

Critical Killer Fatst Fem

Summer 2024

Let’s see how this goes. I’m interested because we loved Critical Mass in soil, and this is a fast Fem cross with critical mass I believe

Critical Killer Fatst Fem

Day 72 (Week 11)



6 updates

45 photos

Day: 72


Switched to slower around Aug 27th when I changed their water and started them in the early flower regimen. I adjusted the lights and added the trellis, however I think it’s a little late as they’ve started to bud. I haven’t done a photo properly so I guess I expected a longer transition period haha. I had to defoliate and remove a lot of lower stems that aren’t going to produce anything worth while.

20 hours ago

Day: 58


My first 11 point lead! She’s really happy! Did some much needed trimming about a week ago. They all went ham on foliage over the weekend. They’re soaking up the water crazy fast and roots are healthy and plenty. I’m still feeding the last week of veg on the schedule but I flipped to flower today on the 12/12 cycle vs the 20/4 I had them on. I honestly don’t even remember what I was thinking with switching from the 18/6 I had but o well haha they loved it. Their stems and trunks are nice and thick and once c e they start to reach I’ll bring in the trellis to spread them out.

14 days ago

Day: 41


Changed the res about 3 days ago. Week 4 feeding with silica and such. Roots took off and I decided to defoliate a few times pretty dramatically and topped her. Also started using 3d printed lst clips and they all took to it very well. I then turned the third light on and raised all the lights. I believe everyone is around 550-650 par.

a month ago

Day: 29


I’ve been checking the ph and the slime and all has been well. 5.6ish ph. I added 6ml of kelp to the about 2.5-3 gal in the res. I defoliated, she’s at 5 nodes and is sturdy. Shorter than I’m used to but this should be cool. Debating on topping her specially since she’s fast. I upped the lights and raised them. They’re at about 550par.

a month ago

Day: 19


Fed them two days ago. Added the silica proper this time 6ml. I added 9ml peroxide. Upped the feeding to week 2 medium and they’re loving it. Continuing to watch the ph. I noticed the brow spots before I changed the res, so they aren’t from the new tanks. They’re also standing up in their own away from the hydroton now. Not sure why but there’s this stuff that formed since the last change. Is this normal for silica?

2 months ago

Day: 16


First bean dampened off. Successfully germinated directly in the rock wool the second time around. She seems leggy and weak, also tipped over, but I’m also in need of more hydroton. Fed with the week 1 medium 2ml/gal everything. I added a new silica amendment today 6ml for the ~4gal that’s in the res. Still the same mixture from the start, just added hydrogen peroxide and the silica and phed. I’m also removing the lid so she can work on her strength with the fan blowing in her. Turned the lights up from 200 to 300ish par

2 months ago