A Little Bit of Magic
First ever time trying this, hopefully it’s a success and harvest will be used to make microdoses
Day 85 (Week 13)
28 updates
149 photos
Day: 85

Golden Teacher Grow Complete !
4 years ago
Day: 84

4 years ago
Day: 75

Third flush harvest
4 years ago
Day: 74

Second flush dry weight
4 years ago
zenmaster Honestly I was expecting more as this flush produced a lot more mushrooms however I guess because they were thinner than the first flush the yield was impacted So total dry weight of second flush is 10.18g Still not too bad Some of them got a little fuzzy so I just picked the fuzzy parts off and threw them away
combatmedic81 If you ever need a guinea pig I’m here 👋
Day: 73

Third Flush
4 years ago
zenmaster Okay so it’s day 7 now since the second dunk and this is the third flush Can tell straight away that this flush just doesn’t compare to the last one but there’s a few coming through I think I will harvest this flush when ready and go again for one more flush and I predict that the 4th flush won’t be great, I just want to see if it fruits at all Then I plan to scrap this block all together
zenmaster Dry weight for the second flush will be posted on this log tomorrow
zenmaster Also an update I tried the microdoses and it was fantastic !
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Day: 67

4 years ago
zenmaster So I checked the block today to see this !!! Absolutely beautiful! All of the ones left had opened up and all ready for harvest so I have picked the block clean The block will now be ready for its third flush which I’ll do in the next couple days This second flush grew a lot quicker and had a lot more pins come through As for the first harvest I have made them all into microdoses, each capsule is measured at 0.25 I predicted I’d have around 60 capsules and I got exactly 60, you can see the micros in photos 4/5
zenmaster The micros took just over 3 hours to make which was not fun at all
combatmedic81 Man I wish I was your neighbor
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Day: 66

Half Harvest
4 years ago
zenmaster I have harvested all the larger ones that broke their veil and there was so many I had to make more room inside the box, it will be difficult to fit them all in this box As for the rest, I have turned the block to face the direction of light for extra growth and I estimate they’ll be ready to pick either tomorrow or the day after
Day: 65

First flush dry weight !!
4 years ago
mystrain420 Congratulations. Have you sampled yet or do you only do the micro doses? Sorry if that’s a dumb question Idk if ppl eat them alone or in foods
mystrain420 Cool thanks for the information. I’ll keep watching and learning 👍🏾
zenmaster Not a problem at all buddy ✌🏽
Day: 64

Day 10 - Crazy Growth
4 years ago
zenmaster So it’s been 10 days since the dunk and the growth is actually mad !! It’s growing from every side including the bottom except for the top A few of these are already ready for harvest as you can see they’ve broken their veil I think I will pick the ones that are ready either later tonight when it goes dark or tomorrow
zenmaster Also I have a dry weight done from the first flush, so check the new update for the first flush weight
Day: 61

First week since the dunk
4 years ago
zenmaster So not quite a full week.. this is day 6 since the dunk and being put back into the SGFC But already on day 6 the block is covered in pins on almost all sides including the bottom of the block A ton of new pins have developed and some of the larger ones developed about 2 days ago and they’ve started to get bigger I have a good feeling this flush will produce quite a lot
Mcmuzzy Ayyy there we go! Great looking foush coming through there man, some nice clusters and a shit load of pins. hopefully this block will flush out a few times for you
zenmaster Yeah fingers crossed, I’ll do a dry weight soon from the first flush and when this one finishes I’ll do a comparison, thanks tho appreciate it bro
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Day: 59

First pins since the dunk
4 years ago
zenmaster So I had my first flush which is currently drying I will update with a dry weight soon Yesterday there was only one single pin which wasn’t growing but today I checked I can count around 10 new pins already It has been 5 days since the dunk and putting it back in the SGFC This is a lot more pins to start compared to the first flush Hopefully in 2-3 days these will mature and form properly
Day: 55

Full Harvest & First Flush
4 years ago
zenmaster So the ones with the white caps created a cool purple pattern on top I’m not too sure why but it looks funky Pretty much all of them had opened up so I harvested all of them including the pins and put them all in a box to dry (you can see in the last photo) with the others I previously harvested, so that last photo shows how many came off the first flush I have now placed the block underwater and will leave it to be submerged for approx 16 hours and then the block will go back into the SGFC and hopefully start it’s second flush The block started late so I wasn’t expecting to much from a first flush but I think it turned out pretty well
combatmedic81 How do your micro doses work? Pretty well?
zenmaster I haven’t tried them yet but I have read so many positive reviews about them so I have got the capsules ready and will make the micros as soon as these dry out
Day: 52

