Chef A Autofemme Casserole
Third attempt (technically) w/ aerogarden system last yielded 1/4oz
Worried about aerogarden seedling. Left it too long in the seed starter and lost part of its tap root when transplanted into aerogarden. Other seedling is 1 day older and in a pickle jar w/ an aerogarden adapter with pump/hose.
Possibly Purple Ceral, Baby Toff, or Anna Banna
Day 62 (Week 9)
12 updates
20 photos
Day: 62

Water change day, in week 6 of flower I think.
2 years ago
Day: 56

Tried some trimming of a small kola from 5 days ago. Very mild flavor. Probably not dried enough and not many trichomes. Had another small kola I clipped today I’ve got drying. Will try again in 10 days of drying time.
2 years ago
Day: 50

Didn’t check the EC and I think it was too high, lowered back down to 1.7. Will check it again tomorrow
2 years ago
moonfruit Added some calmag and that helped the leaves perk back up. Also got a tripod style supplemental light. Looking better already
Day: 49

She’s doing alright after the cat attack and being moved into my office.
2 years ago
Day: 40

Did a bit of trimming and some lst. Rearranged the extra light and main light since a couple of leaves were getting burnt tips. Water change in a couple days but she’s going through about a liter a day past few days. Likely going to see how she tolerates this and keep trimming a little bit at a time.
3 years ago
Day: 35

My cat decided she was a snack and did a good amount of damage. I’m hoping she pulls through but I’m sure it will impact yield.
3 years ago
Caliban Spray neem oil on the cat and that should teach it! Lol. My cats always taking their share including 3 clones last year completely out of the soil.
organic_grower Ya cats love weed leafs! Lol your plant will be fine shouldn't affect anything. 👍
Caliban Trim the chewed off tips so they don’t necrosis otherwise they will be fine
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Day: 34

Little one is still kicking so I’m still letting her go for now. Big girl is doing great! Tomorrow’s water change day. She’s damn near out grown the corner she’s in, might have to move her to another room because my cat attacked her fan leaves and I can’t leave her unattended or w/o the cover on
3 years ago
moonfruit pH has been fussy but checking it daily has helped
Day: 28

Water change day she’s looking pretty good. Smaller transplant is still hanging on but not near the size despite being sprouted at the same time
3 years ago
Day: 25

Week one of pre-flower. Moved the other one to aerogarden as well. Not sure if she’ll make it but I’m gonna try. Switched nutes to advanced nutes so far so good. pH seems more stable than with general hydroponic 3 part nutes. Also, losing part of the tap root doesn’t seem to have caused any irreparable damage, and she’s recovered from me topping her before realizing you don’t too autos.
3 years ago
Day: 7

Aero is still doing better than Mason, but I moved mason to a higher light spot and added an extra light. We’ll see
3 years ago
Day: 5

Aerogarden auto is doing better. Mason Jar is stretching too much. I moved her to a newer brighter location
3 years ago
Day: 2

Masonponics working ok so far
3 years ago