March 2021
Veg room, just set up the aqua phonics for the babes, let’s see some results!
Kush Mints
Day 48 (Week 7)
4 updates
18 photos
Day: 48
4 years ago
Day: 37
Just some clone room pics
4 years ago
NorthernGrow204 “Just” that’s remarkable beautiful healthy work bravo 👏 Love seeing that 4 ft t-square too 👍
HookedOnPonics Haha thanks man, I have so many pic of plants in my photo roll I decided to start just uoadomg them all here clear that shit out a bit!
Day: 10
Time to say goodbye to these girls and hello to Mr Benjamin Franklin!
4 years ago
Day: 0
First day of aqua
4 years ago