

Purple Punch Winter

Winter 2023

Photoperiod under 1000w and 600w LED. Using Happy Frog. 5gallon cloth pots

Purple Punch TGA

Day 140 (Week 20)


48 updates

173 photos

Day: 140


Put in jars last night. Felt a little crunchy after a few warm days. This morning the RH sitting at a lovey 62 in jars. Will burn later this evening. (70grams)

2 years ago


organic_grower Congrats on the harvest! 🎉

LeChron James

LeChron James Congrats on the harvest! Was she pollinated intentionally?


sgntias No, nanners showed a few weeks before harvest. I’m thinking the random cold storm that came through and stress caused it.

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Day: 140

Looks good on a early grind. Currently burping but they are sitting in RH 65. Curing nicely. <End scene>

2 years ago

Day: 138


She drying out slowly. Couple of 80 degree days helped out.

2 years ago

Day: 136


Trimmed her down a bit. Don’t like this method so far. Extra/sugar leaves are just wilted and harder to trim. Maybe bud is stronger. We’ll see.

2 years ago


ig:@eaegifts A good idea is to base your trim off your environment, wet trim in higher rh and dry trim if lower.

Day: 134


And it’s Harvest day. Trying something different. Chop just before lights would come on and hang for a day or 2. Then trim leaves and such.

2 years ago

Day: 129


Gave her a liter of water. Most likely pulling on Wednesday.

2 years ago

Day: 127


Pure water day. Low 6ph and lil over half gallon. Cold spell coming through so I had to turn heater back on! In mid May! anyway, I see some amber I see milky trichomes. Debating harvest day….within in a week I think

2 years ago


kingslayer Gona be delish 👌🏻 great strain

Day: 123


Water day, last nutrient too I think. Got 3/4 gallon @ 2tsp of tiger bloom. Saw a few ambers but a lot of clear trichomes still.

2 years ago

Day: 122


Just snapping a quick pic

2 years ago

Day: 120


Doing her thing. Watering day. Got 1/2 gallon tiger bloom mix, 1tsp. 🪴 have been moving her a lot because of other plants and this one is on a 12/12 cycle. That is fixed now. Still lonely.

2 years ago

Day: 118


Just checking in on her. Doing fine, feels lonely since I pulled her sisters out of the tent. I think there is something about that, maybe that’s why the nanners randomly showed… 💨 🧠

2 years ago


Drizz Are they autos? Nice plants👍


Drizz Picture 5 looks like the cola is stacking nicely


sgntias Reg photo seeds. Got them free from a seedsman bonus gift. She’s emotional but doing okay.

Day: 116


Watered 1/2 gallon. 1tsp of tiger bloom. Tied down a few branches for better light exposure.

2 years ago


Drizz Good idea and nice plant growmie🔥👍

Day: 115


Nanners have appeared!!! Last night I noticed the growth and today and explosion. I picked a bunch but its a lot. Few weeks left so I’m going to push through and see what happens

2 years ago

Day: 113


Water day. Got 1/2 gallonish with big bloom, 2tbsp. Some yellowing, not sure yet and monitoring.

2 years ago


OP@angiesgarden Don’t be alarmed. At this point in flowering yellowing is going to occur and should. You’re feeding the plant less nitrogen in flowering and as it nears the end of flowering it will naturally change colors much like all plants do in the fall.

Day: 109


She was bushy and I gave her a trim to bring in some inner light. Doing good and gave her about 3/4 gallon of water. Tiger bloom and Lil Cal Mag.

2 years ago

Day: 103


Moved her to under the main 1000w led. Raised a bit for better equal coverage according to light meter. Gave her a little breathing room too.

2 years ago

Day: 102


In the bushy phase. Broken branch still alright. Got watered today. Lil over half gallon. 1/2 tbls of tigerbloom. 1 tbls of big bloom.

2 years ago

Day: 99


Water day. 1.5 tsp of Tiger bloom. Gave her lil more than a half gallon. Doing good after I broke it, ugh. Added poll to help support.

2 years ago

Day: 95


Water day. 1/2 gallon. 1tsp of tiger and 1tbsp of big bloom. Just growin along. Monitoring the broken branch. Still working appropriately for now.

2 years ago

Day: 93


Watered. 1/2 gallon. 1tsp of tiger bloom. And….I broke her apparently. Gonna leave it as it appears to be surviving.

