
Bagseed - “Hannah Ginger”

First Grow

One unknown strain (“Horny Goat” as my boyfriend has dubbed it) who has been nicknamed “Hannah Ginger”

Unknown Bagseed

Day 233 (Week 34)

48 updates

99 photos

Day: 233

Finally cut, infestation is just awful

4 years ago

Day: 233

99.81 grams, 3.5 ounces wet weight. 65% RH and 67F

4 years ago

Day: 205

Finding way too many nanners, this strain hermies FAST and easy

4 years ago

Day: 190

Switching to lemon to acidify, I’m afraid it’s been hurting more than helping

4 years ago

Day: 184

1 ft 9 inches. Leaves have continued to deteriorate, I don’t know what to do anymore. I think I just have to let her finish out. I can see seed production and maturing moving along nicely so at least her genetics are preserved. Buds moving along slowly

4 years ago

Day: 177


1 ft 9 inches, heavier water drinker

4 years ago

Day: 159


Applied 2 tbsp of Espoma’s Soil Acidifer and watered well

5 years ago

Day: 158


Trimmed and maintenance! Definite seed production in pollinated site

5 years ago

Day: 154

Amended with 3 tbsp oyster shell powder. Preciously used peat to lower ph of soil. 3 tbsp kelp meal, 1 cup bone meal, 3 cups worm castings 2 weeks ago. May begin using citric acid to lower ph of tap water

5 years ago

Day: 97

10 oz of ph 6.7 . 1 ft 4 inches

5 years ago

Day: 96


She appears to have a whole host of problems. The spots (which I believe are fungus or insect eggs) are still appearing despite lowered temperatures and humidity, and increased air circulation. She’s got some of The Claw, so I might have to flush her. Leaf margins on older growth are brown and brittle

5 years ago

Day: 93

Watered at ph 6.7, moved to basement with temperatures in 60’s F and 50% RH

5 years ago

Day: 90

She does not handle over watering AT ALL. The phosphorus deficiency seems to be continuing 😬 I’ll check her run off next time I water (which I’ll have to wait a while for her to dry up again). Currently taking her out of the tent to get better air flow

5 years ago

Day: 89

Watered yesterday, clearly that was too soon

5 years ago

Day: 87

1 foot 4 inches, sprayed with Organocide and trimmed of excessive leaves

5 years ago

Day: 84

Watered at 6.67 ph and fed 1/8 cup of fertilizer

5 years ago

Day: 76

Watered at ph 6.87 yesterday

5 years ago

Day: 75

LST to the two main stalks

5 years ago

Day: 73

Gonna need to do some LST on this lady!

5 years ago

Day: 71


Watered yesterday! They’ve really gotten bushy since topping!

5 years ago

Day: 63


Yesterday I removed a few inches of topsoil with larva and eggs in it, put it in a plastic bag and threw it away. I soaked the remaining soil with diluted neem oil, and then recovered with new clean topsoil. Dramatically reduced the gnats, though I’ve since seen one or two.

5 years ago

Day: 62


Update! Used Organicide for the fungus gnat problem. Seems to be managing them but not killing them all like I’d hoped.

5 years ago

Day: 59

Topped her today! Also watered with 3:1 water hydrogen peroxide and set out gnat traps

5 years ago

Day: 57

5 and 1/2 inches. Switched to 400W at 26 inches from canopy

5 years ago

Day: 53

Watered yesterday at 6.68 ph, ph-ed down with lemon juice. 4 and 3/4 inches

5 years ago

Day: 49


Her upper growth looks great but I’m worried the lower growth is stunted from the burns. I feel like I should just wait for her to recover. 4 and 1/8 inches

5 years ago


Mystrain420 U need a light.

witchcat I do have a light, I just turned it off to show color better lol. I have a 45W on rn because of the burns, and once I’m confident the spidermite problem is gone, they’re going in a grow tent with a 300W light

Day: 46


It looks like the cayenne solution might have been too strong. That, coupled with my now new 300W grow light (thank you baby!) burned her leaves. We had to switch back to 45W just to be easy on em. Will be waiting another day before spraying with diluted cayenne solution. Watered at 5.7 ph in order to kill fungus gnat larva, also sprinkled Espoma Rose Food (4-3-2) and some more potting soil over top because she stinky

5 years ago

Day: 44

AJAX soap and water sprayed, will leave on for an hour and then spray and wipe off

5 years ago

Day: 42

Yesterday I sprayed 1 tbsp cayenne pepper + 3 cloves of garlic + pot of boiling water left to seep for several hours on all leaves, leaving it on for 1 hr before spraying it off with clean water and then gently wiping with napkins. I’ve also set out a fly trap for the gnats with a sprinkle of sugar + 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar + 1 tbsp warm water + a small squirt of dish soap. She was mighty unhappy and drooped but perked up once again once the stuff was off and the lights were turned back on. Might want to wait until the day after tomorrow to apply a dish soap + water solution to suffocate the spider mites. Also trying to keep it dryer and colder.

5 years ago

Day: 41

So we’ve got spider mites and fungus gnats....

