Quick One
1st Grow
Start May 2024
3 plants in total, one each sort
Quick One, Royal Cookies, Apple Fritter
Day 30 (Week 5)
4 updates
6 photos
Day: 30

Slowly starting with flowerig. I think they are pretty small for 30 days in, even though its indoor. What you think?
8 months ago
mjones2343 they are a little small I think even for auto flowering to be flowering just quiet yet but to each their own
Quick One Yeah the weather was really bad the last 2 weeks, I think that will be the reason for lack of growth. Hopfully they can catch up, because it will be sunny the next weeks
mjones2343 Oh no I hate to hear that, I can relate I have a special queen #1 that’s struggling as well bro they look good though
Day: 8

Moved the girls over to 11L Pots now. Gave them about 2L water each. Now they hopfully grow up well🙌🏽
9 months ago
Day: 5

All 3 plants started growing. I think I will plant each in an 11L pot around Sunday. Apple Fritter got a little long because lack of lightning, so I will implant it deeper. Or would you guys say I have to wait longer before repotting?
9 months ago
RoMag What are you growing photo or auto? I either didn’t see or missed reading. Personally, if they are auto flower, I would plant them in their final grow container. I would not plant the Apple Fritter too much deeper than the soil line on the main stem. Use a wooden stick next to the main stem and allow the plant to rest against the stick. The sticks you have that the names are attached to are perfect for this. I use skewers for that same purpose. If, these are photo period, then some of these other gentle growers will help you. I only grow auto period. Best of luck to you. Grow Strong and Prosper. LOL
Day: 2

Royal Cookies and Apple Fritter started vegetating. Just waiting for the Quick one to come out. How ironically 😂
9 months ago