IG @garage__grown
New auto flower girlscout and autoflower widow
Just got seeds today from msnl took about a month to receive. Going to start with two Girl Scout and 1 widow as I already have a bunch growing rn. All auto info is great appreciated as this my first auto !! Thanks everyone for the feed back on autos start to finish any info needed :)
Girlscout auto and widow auto
Day 62 (Week 9)
12 updates
81 photos
Day: 62

18/6 light waiting for trichomes to come in!
3 years ago
SinSemillaWhisperer420 Beautiful work
Day: 51

Starting to flower real nice 👍🏼
3 years ago
kenlowsmokes What kind of soil are you using ? They look nice man!!!
GaRaGe GrowN Fox farms ocean blend blueish green bag
kenlowsmokes Hell yeah man thank you ! Beautiful plant man
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Day: 35

One of the autos I have white hairs and growing like crazy. The other still no signs of sex ?? No hairs no seeds no nothing can anyone tell me ? Besides that it’s really stretching and getting thick almost 2 ft tall already flora nute series and 20/4 light the pictures I show one that you can clearly see hairs all over the other has nothing ??! PLEASE HELP?!?!?!?!?!
3 years ago
boysnanax7 Are you sure the other is an auto. It may be photo
GaRaGe BuD It’s all from msnl seeds lol would be funny if it wasent auto but it’s growing identical so far just no male or female signs smh lol 😂
Day: 30

Took diff photos with both plants I have one started a few days before the other .. one is budding and the other doesn’t have a single white hair ??? As this is my first time with autos?! Is this a hermie auto ?! Please HELP ?!?! Thanks everyone 🤙🏻
3 years ago
tbtbtb22 Dude my plant looks just like that, I’ve been stressing out from it. And mine isn’t a auto. But it did start outdoor for a month and brought it in the tent, I think that caused it the start flowering and I forced it back into veg. But I’m not exactly sure but I do have the same issue. I could be wrong though
GaRaGe GrowN Yea it’s a auto so they flip on there own you can light them 24/0 it’s crazy but I do 20/4 well two nights I brought it inside where I have other on 12/12 and it finally showed it was a female like it should be ! Hope yours a female sucks when you can’t tell until way later I would say bring it inside or flip it 12/12 if u wanna find out before you put anything else into it and worse case you can always put back into 18/6 or whatever to put it back into veg 🤙🏻
tbtbtb22 Shit i completely spaced about it being an auto. That is crazy it showed when you brought it in, because I actually knew mine was a female but once I brought it in, it really showed that it was a female. I kinda though I might have gave it wind burn because the leafs were coming in really crazy haha! But I think I f’d with the genetics and got them going crazy idk because I haven’t really seen it growing like it is. Besides me and you now
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Day: 23

Popped another auto white widow and another auto Girl Scout cookies 🍪 all autos looking great crazy fast growth nutrients since the beginning with ph water 6.4 doing great can’t wait until it flips on it’s own hopefully any day now ?!
3 years ago
Day: 20

Nutrients ph 6.2 and 24 hours of light
3 years ago
Day: 19

Looking great white is from defoliating spray from feeding misting them everything so far great amazing quick growth as this is my first auto everyone seems to have mixed oppionions so I wanted to try and grow one and find out my self 🤙🏻
3 years ago
surferrob Fire
Day: 17

So far great 👍🏼 nutrients and ph 5.9
3 years ago
sir_terpes024 I really like those purple lights for auto flowers! They seem to really like the blue and red diodes!
GaRaGe BuD Yea they seem to do good but I did add the other white leds recently, just because my tent is so crowded I’m sure I’m way over powered on light but I would rather be able to provide too much then not enough set up works great but deff had to add a portable ac being in so cal in my garage it’s hot lol no prob now
Day: 14

Transplanted to bigger finally pot and feed with nutrients and ph water 6.48 btw the color isn’t yellow or anything it’s just the picture I took the lighting !
3 years ago
Day: 13

Great growth so far started nutrients and ph 5.9
3 years ago
Caliban I would suggest ph of 6.5-7. Too low and some Nutes will become scarce.
GaRaGe BuD Yea raised to 6.48 now
Caliban 👍👍
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Day: 3

Finally poked through
3 years ago
stick e fingerz Congrats Are you keeping them covered
GaRaGe BuD No
Day: 1

Two girlscout and one widow in a wet paper towel waiting to germinate let’s see how this first auto grow goes !
3 years ago