5 years ago

Day: 40

She already looks happier under this light ❤️ Still moist about an inch down, no watering today! 3 and 1/4 inches

5 years ago

Day: 39

Finally got a cheap 45W LED, 36” away from the tops of the plants. Should help her to grow much bigger and faster!

5 years ago

Panna24 I will try between 24-30” by veg between 18-24” and flower 12-18”. Peace

witchcat Thats a good idea. I’m thinking I’ll low it in a few days, see how they do with it still 36” away

Day: 38

Super sunny today!! Yay!

5 years ago

Day: 37

2 and 5/8 inches

5 years ago

Day: 36

Watered with ph 6.8 with a bit of sugar in it (heard that helps with transplant!). This rainy humidity is fucking with my environment 😬

5 years ago

Day: 35

Happy to see her getting stronger! Her cotyledon leaves are probably gonna need to cut off soon and she’ll be watered tomorrow.

5 years ago

Day: 34


Her leaves are perking up and lengthening. Part of me wonders if she’s more sativa dominant since her leaves are so slim but we’ll see once she really matures. Last night was cold and humid, definitely worried this rainy season is messing with my ladies.

5 years ago

Day: 32

Wouldt be shocked if those yellow leaves withered off. She seems ok not a super bounce from the transplant but we’ll give her the rest of the week

5 years ago

Bhrystvn My bottom leaves did the same! Try to not be too worried about those as much

witchcat Yeah I wasn’t too worried, but it’s good to hear you’ve experienced the same!

Day: 30

Finally transplanted!! With Nature Care potting soil and buried up to her leaves, I have a feeling, after some shock, she’ll flourish. Now 2 and 3/8 inches

5 years ago

Day: 27


Looking groovy! I think she’s drinking more, her dirt is already starting to dry out (could be a combination of maturation and low humidity). Starting to see the beginnings of pre-flower (hopefully will show she’s female soon!!) at first node.

5 years ago

Day: 26

4 and 1/4 inches, watered yesterday with distilled water. I want to transplant her to a 3 gallon pot by at least Day 30. My thermometer and ph meter should be arriving tomorrow! Exciting!

5 years ago

Day: 24

Very rainy and overcast today, the porch is too cold even with a little heater so right now these babies are chilling in the kitchen under a 20 watt and my Verilux (36 watts) off to the left (16 inches). I know lighting is a problem I’m having so I’m trying to rectify it as best I can until I can go Home Depot or something

5 years ago

Day: 23

Very sunny but cold today! I’m really starting to feel like I should supplement with a lamp even when she’s in sunlight, it’s not enough (clearly) and I’m really hoping she grows a little quicker, a little fuller. This quarantine sucks, I need to go to my local nursery. Also fucked up the lights today, I manually turn them off and on, and I slept in 2 hours, increasing dark time to almost 11 hours

5 years ago

Day: 22

Watering today, just tap water (ph?) until there was a bit of run off. I believe her lower leaves are stunted but I’m still seeing her top leaves and third node developing so she’s still got some fight!

5 years ago

ReapingWillow When you do eventually transplant think about burying the stem deeper, up to the seed leaves even. It should readily root along the stem giving the plant a stronger root system and cutting down on some of that early stretch.

witchcat Yeah that’s a good idea, definitely my plan once I do transplant. I want to wait a little longer until I’m confident in her root system and until my supplies that were supposed to come a week ago eventually find their way here 😅

Day: 21

Good to see her leaves opening up more and gradually growing. She is going to need a watering tomorrow because her dirt is dry but still moist about an inch down. I wouldn’t be surprised (if she doesn’t die) if she took very very long to flower. We’ll see. (left leaf dark from the shadow of my big head)

5 years ago

Day: 20

Oof those little bottom leaves! Oof! The thin “branches”! Lets hope the bone meal helps bulk her up and keep her strong. Also put her in the wind (shielded) to try her to thicken up for “windy conditions”

5 years ago

Nova_Delusion If u want better results don’t grow in plastic or what’s ur using , trust 🙏 it will resolve that problem

Day: 19

This girl is looking mighty spindly and stretched. I buried about an inch of stem a few days ago, which I think is really helping the stalk but after the first node it’s just so floppy 😫 My third cannabis plant ever, the first two died due to poor soil and then too close lighting. Hannah needs a spa day, that’s for sure

5 years ago

Day: 18

4” tall, too much stretching too young. I have a Verilux daylight lamp and a greenhouse sun porch. Any tips on how to make her stronger and her leaves not as spindly would be much appreciated!

5 years ago

witchcat Watering when dry with bottled distilled water, can’t monitor ph or exact temp right now because COVID has slowed Amazon down. Light breeze from overhead fan, lamp on from sundown to 10 pm, the rest of it is sunlight. Our soil is from garden and compost, and thus far I’ve made dandelion and eggshell “liquid fertilizer” and bone meal. Added a little of the eggshell-dandelion on Day 7, and bone meal amended to the soil yesterday

Nova_Delusion Put the light closer to the plant , the reason why it is so high is cuz she is trying to get the light.