2024 - NOS Seed Pop
Seedsman/Pyramid Seeds
Friend gifted me several seeds, decided to attempt to pop one each of the five strains listed above. These seeds are 2-3 years old, hoping for the best with little to lose. I have more Sweat Helmet clones I also plan to grow at least a couple of but that will be another journal when the time comes. So far the Blueberry from Seedsman and the Tutankhamen from Pyramid have popped and are now in Happy Frog potting mix under a PowerPar propagation lamp I have in a closet that’s roughly 2x4. Hoping to see at least the lemonchello haze pop if not all in the next couple days.
Blueberry & Tutankhamen
Day 60 (Week 9)
3 updates
11 photos
Day: 60

Just top dressed with Gaia Green Power Bloom and Glacial Rock Dust. Planning to flip to flower by May 1. These plants have seriously impressed me.
10 months ago
Day: 5

Blueberry and Tutankhamon are the only 2 of 5 that popped. Looking fine so far, nothing really to note. Watering as needed.
a year ago
Day: 0

Waiting to see what else pops. Really want some fruit in my life, especially that lemonchello.
a year ago