
Four Strains - 1 RDWC system - Scrog

Winter/Spring 2019/2020

DIY RDWC using 5 gallon buckets and trellis netting.

Gold leaf, Gorilla Cookies, Sour Bubba, Peyote Critical

Day 1 (Week 1)

1 update

8 photos

Day: 1


- Plants are in week 3 of flower (12/12) - Using General Hydro nutrients/Fox Farm Open Sesame powder at 1/4 tsp per gal. - Currently at 830 ppm (700 scale) or 1.185 EC - Ph starting at 5.7 and running up to 6.2 before correction. - Average 5-7 gallons per day reservoir depletion/refill (35 gallon system) - 4’ x 8’ tent - 3 x 315 watt CMH lighting (approx. 945 watts draw at outlet) - PAR readings 450 - 650 across 3’ x 3’ area.

5 years ago