Summer 2020
1 st grow-5 plants germination tent - rapid rooter medium-fish shit conditioner-heat pad constantly running- vents closed.
Amnesias Feminized
Day 102 (Week 15)
43 updates
110 photos
Day: 102
Not growing!
4 years ago
Day: 96
Heat on the higher side, trying to lower
4 years ago
Day: 94
4 years ago
Day: 91
4 years ago
Day: 89
4 years ago
Day: 82
Should I be worried that they are not bursting with smell
4 years ago
Day: 81
Bigger tent
4 years ago
Day: 78
Budding slowly. Lots of dying leaves at bottom
4 years ago
Day: 72
Need a bigger tent
4 years ago
Day: 65
Any day now
4 years ago
Day: 65
Little plants getting big
4 years ago
Day: 63
Humidifier added temp finally regulated.
4 years ago
Day: 60
Looking a whole lot better but still tweaking temps
4 years ago
Day: 59
Still trying to increase temperature ... to consistent temps
4 years ago
Day: 58
Temperatures running low.
4 years ago
Day: 57
Not much improvement since lowering humidity
4 years ago
Day: 56
Soft and bendy stems. Added rhino skin to feed. Humidity keeps running 66rh or higher.
4 years ago
Day: 55
Separated the big girls from the little girls to get ready for light change.
4 years ago
Day: 54
And growing.....
4 years ago
Day: 53
These girls Are drinking a lot of water. Almost having to water everyday
4 years ago
Boss1 Need another tent ASAP. The girls are covering the seedlings. Will separate and start 12/12a couple days after. They’ve slowed on growing in height significantly. Can’t wait!
Day: 49
Rearranged girls and cleaned floor.
4 years ago
Day: 48
4 years ago
Day: 45
4 years ago
Day: 42
Doing good so far
4 years ago
Day: 42
Added two more seed.... four way special
4 years ago
Day: 41
Voodoo juice shocked these girls back after 3 1/2 days of dry out and and then another day before getting watered with bytes
4 years ago
Boss1 Bag seed growing fast doesn’t look like a good quality
Day: 38
Lots of problems coming at these girls.
4 years ago
Boss1 These girls like 80 degrees and slowed down growing after installing exhaust. Gnats are trying to take over and I over watered causing a slight case of root rot so stopped watering and ladies came back with a burst of grow after a couple weeks of slow grow
Day: 34
Gnats becoming a problem
4 years ago
Day: 32
Topped one I shouldn’t have and one I should. Nervous I messed her up and stunted her.
4 years ago
Day: 30
Trimmed a little over the last couple days
4 years ago
Day: 28
Diatomaceous added to soil, cinnamon and neem oil for foliage spray. Minor burn 2 leaves clipped.
4 years ago
Day: 24
Added inline fan.
4 years ago
collin.parker Nice! First time for me too. Look like same setup and about same size after 25day
collin.parker Had to add fan few days ago as well, we’re getting too heavy for the main trunk
Day: 21
Waiting on ventilation system to arrive. So far so good, just a small spot of nute burn, gave a day of water only, slowly improving.
4 years ago
Day: 19
Increased nutes, added fan
4 years ago
Day: 18
400-600watt light , nutes & water daily
4 years ago
Day: 15
Roots outgrew rapid rooters.
4 years ago
Day: 11
Introduced grow light
5 years ago
Day: 10
Lost 1 seed during germination, root was mushy. Waiting for one to surface but 3 are slowly growing. Started fish shit after stopping on day 3. Continuous light. 17watt t5 sun blaster.
5 years ago
Day: 2
1 seed visually has sprouted, unsure of others. Heat pad running non stop occasional watering to keep rooter moist with fish shit conditioner additive.
5 years ago
Day: 2
Seed was growing down, split rooter in half and lifted up. Not sure if root and bulb should be exposed yet.
5 years ago