Mr. lettuce
Lambs Breath and Gorilla cookies auto
Fall / winter grow
1 lambs breath and 1 Gorilla cookies auto flower seeds are from King crop seeds. Newish to growing and this by far is the best smelling and most dank fire weed I’ve ever grown! The lambs breath is terpalicious! Has a beautiful pine earthy scent with a hint of earth tones it is truly a beautiful smelling plant. Grew it in 3 gallon fabric pots and used a custom blend of organic living soil so this is a water only grow.
Lambs breath and Gorilla cookies
Day 60 (Week 9)
1 update
32 photos
Day: 60

This is my 7th run in my closet.
3 years ago
mystrain420 _@eaegifts Nothing wrong with the closet, if it works happy growing 👍🏾👍🏾