Test Seed from local friends Garden
May 2020
I asked Barry what they were MAY 8 2020
Day 103 (Week 15)
6 updates
11 photos
Day: 103
Sugar leafs starting using fish shit first week of bloom I like what I’m seeing.
4 years ago
Day: 98
Moved to larger coda pot getting huge
4 years ago
Day: 98
Day 15 of flower
4 years ago
Day: 29
Still in the backyard all day and night the spot I selected gets the most direct sunlight and it’s starting smell nice.
5 years ago
Day: 18
Photo of plant in blue cup is on may 10th 2020 seedling spends all day and night outdoors
5 years ago
OneRiver Photo of plant Transferred to 5 gal black pot: 18 day progress report photo taken today 05/26/2020
Day: 1
Test#6 Started Germination on Friday by soaking seedling in water 24 hours then placing in white paper towel damped and in a zip lock left on high shelf in a dark warm garage by Monday my seedling sprouted and was transferred to a blue Heffty Cup with Holes on bottom. After spending 4 days under ground Test#6 sprouted from the dirt I have to say I’m pretty Excited. In the First two pictures It’s looks kinda pale and small. The third photo is After soaking in some sun and getting a mist layer the same day.
5 years ago