First time grower I may need y’all help wit these girls
Summer of 2021
Two different strands one jolly rancher the other one is a mystery
Jolly rancher x Mystery stranded
Day 76 (Week 11)
25 updates
28 photos
Day: 76
What do y’all think is it time to flip to flower
3 years ago
ganjaman420 You could flip these today!
Linien have you been giving them nutrients? if not, i’d say start today. if you’re giving them nutrients, i’d say don’t start flowering today. instead, flush with plain water no nutrients for a week and then start flowering
Linien but it’s also up to you whether you want a bigger size first or not. if you have enough space in your tent, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to veg a tiny bit longer. just remember that once it starts flowering, it reallyy starts expanding and getting huge
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Day: 76
What do y’all think is it time for flower
3 years ago
Day: 76
What y’all think is it flower time
3 years ago
kushmaster420 Look up Mr.Cannucks on YouTube he has a really good video telling you exactly when to switch to flower and when the best time to harvest is
Day: 76
What y’all think isisnit time for lower
3 years ago
Day: 76
What y’all think 💭
3 years ago
Theoptician I am a newbie too. What strain are you growing?
moneymike1983 I’m nee too. But I scroll, read and watch a lot of videos. That’s looks fine. She looks healthy. Maybe put a rusty nail in the soil for a little extra iron. I’m about to have to screen my first one as well. Gonna let her stretch just a bit first.
Caliban Healthy looking plants!
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Day: 75
I decided to veg more two more weeks like your recommended big help thank you update
3 years ago
Day: 75
3 years ago
Day: 75
3 years ago
erich the dread Hey brother, Im growing and its my first time doing so. They are like 2 day old seedlings and i am doing it without 'proper' equipment, do you have any pointers or tips you wouldnt mind sharing with me? I do have a Ph pen for watering at least. Ph at 6.-6.5.
devin You can use house hold stuff but u need nut and proper soil to get top shelf bud but u can gore the simple way
Day: 75
Aye baby’s baby
3 years ago
Day: 48
I think the bounced back what y’all think what cans I do to improve
4 years ago
Day: 48
What can I do to help this girl out ??🤔😩😩😩
4 years ago
IGrowHowIGrow Are these autos?
devin No
dale2216 Whats ur soil ? What u feeding ? Whats ur temp ? Whats ur humid ?
View 13 additional comments
Day: 23
Of flower what y'all think
3 years ago
Day: 23
3 years ago
Day: 8
Growing good
4 years ago
Day: 8
And we got buds what y'all think
3 years ago
organic_grower Looking like a male..
simmobudz Defo looks like a male
strawnana954 Those are pollen sacks. Better kill it or all your plants will have seeds. Spay it with water and cut it down, stick it in a bag and throw it out
Day: 8
What y'all think
3 years ago
Day: 8
What y'all think
3 years ago
devin How do I tell
devin I got a couple that look like that I'm gone look
organic_grower For sure male's!!
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Day: 8
3 years ago
xXTheWolfXx Looking good. Best Buy of advice..leave them wanting a little more….a little more water, a little more nutrients…and get yourself a jewelers loop to check the trichomes.. The 3 biggest mistakes new growers make is: Over watering, over fertilizing and chopping too soon.
Day: 6
How they looking to y’all ??
4 years ago
lemonq Looking good man! Just be careful with over watering in that soil, cant see much drainage- it looks great in those photos, keep up the good work!
combatmedic81 Might be stretching a bit
Day: 2
Alka poco gold
4 years ago
Day: 2
Ms Parker trying to turn up
4 years ago
GreenBoy From Alabama Good luck brotha 💪🏾✊🏾 I’m almost to end of my first grow.. Happy Growing🌱