Concord crush (Alpha—->Omega Blend)
Soil barn
Germinated in Groggs Green Barn Alpha Base Soil. Watered with Deionized water. NO ADDED NUTRIENTS! Seedlings in Groggs Green Barn Omega Living Soil. Watered with Deionized water. NO ADDED NUTRIENTS! Vegetative phase in Groggs Green Barn Omega Living Soil. Watered with Deionized water. NO ADDED NUTRIENTS! Flowered in Groggs Green Barn Omega Living Soil. Watered with Deionized water. NO ADDED NUTRIENTS!
Concord Crush
Day 61 (Week 9)
23 updates
77 photos
Day: 61
Week 6 of Vegetative stage. Plant #1: 15-16” tall. Plant #2: 24-24” tall. Plant #3: 19-20” tall.
5 years ago
Day: 58
Going into 5th week of Vegetative Stage. Plant #1: 13-14” tall. Plant #2: 21-22” tall. Plant #3: 16-17” tall.
5 years ago
Day: 54
All plants have undergone their low stress treatment which begins today. The 4th week of Vegetative stage. There was a scrogg screen put in place as well.
5 years ago
Day: 52
All plants recovered from HST and ending third week of Vegetative Stage. Watered every two days. Plant #1:11-12” tall Plant #2: 17-18” tall Plant #3: 12-13” tall
5 years ago
Day: 49
Plants have been topped and defoliated in third week of Vegetative Stage. Watered every two days. Plant #1:10-11” tall Plant #2: 13-14” tall Plant #3: 11-12” tall
5 years ago
Day: 47
Third week of Vegetative stage no nutrients added! Plant #1: 9-10” tall. Plant #2: 12-13”tall. Plant #3: 9-10” tall.
5 years ago
Day: 45
Transplant day!!! All plants were transplanted from 1 gallon smart pots into omega living soil filled 5 gallon smart pots. All plants had roots growing through bottom of 1 gallon smart pot. Plant #1: 7-8” tall. Plant #2: 10-11” tall. Plant #3: 7-8” tall.
5 years ago
Day: 41
Plant #1: 6-7” tall. Plant #2: 9-10” tall. Plant #3: 6-7” tall.
5 years ago
Day: 38
Second week of Vegetative stage. Plant #1: 5-6” tall. Plant #2: 8-9” tall. Plant #3: 5-6” tall.
5 years ago
Day: 36
Vegetative stage for 5 days. Plant #1: 3-4” tall. Plant #2: 4-5” tall. Plant #3: 3-4” tall.
5 years ago
Day: 33
Vegetative stage Plant #1: 3-4” tall. Plant #2: 4-5” tall. Plant #3: 3-4” tall.
5 years ago
Day: 31
Plant #1: 4-5”tall. Plant #2: 4-5”tall. Plant #3: 3-4”tall.
5 years ago
Day: 29
Plant #1: 3-4” tall. Plant #2: 3-4”tall. Plant #3: 2-3” tall.
5 years ago
Day: 27
Plant #1: 3-4” tall. Plant #2: 3-4”tall. Plant #3: 2-3” tall.
5 years ago
Day: 24
Since transplanting there has been tremendous positive changes in all three plants. Plant #1: 2-3” tall. Plant #2: 3-4”tall. Plant #3: 1-2” tall.
5 years ago
Day: 22
All plants were transplanted into 1 gallon smart pots with a 2:1 soil mixture ratio of Alpha and Omega. Plant #1: 2-3” tall (transplanted two days earlier). Plant #2: 3-4”tall. Plant #3: 1-2” tall.
5 years ago
Day: 18
Plant #1: 2-3” tall. Has 8-10 leaves Plant #2: 3-4”tall. Has 8-10 leaves Plant #3: 1-2” tall. Has 8 leaves
5 years ago
Day: 15
Plant #1: 2-3” tall. Has 8 leaves Plant #2: 2-3” tall. Has 8 leaves Plant #3: 1-2” tall. Has 8 leaves
5 years ago
Day: 12
Plant #1: 2-3” tall. Has 6 leaves Plant #2: 2-3” tall. Has 6 leaves Plant #3: 1-2” tall. Has 6 leaves
5 years ago
Day: 10
Plant #1: 2-3” tall. Has 6 leaves (4 staggered) Plant #2: 2-3” tall. Has 6 leaves (4 staggered) Plant #3: 1-2” tall. Has 6 leaves (2 staggered). Non staggered leaves are half burnt.
5 years ago
Day: 8
Plant #1: 2-3” tall. Has 4 leaves (2 staggered) Plant #2: 2-3” tall. Has 4 leaves (2 staggered) Plant #3: 1-2” tall. Has 4 leaves (2 staggered). None staggered leaves are half burnt.
5 years ago
Day: 4
3/3 seeds have now popped out of alpha base soil with no nutrients added just DI water.
5 years ago
Day: 1
Three feminized Concord Crush seeds were planted into Groggs Green Barn Alpha Base Soil. Watered with Deionized water.
5 years ago