

Group B

Spring 2020

Started out with a few random seeds from my homies seeds bag from high school lol. Many of the seeds die off right away. As of now I’m down to 1.


Day 26 (Week 4)

3 updates

8 photos

Day: 26


Help Wow this happens fast with in 2 days the plant was looking pretty good and was recovering or so it seemed... I can really tell what’s going. Its praying lost of brown came in leaves are curling as well.

4 years ago

Day: 24

Unfortunately I do not pay much attention to this guy. I didn’t think he would make it this far lol looks like he is coming back decent. Looks to be having troubles with the fan in the tent. I lowered down the fan and moved him to a different corner.

4 years ago

Day: 17


Adding Group B to app. Only one left. Noticed some big changes today. Nothing too good. See some yellowing and browning in the seedling. Looked normal yesterday. Trying not to water as much as of last week. I’ll be water on day 18.

4 years ago