

Lambs bread & Purple auto

Spring Auto

Start of day 1 for 3 of the 4 plants

Lambs bread and Pineapple autos

Day 125 (Week 18)

24 updates

47 photos

Day: 125

36 hours of darkness now it’s time to harvest

5 years ago

Day: 117

Last week looks great

5 years ago

Day: 110


I would like to go 2 more weeks on this one but I don’t think I will make it that long. Seed company recommended 11 weeks of flower. I’m in week 12 and had to cut a few buds off due to some small rotten spots on a low branch. Other than that she is healthy. It’s been 95 degrees for the past 3 weeks with lows in the 65 - 70 at night.

5 years ago

Day: 103


Took 1 plant down today. I plan to let the other one go at least one more week maybe 3more weeks.

5 years ago

Day: 98


Last week

5 years ago

Day: 89

1 or 2 more weeks to go.

5 years ago

Day: 81


Lambs bread has been harvested and is drying. Critical Purple still has 2 or 3 more weeks to go. Undecided.

5 years ago

Day: 79


Harvest day!!

5 years ago

Day: 78

She is in 48 hours of darkness before cutting down the plants tomorrow morning the grow room got into the upper 80’s during the day and it was to hot. The buds seem more Loose than they did last week.

5 years ago

Day: 74

Lambs breath Auto 1 week left to go

5 years ago


Budman40 Looks Insane! Nice

Day: 72

Critical purple has another 30 days left but the buds are already bigger than the lambs bread/ lambs breath

5 years ago

Day: 70

She has less than 2 weeks left on the lambs bread. So she is getting plain old water and a flush. Still have another month on the purple.

5 years ago

Day: 63

18 hrs of light. Auto’s. Today was the last day feeding nutrition. Then going on a H2O diet for 2 weeks of flushing.

5 years ago

Day: 54

Lambs breath auto. 4 or so weeks till harvest

5 years ago

Day: 46

I’m seeing a slight nutrient burn on the tips of the leaves. So I’m flushing with water for the next week.

5 years ago

Day: 38

20 hours of light 4 hours of darkness. At 10 inches tall and already getting nice size popcorn budz

5 years ago

Day: 35

Still looking good

5 years ago

Day: 29

Low stress training 3 out of 4

5 years ago

Day: 22

I noticed the first sign’s of the bud’s today. This is my first time growing an auto flower. I can’t wait to see how this turns out

5 years ago

Day: 15

Lambs bread and critical purple first dose of nutrients sure made them spark some growth

5 years ago

Day: 12

Autos seem to grow faster

5 years ago

Day: 10

Going good

5 years ago

Day: 3

Auto’s on 19 hours of light 5 hours dark.

5 years ago

Day: 0

Start of life for 3 of 5

5 years ago