STS Plant Sex Revesal Spray
New year grow 2022
Peanut butter breath(PBB)clone#1 sprayed with STS. I’ll be pollinating another clone of PBB to produce some seeds.
PBB Clone #1
Day 52 (Week 8)
6 updates
19 photos
Day: 52

Couple of days and I’ll pollinate
3 years ago
Day: 31

Sts Spray worked I’ll let this clone go until the mother is in week 3
3 years ago
Day: 19

5 or 6 more days and I’ll stop spraying her with STS. The recommended window of spraying is every 2-3 days for 14-25 days. More pistils are receding and more pollen sacs are coming out💪🏾
3 years ago
stick e fingerz Making seeds?yall are advanced asf 🤙🤙
dstew0626 I wanted to make Fem PBB 😂 I was talking to hiesen about it the other day n he made that video for me🤣
stick e fingerz Dope shit
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Day: 17

HeisenBeans from GreenPoint seeds with some great info about reversing and when to pollinate, etc. the video may answer some of the questions y’all may have about creating Fem seeds. https://youtu.be/HGsA333L13E
3 years ago
Day: 16

STS spray doing it thing! I’ll let it go another 5-6 weeks and extract some pollen!💪🏾
3 years ago
HammertimeAZ Does that stuff really work? At what stage do you have to apply it?
dstew0626 It seems to be working! I still have pistils popping out every now and then but you can see pollen sacks forming. On the website it says to give it a good spray a day before you flip to flower and spray every 3 days until you see some sacks open up and just let it grow until you harvest the sacs and then extract the pollen by letting them dry out for like a day or two and then sift them with a screen over a cup or jar. I’ve been talking to the breeder over at GreenPoint and he’s been helping me out with all this!
HammertimeAZ Please keep us informed. I’m sure a lot of us are anxious to hear and see your results
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Day: 1

STS sprayed on PBB clone.
3 years ago
mystrain420 _@eaegifts 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
dstew0626 You already know what’s up!
mystrain420 _@eaegifts You know I need some of those
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