

Sativa Skunk

Acupolco Gold strain

2 Sativa skunks, thinking of planting one outside

Acupolco Gold X Skunk

Day 70 (Week 10)


6 updates

10 photos

Day: 70

I can’t believe these clones are still this small on day 70 🙄 Hopefully this new light will help progress things happen.

2 years ago


zdgrows37 Make them a compost tea . Should help fully bounce back


Alchemist I’ve been using Fish Sh!t and Recharge because I don’t have a water pump. Brewing a Compost tea is a skill I have yet to start working with


zdgrows37 Are you following VPD? They can grow slow if not

Day: 67


Bright green leaves, happy with the last 15 days

2 years ago


Alchemist Both are topped twice now

Day: 52

These clones are still wimpy as hell. I’m disappointed in Commonwealth Canna tbh for playing me into buying 4 of there shitty poorly propagated plants… the one on the left I topped same time I topped the cookies one

3 years ago


Alchemist He told me buy a bag of soil, 75$ worth. Of nutrients, and I just had to pay 70 extra dollars and it came with the clones but I still was waiting on the clones for a month


ig:@eaegifts Why would you pay $75 for soil? They both need nutrients they’re showing a nitrogen deficiency heavy 👍🏾👍🏾


Alchemist It was a soil and nutrient package that came with these clones. I didn’t however get to see the clones before I made the purchase, they were dropped off tho me already in these pots 3 weeks later. He also brought me 2 Tropicana cookies in 1 gallon pots that I just transplanted into 5 gallon pots with fox farms soil and they are looking 3 times healthier already. Still puny but at least showing signs of growth with actual green leaves. I’ve been keeping the transplanted ones outdoors because it’s been very warm and sunny lately, and I suspect my grow lights aren’t powerful enough. However, I’ve grown clones with those lights before, they were just much better established clones. I don’t know if transferring these from 3 to 5 gallons with better soil will fix them? They might need 7 gallon pots to make up for this Commonwealth Canna trash soil. I purchased this soil cuz it’s 100% organic, but I ended up putting blue miracle gro feed on them yesterday in hopes of getting a turn around. (Totally not organic, but I’m on the fence about aborting these babies)

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Day: 22

Baby skunk plant number ONE is looking great. Baby skunk plant number TWO, not so much. Do y’all think it might be diseased? I was having I bad fungus gnat issue in here, but I seemed to have fixed it by spraying the soil with neem, because I don’t see many sticking to the traps

3 years ago


gpurps Oh I see, sticky traps for bugs.

Day: 16

These skunk babies are finally showing some development :)

3 years ago

Day: 1

Just got these 2 “super skunk” clones

3 years ago