Cherry extract
Indoor grow
Cherry extract hybrid 9 week strain
Cherry extract
Day 13 (Week 2)
6 updates
16 photos
Day: 13
Plant is currently growing amazing I had went higher on the nutes and caused a lil tip curling no burn so slight sign of just a lil to much going to go slight on next feed and see how she feels but so far so good
4 years ago
Stackem Fimmed the top to let some lower growth catch up to the top
Day: 6
Currently using House & Garden soil A&B nutrients at 5ml each to a gal of ph water with a small dose of roots excelurator 1.1ml to a gal plants reacted wonderfully no nute burn or stress
4 years ago
Day: 5
Plant is growing beautiful very thick green leafs
4 years ago
Day: 3
Plants leaves have just about touched over sides of the pot growing well nice and green
4 years ago
Day: 2
Lite feed of nutrients-Nov 10 2020
4 years ago
Day: 1
Plant is currently around 4inches in height has been growing from seed for about two weeks hybrid 9 week strain -Nov 9 2020
4 years ago