


Plante 09-06-2020

First time grower. Killed lots of plants. This was my first one to live. Two weeks into flowering and 101 days since germination.

Purple Haze reg

Day 119 (Week 17)

5 updates

11 photos

Day: 119

Kate is at the same height and has approx. 26 yielding branches including the main cola! Fox hairs are beginning to turn orange. Watering only. Today starts the 10/14 cycle. She will have 10 hours of light and 14 hours of darkness.

4 years ago


frobocop Looks great. How do they like the 10/14? Do u find a difference between that and 12/12, I tried with 11/13 and just found my buds “fluffier” than I expected. I’m debating trying 10/14 or back to 12/12


Kylie Today is their first day of 10/14 so after this week I should be able to tell if they like it or not!!

Day: 106


32.5in fed 1Gal of food (MICRO, GROW, BLOOM)+ Cal-Mag nutrient supplement. Feeding are every other day.

4 years ago

Day: 105

Still full feed every other day. Will wait until the last three weeks to flush

4 years ago

Day: 101

Week two-three into flowering. Changed Brita filter. Made a gallon of MICRO GROW BLOOM. Also made a gallon of CAL-MAG supplement.

4 years ago

Day: 101

Kate: Purple Haze: Purple Thai x Haze: 31in with 21 nodules! Trimmed some older fan leaves off to allow light to more bud sites. After pruning, I took a new light reading and it was 1900/600! Last trimming for Kate 12-11-2020

4 years ago


Kylie Tuesday 12/15/2020 Fed Kate a full mix of nutrient supplements. Using advanced nutrients base trio of MICRO, GROW and BLOOM. 13mL of each in a gallon of reverse osmosis water. Also few 4mL of CAL-MAG nutrient supplement to one gallon of reverse osmosis water.


Kylie WEDNESDAY 12/16/2020 watered Kate with the Cal-Mag nutrient supplement. 4mL/1G of RO water.