
Afgan man

Yea boi back on track

Come in on

Autoflower indoor

Day 57 (Week 9)

8 updates

8 photos

Day: 57

Second Afghan started to flower am not gunna top autos no more there right stress them to flower to early less crop I get it now !

4 years ago

Day: 53

This one slower 4 days slower then other

4 years ago

Day: 53

Looking good 3 day into flower

4 years ago

Day: 52

Looking really well to pet one better tho

4 years ago

Day: 52

Just started to flower

4 years ago

Day: 42

Got a fly problem any help ? Just started to flower aswell pics got Spring tails aswell

4 years ago

Day: 34

She's looking awesome today plus planted 3 auto flowers amnesia auto bulk come on ya butes and added my herbs and a few guava dawg hermi seeds see if they take of yea boi

5 years ago

Day: 32

Light 300 watt led grow with 30 watt led spiral bulb mini usb fan air pump vented to the soil to help flush and give oxygen helps big time trust autos been a real cheap way so far I think

5 years ago

Autokimrimbo Oh ph 6.4 and fed 800 tds ect blue minerals cal mag treacle organic and welts land houseplant food concentrate at 7.4.6