
Mexican Airlines (Fastbuds Autoflower)


Happy Frog soil, 240w QB board


Day 71 (Week 11)

4 updates

8 photos

Day: 71

These buds really packed on weight in the last few weeks. Chopping tomorrow at week 10!

5 years ago

Day: 54

Day 54, buds stacking nicely. No LST Or training of any sort, Still just giving these girls plain water, decided not to use any nutes this run to see how these do. I am happy with the overall plant structure considering this sucker grew with little input other than light defoliation. Definitely more indica leaning phenotype on the left plant.

5 years ago

Day: 47

Growing beautiful at Day 47. No nutes this run just water and happy frog soil. Avg temp 81F Day, 79F night. Humidity @ 38%

5 years ago

Day: 44

Plant 1 about 2.5 feet tall. Plant 2 is about 3.5 feet tall. 24 hr light cycle, no nutrients, no training. Happy frog soil.

5 years ago