2 years ago

Day: 85


Watered. Big bloom and tiger bloom. She’s just growing along. Doing her thing.

2 years ago

Day: 82


Water day. She got about 1/2 gallon. 1tsp of Tiger bloom and 1/2 of cal/mag. Bushy and needs the bigger light but it’s occupied.

2 years ago

Day: 78


Water day. Got 1/2 gallon of 1tsp tiger bloom and 2tsp of big bloom. Looking good and coasting along

2 years ago

Day: 74


Switched tent positions. Now under the 600w LED. Bigger light used for other plants. She got watered today with 1/2 gallon of 2tsp Tiger Bloom and 1tsp cal mag.

2 years ago

Day: 71


Made a stupid mistake. Last watering (I think) I turned down the 1000w LED to low while watering, didn’t turn back up. There are worse mistakes I guess. Back to water biz…she got a half gallon of 2tbls BiG Bloom. General low impact feeding. Side note, that fancy clip fan broke.

2 years ago

Day: 67


Watering day. 1/2 gallon of nutrients. 2tsp tiger bloom and 1tsp of cal mag. She’s bushy and did some under trimming of leaves. Rotated plant

2 years ago

Day: 64


Big and bushy. Pre Flowering along. Watering day, 1/3ish gallons of nutrient. 2tsp of tiger bloom. I feel like I don’t water enough but she looks fine.

2 years ago

Day: 60


Rotated and adjusted LST. Watered 1/3 gallon of nutrient. 2tbs of Big Bloom, 1tsp CalMag, 1tsp Tiger bloom

2 years ago

Day: 57


We got some flowers going finally. Gave her 1/3 gallon of low 6ph water. Looking good.

2 years ago

Day: 53

Gave her 1/3 gallon with nutrients. 1tbs of 🐠 💩 for nitrogen boost and 2tsp of tiger bloom for bud growth. Still no signs of flowering after switching 12/12. Very bushy and looks good.

2 years ago

Day: 50


Got a 1/3 gallon of reg ph water. No sign of flower

2 years ago

Day: 47

1/2 gallon of nutrients. Heavier than others….2tsp TigerBoom, 1tsp CalMag, 2tbsp Fish poop.

2 years ago

Day: 44


Leaves are acting weird, only bottom. She got a lil over 1 liter of pure ph water.

2 years ago

Day: 41

Flipping this girl to 12/12. Let the magic begin!

2 years ago

Day: 40

She got LST’d (?). Tied the 4 corners down. Got 1/3 gallon of nutrients. 1tbsp of Big Bloom, 1tsp of TigerBloom, 1tsp of CalMag. Moving to 12/12 tonight.

2 years ago

Day: 37


She doing good and bushy. Gave 1 liter ish of ph balanced water. Raised light a little.

2 years ago

Day: 32


Gave a liter of nutrients from gallon mix, 1tsp cal mag and 1tsp tiger bloom. LST doing great.

2 years ago

Day: 27

She got topped last night. It was slightly emotional.

2 years ago

Day: 25

Got 1 liter of big bloom (1 tbsp/gal). Growing along. Very cold week.

2 years ago

Day: 22


Cold week in the teens at night. Tent smells horrible cause of fish poop. No carbon filter on yet. Gave a Liter of water around 6.0ph. Not praying yet, gonna top this wknd.

2 years ago

Day: 19

Loaded up with nutrients today. 1/3 gallon water with 1 tbls of 5-1-1 Fish fertilizer and 1 tbls of Big Bloom.

2 years ago

Day: 16


Got 16oz of 6ph water

2 years ago

Day: 13

Admittedly I should have started her in a smaller pot. Hoping for the best and it’s working so far. She got about a 1/3 cup of reg water.

2 years ago

Day: 9

Doing good. Has a lil bit of the seed still on a leaf but I’m gonna let it be. My PH was way off. It was in the 9s. Adjusted water to around 6.5. Gave about 1/4 cup.

2 years ago

Day: 7

Got another 1/2 cup of water this morning. (Should have started in a smaller pot for this one but we’ll see how that goes)

2 years ago

Day: 4


Saying hi to the world. Got 1/4 cup of ph balanced water.

2 years ago

Day: 3

All the kids got a lil water. This girl is at the bottom .

2 years ago

Day: 1

She poked her head up today. Hard to see but…it begins.

2 years ago