
(table grow)


5 plants


Day 144 (Week 21)



7 updates

7 photos

Day: 144


Looking droopy , fed the big girl w a little extra should do the job . Small ones reg nutrient (same as big girl) . Light misting .

2 years ago

Day: 144


Also Twine rope to hold herself up so not much energy is being burned .

2 years ago

Day: 144


Twined it also

2 years ago

Day: 141


Light is low wattage just trying to get these hairs brown, any tips on hanging / curing . This is my first grow .

2 years ago


559cultivation Aim for 55% humidity and about 65 degrees F if possible when hang drying. 60 degrees would be perfect. a long slow dry is what you want to aim for to preserve flavors and terps. Also, complete darkness is key, light can degrade thc levels. 7-15 days of drying is typical. (Grow tent is best place to hang dry imo)

growgodz69 Yeah I’m not really working with a tent rn , just some stuff to reflect light . I was thinking the bathroom . Going to get better equipment once this grows done

Day: 130


Do you guys think she’s ready ?

2 years ago


559cultivation Not ready yet, try to wait until white pistol hairs are completely gone, and about 25% of trichomes turn amber colored.

growgodz69 Thanks man

Day: 85

Topped off back left , back right FIM . Let’s see how this goes . Healthy again , high in ph but that’s okay . Pre mature flowering in the youngest . First grow wish me luck 🙂

2 years ago

Day: 82

Heavy nitrogen+ , along with spray

2 years ago