Harvest Part 2
4 years ago
zenmaster I harvest the second pin that grew, I love how it has a blue ringer at the bottom of the gold cap with a purple stem and a blue base that’s so cool I think And then the following day (today) I harvested the cluster All have been put in the drying box You can see in the last 2 photos the one with the white cap which I still don’t understand The block still has a bunch of pins so I am going to let them grow and harvest each one as it is ready, once the block has finished I will then submerge in water for the first flush
BigSluice I need this in my life
zenmaster Haha it’s been a fun journey
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Day: 51

White Caps ?
4 years ago
zenmaster As you can see in the first photo that large mushroom will be ready for harvest most likely today since the veil has broken But the strange thing I have notice lsd if you look at the cluster one of the mushrooms as well as some of the small mushrooms on the opposite side have white caps, which is unusual for golden teachers
Mcmuzzy Nearly like an albino penis envy strain
zenmaster Muzzy yeah that’s what I thought but that shouldn’t happen so maybe it’s a mutant variant
Day: 50

Harvest Part 1
4 years ago
zenmaster So this mushroom was the first pin that came through and I noticed in the past few days this one stopped growing and looks like it was beginning to dry up so I have picked this one from the block The rest are still growing and new pins are forming, I won’t do the flush just yet as there’s still some growing
combatmedic81 You going to eat that?
zenmaster Combat once harvest is complete they will all be dried out and then grinded up and put into capsules to make microdoses
Day: 49

Contamination ?
4 years ago
zenmaster So the cluster that started a couple of days ago is thriving and looking lovely, lots of pins coming out of that one cluster New pins forming on the opposite side of the block, slow growth due to not being pointed towards the light So I got some Q tips today and did the contam test by wiping them on the side of the block and a yellowish/blackish colour came off but it wasn’t green so I’m not sure if there is contamination or not, in the last photo you can the mushroom that grew first has turned very blue and looks very dry I’m not sure if this is contaminated or if it’s just bruising I’m not sure why it seems so dry either as my humidity levels stay around 90% which is more than high enough I will continue the grow and the flushes to see how it goes, I’m just hoping this isn’t contamination
mystrain420 Do they have an optimal time to harvest/flush? Like how do you know when they’re ready?
Mcmuzzy Looks like bruising to me, unsure if its maybe from a slight disturbance, mycelia can be very sensitive I would probably harvest the larger fruit very soon before it opens its veil, and then continue to flush as normal
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Day: 47

First cluster of pins
4 years ago
zenmaster Had a new sighting of pins today, you can see about 4 or 5 pins all growing together in a small cluster together As for the previous pins they are still continuing to grow each day slowly
BradLee101090 Nice! I did this when I was a teenager lol. It take so god damn long.... kudos!
zenmaster Haha yeah the waiting period is frustrating lol
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Day: 44

First week in fruiting
4 years ago
zenmaster It has been 1 week now since I moved the block into the fruiting chamber The block itself doesn’t look very good with all the bruising it looks like contamination but from doing a wipe check there’s no signs of mold so I don’t believe it is contam The pins have grown larger, still small but in 3 days of growth since pinning started they have grown quite quick The biggest downside at the moment is that there are only 3 pins on the whole block, which isn’t a good thing I’m hoping once these are fully developed and ready for harvest, once I do the first flush I’m hoping to see a lot more pins on round 2
familycaltivator What is it
Mcmuzzy Is the block hydrated well? Looks dry may just be the photo Hoping the 2nd flush produces more pins!
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Day: 43

Pinning !
4 years ago
zenmaster Day 5 since I moved the block into the fruiting chamber I was nervous that I wasn’t going to see any pins as I said in my last update the top of the block turned very blue and got even more blue as each day passed and I was worried it was contamination but I did a contam check by rubbing some tissue across it to see if any stains came off which it did not (if the colour came off that indicates it’s mold) luckily that did not happen I noticed these little pins but I wasn’t sure if they were pins or just the bean grains in the substrate, so I kept a close eye on them and today they have gradually gotten a little bigger proving they are the first pins ! So this is good news ! Hopefully these will continue to grow and get bigger and hopefully see some more pins develop soon !
Day: 39

