

2 White widow autos

Half gallon and full gallon

Fastbuds 420 seeds . One in a half gallon pot and the other in a full gallon pot . Gonna run em Side by side and see what happens . Will I get a smaller yield due to smaller pot if I can keep up with feeding her . Only time will tell .

White Widow fastbuds420 genetics

Day 76 (Week 11)


14 updates

45 photos

Day: 76


She finished early . I think that was because she was stunted . But still she finished and with a lot more amber than I typically go for. She is drying up and gonna get to the cure . πŸ’ͺ🏽😎

2 months ago

wyattwelding101 πŸ”₯πŸ”₯🦨🦨


FramerFlaco Yeah she is smelly


Ghostfacekilla-illa-illa πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

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Day: 69


Just waiting for her to finish up

2 months ago


purpleguy420 Looking nice too! I am in love with White Widows taste profile, hope they will give you that same experience once they're finishedπŸ’― Next grows I will mix up the strains a bit, this one will 100% be on the menu


FramerFlaco Yeah man she smells amazing unfortunately she is stunted and will only give me Maybe a quarter . But I’m gonna run it again .


Nessi_the_blue My first White Widow Auto was even more smaller. πŸ™ˆ But love the taste - lets do it again!

Day: 59


Buds are getting thick

3 months ago

Day: 34


She is evening out . Only topped once gonna let her run now . Maybe do some lst but no more ties .

3 months ago

Day: 33


Training going well canopy is evening out . Only topped once

3 months ago

Day: 27


Decided to try lst . Gave her a topping and bent her over . Any help is appreciated.

4 months ago

Day: 25

She was topped and is stretching

4 months ago

Day: 20

Did a dumb thing and topped her early . I really hope she turns out of .

4 months ago

Day: 19

More leaves coming in as she is stretching .

4 months ago

Day: 15

Growing more everyday

4 months ago

Day: 12

She is getting bigger

4 months ago


combatmedic81 What is the white stuff in the dirt? DM?


combatmedic81 DE I should say

Day: 6

One died . One still going . She is stretching . Need to move the light closer

4 months ago

bendito You should Lower the light?! So that She will Not Stretch that much... if She is strong enough and Thicker, more light.


FramerFlaco Done βœ…

Day: 4

Popped the seed

4 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 πŸš€πŸ‘ŠπŸΎ


OHIGHOGrows Off to the races πŸ‡πŸ

Day: 0

Seeds dropped in soil today

5 months ago