About 45g
Day: 59
Sooo purple. Flushing today.
5 years ago
Day: 54
I’m away but my dad and uncle are caring for my ladies while I’m in Sydney. They haven’t killed them yet so bravo to my family. The leaves and buds are turning a deep purple. They looks soooo pretty. I will need to do a proper flush when I return so looks like I’ll harvest close to day 63.
5 years ago
Day: 48
Changed water. Using ripen mix and top off with plain water for last 10 days.
5 years ago
Day: 47
One more water change to happen in 2 days. Will be ready for harvest on or before f63
5 years ago
Day: 40
Both girls are doing well
5 years ago
Mystrain420 Looking nice 👍🏾 I see the frost
Andymac Thanks. I’ll update with more pics tomorrow
Day: 27
Had to trim them up. Happy I did. Buds are stacking nicely and there is more air and light in The canopy.
5 years ago
Day: 26
Girls are doing good I think I’ll defoliate at the end of week 5.
5 years ago
Day: 20
Nearing the end of week 3. Both girls are doing fine.
5 years ago
Day: 16
Into week 3.
5 years ago
Day: 15
Begin week 3
5 years ago