Bruising ?
4 years ago
zenmaster So I have moved the block into the fruiting chamber and it has been exposed to oxygen and FAE for one day now If you scroll through the posts the photos are taken hours apart between the space of one night and as you can see the top has been turning more and more blue At first I was worried is this contamination ?? However I read online that once the mycelium is exposed to fresh air it can start to bruise and that is a sign of the psilocybin inside which is a good thing, I just can’t tell if it’s bruising or contamination? Still no signs of any pins yet which is disappointing
mystrain420 Can it be broken and put into multiple containers?
zenmaster I’m not too sure, it might be possible but you’re likely to get a lower yield as a result of that, you’re better of doing PF TeK method if you want more of them
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Day: 38

Moving to fruiting
4 years ago
zenmaster Day 38 since inoculation / Day 17 since breaking the bag So still no signs of pinning which is disappointing, but the whole block is fully colonised so I have moved it into the fruiting chamber My only concern is the temperature is quite low, I have a heater directly above but the temp still isn’t quite high enough Hopefully pinning will start soon
cube Niceeeeeeeee
zenmaster Thank you :) Merry Christmas
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Day: 35

Second week since mix
4 years ago
zenmaster Day 35 since inoculation / 14 since breaking the bag So not much has really changed from last week, I was hoping to see pinning start by now There’s some clumps of fuzzy white mycelium which indicate not enough FAE So even though it hasn’t started pinning yet, I think it is best to move it into the fruiting chamber to improve FAE and hopefully the light will start the pinning
Mcmuzzy Will it not now need o2 to trigger fruiting?
zenmaster A lot of grow bags start pinning by itself however this one seems a little slow, so I’ll be moving it into the SGFC tomorrow to allow o2 and better FAE as well as indirect light
Day: 28

First week since mix
4 years ago
zenmaster Day 28 since inoculation / day 7 since breaking the bag I was so shocked at the rapid growth, the bag was already 70% colonised on day 3 after mixing up the bag Now on day 7 since the mix and the bag is pretty much 100% colonised, the sides of the bag are sturdy and hard and is very close to being ready, no signs of contamination at all which is great ! Even though the bag is pretty much fully colonised, there’s still no pinning at the moment, so I have put it back in the box and will leave it again, hopefully by next week there will be pins, once decent pinning starts then I will move it into fruiting.
Day: 21

Break up
4 years ago
zenmaster Day 21 - Week 3 / at this point of colonisation it is ready to mix I broke apart the mycelium and mixed it with the rest of the substrate and mixed until the substrate was loose I then tap it down of the surface (not forgetting to wipe the surface with isopropyl) I reshape the substrate back into its original form This will help for the mycelium to grow faster and throughout the rest of the bag, I have put it back in its box and stored back on top of the heated cabinet Ideally this should take between 1-3 weeks to fully colonise the whole bag
Day: 14

More mycelium growth
4 years ago
zenmaster So far looking good, all white mycelium growth, no contam, growth is only showing on the front, no sign of mycelium on the back, bottom or sides yet
Day: 8

First sign of mycelium
4 years ago
zenmaster The grow bag has been stored in a cardboard box on top of a heated cabinet at 25C Today I noticed the first blob of white mycelium on the front of the bag Hopefully it will be ready to mix next week
mr.weedman do you know a good source for sores that ship to the US?
Day: 1

4 years ago
zenmaster November 17th
zenmaster Firstly I wiped the whole area clean with isopropyl rubbing alcohol, next I shook the syringe to disperse the spores, then I lit the candle to heat up the needle, I chose to use a candle rather than just the lighter so that the butane didn’t disturb the spores, I then pierced the injection port and injected 5-6ml into the grow bag, I finally put the bag inside a box and sat on top of a warm cabinet at a temperature between 24-26C / 75-77F, I will now leave the bag until it is close to 3/4 colonised by the mycelium
Day: 0

4 years ago
zenmaster Here is a guide that I have made for using an all-in-one grow bag (not a spawn bag) and using a ShotGun Fruiting Chamber (SGFC)
zenmaster Things needed: • Isopropyl rubbing alcohol • Surgical gloves • Isopropyl alcohol swab • All in one grow bag • Spore syringe • 35L plastic tote tub • PolyFill • Perlite • Thermo Hygrometer OPTIONAL • Ceramic heat emitter and thermostat (because my environment is to cold) • Metal tray or aluminium foil (I am using the metal tray) • Calendar (Good to keep track of progress) • Humidifier (You can use a spray bottle as a cheaper option)